New World Settings Poll Part 2

What settings should the new world have?

  • Conquest

    Votes: 96 63.2%
  • Revolt

    Votes: 51 33.6%
  • World Wonders

    Votes: 62 40.8%
  • Domination

    Votes: 72 47.4%
  • Alliance Cap 25

    Votes: 50 32.9%
  • Alliance Cap 30

    Votes: 12 7.9%
  • Alliance Cap 35

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Alliance Cap 40

    Votes: 83 54.6%
  • Morale Active

    Votes: 35 23.0%
  • Morale Inactive

    Votes: 109 71.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Here's part 2 of our new world settings poll. This will only be open for 4 days so make sure to vote before it closes to help us decide the new settings.


I'd like to see a Duel World with both Conquest and Revolt at the same time :)

Revolt it and come back later or CS straight away followed by support etc.


People voting alliance cap 40.. what about trying something new? Seriously though, the game is wayyyy too dead to have something anywhere near alliance cap 40, alliance cap of 20-25 would be nutty

Yeah people would create branches, but then at least INNO tried making a server interesting


People voting alliance cap 40.. what about trying something new? Seriously though, the game is wayyyy too dead to have something anywhere near alliance cap 40, alliance cap of 20-25 would be nutty

Yeah people would create branches, but then at least INNO tried making a server interesting
Why not go the other way...large alliances. back to the 80-100 days???


Because there are barely 100 active people left on a server after 1 month..
exactly...because the big alliances are genuinely already full by that stage and no one wants to be in a 'sister' alliance or on their own. i can guarantee if you want more people to hang around longer and worlds to last the distance the best option is large alliance caps or even like TKF suggested, no cap. That leaves space for all types of players in all alliances.


Everyone should be considering voting for conquest domination with 25 cap.


Because these settings are the least forgiving for simmers. Imagine watching 25 people try to hold 40% domination. Mass hugging isn’t an option in Dom in terms of end game rewards and contribution, and conquest speed 4 would ensure that coalitions of top players would be punished by lower ranked players if their positioning isn’t thought about (and they’ve just mindlessly invited the top 25)

so if you want a competitive world where people aren’t carried to free wins, that’s what you should be voting for.

or you know, speed 2 revolt wonders zzzz
Idea is great in theory but not sure in practice. Call it bias from 132, but dom feels the most simmy of the three.

WW, you have to build up around key islands, carefully select your guards, take towns from the opposing team, and be overall more active to win. Sure, the execution of the end game is poor and not fun unless you get a tight race but overall, if you aim to win, you'll often have to plan things out.

Oly, you have to prioritize which temples are important, secure them, plan out your moves relatively well as well, etc.

Dom, war record doesn't necessarily matter, city placement mostly doesn't matter, make a few pacts and hold it together and you get dom eventually.

Everyone would still abuse the 25 cap, if they didn't, Dom/Oly would have ended hugging already.


Dan has your brain fallen out of your head.

132 was literally won twice, once on each side, by pacting based off alliance spaces for the win. 25 cap won’t enable that because in order to hit the 40% all players will have to be having a ridiculous amount of cities.

therefore it’ll be about gathering the best possible team of equal players (or at the very least no 40 city weak links) if you want anywhere near the %. Pacts would fall apart when it came to deciding the win, whilst still enabling mid world diplomacy.

as for Dom being the most simmy? Try telling that to the 300 city players on 136 who haven’t fought in a single war.


Everyone should be considering voting for conquest domination with 25 cap.


Because these settings are the least forgiving for simmers. Imagine watching 25 people try to hold 40% domination. Mass hugging isn’t an option in Dom in terms of end game rewards and contribution, and conquest speed 4 would ensure that coalitions of top players would be punished by lower ranked players if their positioning isn’t thought about (and they’ve just mindlessly invited the top 25)

so if you want a competitive world where people aren’t carried to free wins, that’s what you should be voting for.

or you know, speed 2 revolt wonders zzzz

Its been a while since Speed 1 was released. I demand a speed 1 revolt

That same merging scenario will probably still play out depending on the world. From my experience, space doesn't determine if teams like say, ghosties, will merge or go support a team like Funky. Lots of teams will bandwagon just to say that they won too. The same argument could be made for a 25 cap world wonder world, even assuming complete loyalty, you'd have to carefully pick who's on what team and build a strategy around that because you only get 25 direct contributors. But Imo it just prolongs the end game in either case. Every world has large players who do little, its not unique to 136. I just don't see a lot of strategy in Dom, personally. Though I get why people like it compared to the alternatives.



That same merging scenario will probably still play out depending on the world. From my experience, space doesn't determine if teams like say, ghosties, will merge or go support a team like Funky. Lots of teams will bandwagon just to say that they won too. The same argument could be made for a 25 cap world wonder world, even assuming complete loyalty, you'd have to carefully pick who's on what team and build a strategy around that because you only get 25 direct contributors. But Imo it just prolongs the end game in either case. Every world has large players who do little, its not unique to 136. I just don't see a lot of strategy in Dom, personally. Though I get why people like it compared to the alternatives.


how can you compare collaborating towards an out of alliance Dom win with an out of alliance wonders win?

the Dom people get squat diddly, and assuming that the sister alliance finishes third (which is unlikely as all the highest scorers will be in their main and opposition) they don’t even get any real ranking towards artefact.

compare that to wonders where literally infinite people can get a crown as a reward for hugging through the rotation system.

dom encourages people who think they deserve a win to make a play for it - as evidenced in 136 with back2basics.

wonders encourages people who think they deserve a win to mass pact and sit back and watch/wait for someone else to win so they can pick up a pretty badge afterwards.

the 25 alliance cap amplifies those feelings in Dom and makes 0 change to those feelings in wonders.
That’s not even an opinion, it’s just the game’s victory mechanics.
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how can you compare collaborating towards an out of alliance Dom win with an out of alliance wonders win?

the Dom people get squat diddly, and assuming that the sister alliance finishes third (which is unlikely as all the highest scorers will be in their main and opposition) they don’t even get any real ranking towards artefact.

compare that to wonders where literally infinite people can get a crown as a reward for hugging through the rotation system.

dom encourages people who think they deserve a win to make a play for it - as evidenced in 136 with back2basics.

wonders encourages people who think they deserve a win to mass pact and sit back and watch/wait for someone else to win so they can pick up a pretty badge afterwards.

the 25 alliance cap amplifies those feelings in Dom and makes 0 change to those feelings in wonders.
That’s not even an opinion, it’s just the game’s victory mechanics.

Well I’m under the impression crown sharing is nerfed hard now. Unless somebody straight up sweeps in which case, congrats to them doesnt really happen often. But even with that in mind, the crown is a cosmetic reward. A second branch player still didn’t win. They get no benefits. They’re just they’re to bandwagon.

The same thing has been my experience in Dom. Just minus the cosmetic benefit. Most of them end by other teams working together. Roster spot or no. Large cap or small. They just swap towns or even boost BP.

I personally wouldn’t call what B2B did making a play. They were in a totally safe position and held all of the power. Even if they got caught doing it, Funky would tried to keep them or have taken them back in a minute. And that’s an outlier scenario that required a few changes in direction to make happen.


one question for all the players and moderators
what is the meaning of this poll?
there was a poll 1 year ago.
possible options: conquest/revolt, unit speed 1 to 4, world speed 1 to 4,ww/dom,alliance cap. moral on/off
winner was: conquest, no moral,speed 4 (both game and troop), protection 7 days, cap 60 (max)
the world before that poll was revolt, so people obviously wanted a conquest world.
also, the conquest world before that was slow (2x), so people wanted a fast world (and i suppose 9 times out of 10 people will vote for fast world. you can even try to ask for a 6 speed, people will vote 6. maybe 20, people probably will vote 20)

now we get this poll. last conquest was slow, last world was revolt. people want a fast conquest, who would have guessed?
alliance cap, moral, ww/dom is irrelevant in my opinion, most people only check for conquest/revolt and how fast it is

does making a poll knowing that 99% it will be exactly like last time and exactly as you expect make anyone feel better? check all last worlds, they do this all the time (slow conquest and then fast conquest, slow revolt and then fast revolt.... obviously alternating revolt and conquest).

moreover, as sad as it can be, you are guaranteed to give an advantage to an alliance.
let's take for example a 30-50 premade alliance (all friends who play together). they all vote the same. well, they for sure win the poll and choose their own world settings. isn't it pathetic? sure, if they lose it would be hylarious, but let's be honest, who cares about winning/losing. they chose their world and everyone else will play with their rules.

in the past days/weeks i read a lot of really good suggestions from players, like having different world and unit speed back in the game. makes sense. this allows a fast world (let's take a 4x speed for example) wich is usually "fun" for everyone because it is fast and you don't need to wait days for buildings to not have 4 minutes slinger nuke on island, simply make it a 4x and either 2 or 3 unit speed. that was really a great idea in my opinion, giving more variety to worlds and maybe even allowing new/different strategies. (or the opposite, a super slow world 1x could still attack somewhat fast with 3x unit speed. i know it's exagerating but i only wanted to make an example that was understandable)

i know updates, changes and everything inno does is for more money and it is fine. but if the aim is money, then why don't you just go every single time for what majority voted once? that is exactly what you are doing now.

i wanted to write much less, sorry for the longreply.


So no Olympus option yet again
last 4 worlds not including this without the option
people should be given all options not just those the inno want


Waiting for Olympus to make a comeback
Alliance Cap 13
NO PACTS OR SHARED FORUMS ALLOWED - pacts between alliances, shared forums and shared reservations options disactivated. No Politics!
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