Top 12 Noob's Top 6


as per the norm for this lot, this is a half truth. usual suspects and wildfire are all the same group your just split into 2 groups so you can bulk up your BP scores without dropping in and out of the same alliance and making it look obvious. both teams always attack other teams and players at the same time even attacks timed together yet you try to deny being the same team lol pull the other one son it's got bells on ;)

o and you use the same timing bot as they do having your attacks land on the same second 99% of the time.........

First of all if you would play grepo as much as you talk bs here on external you will be a good player lol....
2nd I think you need to stop wasting so much time here bro...looks like you are having a mental breakdown soon....and this is sad. SO much toxicity coming from you guys but you deliver 0 effort in game lol... It's quite sad for you to lose 2 worlds in row in just 2 years vs " Hugging Cuddles " how you like to say it lmfao :rolleyes:
3rd for a guy who always plays outside of the RIM /WAR zone and runs for fights at the end of the oceans you got big BS talks here....
4th Tell Beermonster to stop switching alliances OV /Black Sails if u want to maintain that reputation of no bp boost for your side or not helping each other ahaha

Small advice - stop wasting time here and more play on grepolis my friend as I never trash talked about you, I just played my game ;)


First of all if you would play grepo as much as you talk bs here on external you will be a good player lol....
2nd I think you need to stop wasting so much time here bro...looks like you are having a mental breakdown soon....and this is sad. SO much toxicity coming from you guys but you deliver 0 effort in game lol... It's quite sad for you to lose 2 worlds in row in just 2 years vs " Hugging Cuddles " how you like to say it lmfao :rolleyes:
3rd for a guy who always plays outside of the RIM /WAR zone and runs for fights at the end of the oceans you got big BS talks here....
4th Tell Beermonster to stop switching alliances OV /Black Sails if u want to maintain that reputation of no bp boost for your side or not helping each other ahaha

Small advice - stop wasting time here and more play on grepolis my friend as I never trash talked about you, I just played my game ;)

Shush.....the child "masterspy" already knows this.


I hear that BlkZues has a new nickname "Goldmember"

Spends gold to gift bp to the opposition. Maybe they should call him Robin Hood...kek

It continues to amaze me how ignorant WF are. They have completely taken their eyes off the prize in order to play their little games that literally costs them negative bp ratios or players to be banned

Puppy must be the happiest man alive that he doesn't have to deal with these guys anymore.


Everyone talking about fighting when OV has the most fighters in the top 10. Only top 5 alliance that actually fights more than one other top 5 alliance at a time. (Mostly because the other 4 are in a love circle and braid each other’s hair)
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There are 2 ways to win a world. Be the best fighters or be the best diplomats. Lets just say that WF are neither (they are the best cheaters though). Given the current numbers I'd say OV are the best fighters and Angels are the best diplomats.


Hey @Darth Legacy and at that all the other WF players out there. Here are the biggest FACTS of this world.

1) For months you couldn't make a single dent into the OV defense so what did you do, you Op'd them. Pity these Ops got players banned both times. So in other words, you can't win playing fair so you have to cheat. Nothing new there.

2) Your egos and obsession with OV has taken your eyes of the prize and you will pay for this. Angels will run rings around you come Domination time.

3) Valhalla will start to realize that without the help of their cheating 'friends' they will struggle to keep up.

4) The only thing that is keeping Angels from not destroying WF is their honour and reputation. Now that WF have shown their true colours to the entire Grepo world Angel's reputation wouldn't be damaged if they finally went against WF, on the contrary, it would only build the respect for them.

5) Like i said a few weeks back, the alliance Wildfire won't win this world.

PS @Darth Legacy please reply here seeing as you cant send anything in game being banned and all...kek
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Take a break dude, these guys are clearly consuming a lot of your head space, and have been for seemingly years now. It isn't healthy or normal
What are you talking about? I'm loving it. Puppy banned, BlkZeus banned, proven cheaters finally punished, WF going down, i could go on for ever. I'd be embarrassed to play in an alliance like that.


Im talking about your obsession with this group of people, it's not normal dude.
Nah bud, no obsession here. Just a passion to show the entire Grepo world who the cheats and players that are ruining this game are. You on the other hand are obsessed. Commenting on all my posts even when you're not even playing in the applicable world. Now that is an obsession, nearly stalker like behaviour. You really should get some help for that.

PS Gotta love it how BlkZeus puts 'likes' to posts but doesn't have the courage to actually say something. Cat got your tongue after a well deserved ban? Strange that you weren't shy to say your piece in game with so many crazy pm's to the enemy. Enjoy the early summer.


Nah bud, no obsession here. Just a passion to show the entire Grepo world who the cheats and players that are ruining this game are. You on the other hand are obsessed. Commenting on all my posts even when you're not even playing in the applicable world. Now that is an obsession, nearly stalker like behaviour. You really should get some help for that.

PS Gotta love it how BlkZeus puts 'likes' to posts but doesn't have the courage to actually say something. Cat got your tongue after a well deserved ban? Strange that you weren't shy to say your piece in game with so many crazy pm's to the enemy. Enjoy the early summer.
Lol whatever helps you sleep at night champ


And the WildCheats silence train continues. Not a single word from the Big Bad Zeus and his sudden disappearance.


There are 2 ways to win a world. Be the best fighters or be the best diplomats. Lets just say that WF are neither (they are the best cheaters though). Given the current numbers I'd say OV are the best fighters and Angels are the best diplomats.
Brother relax, its a game not your entire world... hopefully :D The way you talk about us we should rename to WildEx, you seem obsessed. PM me if i should extend an alliance invite to calm you down. You can come in we will hug and cuddle you :p

On a serious note tho i feel disrespected on Angels behalf. The fact that you think you can manipulate them here on external forums is rather insulting. First you MM them threathening to OP them and now they are best diplos. ATLEAST stick to one story.

The sad note is.. im not even sure you understand that you are trying to manipulate them, but everyone else can see it, its super obvious lol.

Oh and to address the comment i pinned... you need your math money back and start reading statistics CLEARLY.

On a last last note... please never degrade yourself to talking down on peoples language barriers, if i have to explain to you why thats wrong then you should not even be on forums. In the end we are here to play a game, get friends, make the game grow.

I have PM'ed several enemy players here that was clearly new to the game offering to help them get the basics. In the end its potential friends or enemies in the future, either one is good for the game and players. The way you talk however is absolutely counterproductive to the game and its fun.

Now dont give me some long projecting speech about cheaters, huggers etc. just start adressing your own behavier first, thank you :D

I wish you a fruitfull, insigtfull introspective day.


Brother relax, its a game not your entire world... hopefully :D The way you talk about us we should rename to WildEx, you seem obsessed. PM me if i should extend an alliance invite to calm you down. You can come in we will hug and cuddle you :p

On a serious note tho i feel disrespected on Angels behalf. The fact that you think you can manipulate them here on external forums is rather insulting. First you MM them threathening to OP them and now they are best diplos. ATLEAST stick to one story.

The sad note is.. im not even sure you understand that you are trying to manipulate them, but everyone else can see it, its super obvious lol.

Oh and to address the comment i pinned... you need your math money back and start reading statistics CLEARLY.

On a last last note... please never degrade yourself to talking down on peoples language barriers, if i have to explain to you why thats wrong then you should not even be on forums. In the end we are here to play a game, get friends, make the game grow.

I have PM'ed several enemy players here that was clearly new to the game offering to help them get the basics. In the end its potential friends or enemies in the future, either one is good for the game and players. The way you talk however is absolutely counterproductive to the game and its fun.

Now dont give me some long projecting speech about cheaters, huggers etc. just start adressing your own behavier first, thank you :D

I wish you a fruitfull, insigtfull introspective day.
My in game behaviour is fine thanks. I've never been banned or even warned. I've never spammed or used a bot. I play hard and fair and have been for more than 10 years.

Not sure what you're on about when you mention Angels, me disrespecting them and a MM to them. I've never MM'd anyone either here or in game and can never remember seeing anything about anyone wanting to OP Angels.....maybe you're confused. My stance on Angels has remained the same from the beginning.....for the better of the world I think they should take out WF as they are completely capable of doing but in the mean time they have played their diplomatic cards perfect to even be in a position to consider that possibility.

On your topic about language etc, if someone uses a word or words to comment on me or players I know that i consider incorrect or out of place I'll say my piece. It's got nothing to do with language barriers as you say and I will only make the comment in retaliation or defense to what has been said originally.

Last of all, the only counterproductive issue as you say isn't my language here but the behaviour of certain players in game and their win at all costs actions. Address that and these forum strings wouldn't even be necessary. So, on that note, what are your thoughts about 2 players in your alliance already being banned and how that type of behaviour effects the game? Do you think players on the end of that type of behaviour enjoy the game? Do you think that type of behaviour allows the game to grow as you say? Do you like and would you like to be associated with these players in the future or have them as enemies in the future?

Address the issues at hand and leave the Nitty Picky issues you have with what I say and how I say out of it. Time for you to read and have a fruitful (1 L), insightful (1 L) and introspective day.