Top 12 Noob's Top 6


Could be Valhalla you guys MM'ed. Can't even remember anymore as you guys go back and forth on either praising or belittling them.

And i did say no projection :p

As for cheating alligations i don't mess with who does what. That is the admins jobs. For all i know everyone cheats, caught or not. All i know is i dont cheat, thats what i care about. But ofcourse i dont support that behavior on a categorical level, if Wildfire does it, OV does it i dont condone that. Thats easy brownie points tho, who supports it? Nobody. Will it always be there on both sides? Probably yes. In the end the people who cheat will get banned and you loose that player and have to internalize i.e. a downside in the end.

What i would care about is if the admins dont do their job. It seems they do.

In my opinion theres probably cheaters on all sides, thats the nature of games, so in a sense that stuff equals out and you gotta work around it. Who does that best? Look at the stats, ABP, DBP, Overall points, Core etc.


Could be Valhalla you guys MM'ed. Can't even remember anymore as you guys go back and forth on either praising or belittling them.

And i did say no projection :p

As for cheating alligations i don't mess with who does what. That is the admins jobs. For all i know everyone cheats, caught or not. All i know is i dont cheat, thats what i care about. But ofcourse i dont support that behavior on a categorical level, if Wildfire does it, OV does it i dont condone that. Thats easy brownie points tho, who supports it? Nobody. Will it always be there on both sides? Probably yes. In the end the people who cheat will get banned and you loose that player and have to internalize i.e. a downside in the end.

What i would care about is if the admins dont do their job. It seems they do.

In my opinion theres probably cheaters on all sides, thats the nature of games, so in a sense that stuff equals out and you gotta work around it. Who does that best? Look at the stats, ABP, DBP, Overall points, Core etc.
OV MM'd Valhalla just like Valhalla MM'd OV.....all of that had nothing to do with me and definitely nothing to do with Angels

On the topic of cheating, I've only seen WF players do it so far so lets not place other alliances in the same category. Stats may help with things during the initial stage of a world especially when boosting is involved but after that stats mean little if you dont know the methods behind them. That's a complete different discussion though.


My momma lied to me and told me the prize was to have fun tho
You can have fun, but don't use in game mechanics that everyone can use but some think it's unethical or not in the spirit of the game. Oh and definitely don't spend any money, even though you can, don't do it cos if you do and win it means you aren't a very good person or player.


WF taking their eye of the prize it how easy they are making it for Angels. Easy Days
You are right we are taking our eyes from the prize in the center of the map ;) your logic makes me cry/and feel sorry for you when I read what you post here on this externals....get a life bro geeez

I like how people says OV has top Fighters me that top fighters here on this stats

Darth Legacy

Hey @Darth Legacy blah blah blah

PS @Darth Legacy please reply here seeing as you cant send anything in game being banned and all...kek
Yes, Indeed I am banned.

Sorry, sarcasm spills out of my mouth like stupidity yours. The only reason I'm responding to you is because you said pretty please. I kinda also want to feed your unhealthy obsession. Maybe it's the dark side in me haha.

Anyways, I am a naturally pleasant person. I've had pleasant interactions with many players, including OV players. I promise guys I'm not mean.


I like this meme because it kinda fits in this situation. A lot of talk about we're not focused on the win. We are too obsessed with OV. I disagree. Maybe taking cities from the alliance with the second-highest city count in the DOM area could also help win this server? It's not one or the other as some convey. That rhetoric is actually absurd imo.

Not like I got beef with anyone at OV. I might not like one or two clowns on here but I got no issue with 98% of them (get it because they are 100+ players :p). I don't play this game day in and out because I have it out for this one dude or group. That is wildly unhealthy... *cough* Master Spy please see someone about this *cough*


You guys are just feeding my info and confirming your ignorance. Here are the simple facts to put you both in your place:

2-3 major ops by WF led to 2 bans and several warnings and a negative bp ratio against OV during them. In other words you took cities off an alliance nearly 3 times smaller than you if you include your Valhalla puppets in the count while losing both the slots of 2 large players and giving more slots to the enemy...very smart.....NOT

You keep mentioning OV here and that is exactly my point, look around you, some white flying beings are nearly bigger than you and way better positioned.

Fighters are players that use ALL aspects of the game to their benefit to defeat the enemy. In a dom world that is literally gain more bp than your enemy. Then if you really want to assesss ones fighting ability, take gold out of it. If that was the case here, 3 of the top 5 WF 'fighters' wouldn't even make the top 100. So @KarmaError404, maybe show the fighters stats and then put a line through Blk, cursor and Zinex (mass golders) and you'll see the real fighters.

So, to summarize......thanks for the entertaining evening ready and giving me a chuckle of your complete absurdities. Karma proves to know nothing, Blk had way to much time to write a novel seeing as he's banned and like stated several times in the past, The alliance known as Wildfire won't win this server...sleep tight!


You guys are just feeding my info and confirming your ignorance. Here are the simple facts to put you both in your place:

2-3 major ops by WF led to 2 bans and several warnings and a negative bp ratio against OV during them. In other words you took cities off an alliance nearly 3 times smaller than you if you include your Valhalla puppets in the count while losing both the slots of 2 large players and giving more slots to the enemy...very smart.....NOT

You keep mentioning OV here and that is exactly my point, look around you, some white flying beings are nearly bigger than you and way better positioned.

Fighters are players that use ALL aspects of the game to their benefit to defeat the enemy. In a dom world that is literally gain more bp than your enemy. Then if you really want to assesss ones fighting ability, take gold out of it. If that was the case here, 3 of the top 5 WF 'fighters' wouldn't even make the top 100. So @KarmaError404, maybe show the fighters stats and then put a line through Blk, cursor and Zinex (mass golders) and you'll see the real fighters.

So, to summarize......thanks for the entertaining evening ready and giving me a chuckle of your complete absurdities. Karma proves to know nothing, Blk had way to much time to write a novel seeing as he's banned and like stated several times in the past, The alliance known as Wildfire won't win this server...sleep tight!

For the record I don't know what you smoke but you need to change the dealer ahaha
See you at the finish line, I will drop here when this world is finished ( my last message for now )

Small advice get a life, go to gym, make some sex I don't know...get a job maybe ? or go travel around the world meet new cultures & explore or play more grepo and less talk here lol cuz you look like having a mental breakdown and I feel sorry for you.

You are so depressive mate, its like a contest of essay in your comments and the fact that your full time job is trash talk about others and not see what's in your own gardens makes me feel very sorry for you... if you are like this here on this forum for a 2D browsing game I don't want to know how you are in real life. I hope you will see a shrink in the future, u need someone to fix u ( no offence ) and good luck. all the best


You guys are just feeding my info and confirming your ignorance. Here are the simple facts to put you both in your place:

2-3 major ops by WF led to 2 bans and several warnings and a negative bp ratio against OV during them. In other words you took cities off an alliance nearly 3 times smaller than you if you include your Valhalla puppets in the count while losing both the slots of 2 large players and giving more slots to the enemy...very smart.....NOT

You keep mentioning OV here and that is exactly my point, look around you, some white flying beings are nearly bigger than you and way better positioned.

Fighters are players that use ALL aspects of the game to their benefit to defeat the enemy. In a dom world that is literally gain more bp than your enemy. Then if you really want to assesss ones fighting ability, take gold out of it. If that was the case here, 3 of the top 5 WF 'fighters' wouldn't even make the top 100. So @KarmaError404, maybe show the fighters stats and then put a line through Blk, cursor and Zinex (mass golders) and you'll see the real fighters.

So, to summarize......thanks for the entertaining evening ready and giving me a chuckle of your complete absurdities. Karma proves to know nothing, Blk had way to much time to write a novel seeing as he's banned and like stated several times in the past, The alliance known as Wildfire won't win this server...sleep tight!
Does that prove OV's ability to fight? Because clearly, some OV players never attack us, there's no DBP on leaderboard, but they always have ABP.
We dont have DBP.. you know the reason ;)
You keep mentioning mass golders.. really? Didnt spend anywhere close to what OV had to spend on golding walls and then lose those cities. If you think that only golding helps you reach top fighters.. so be it.
If you just want to name us for being better than you.. prove it in game that you are better and not in talks on externals.

So, to summarize......thanks for the entertaining evening ready and giving me a chuckle of your complete absurdities. Karma proves to know nothing, Blk had way to much time to write a novel seeing as he's banned and like stated several times in the past, The alliance known as Wildfire won't win this server...sleep tight!
personally I dont care. It was a fun server so far. Who cares for a win that is no use in RL. Your posts based on facts made out of thin air always give us a good laugh. So keep up the good work.


For the record I don't know what you smoke but you need to change the dealer ahaha
See you at the finish line, I will drop here when this world is finished ( my last message for now )

Small advice get a life, go to gym, make some sex I don't know...get a job maybe ? or go travel around the world meet new cultures & explore or play more grepo and less talk here lol cuz you look like having a mental breakdown and I feel sorry for you.

You are so depressive mate, its like a contest of essay in your comments and the fact that your full time job is trash talk about others and not see what's in your own gardens makes me feel very sorry for you... if you are like this here on this forum for a 2D browsing game I don't want to know how you are in real life. I hope you will see a shrink in the future, u need someone to fix u ( no offence ) and good luck. all the best
Blah blah blah...sounds like what you wrote applies directly to you. I guess you just have to accept that now and take your own advice. I on the other hand exercise every day, travel every 2-3 months (antarctica is the only continent that is missing), have a great sex life with and father 3 kids. Seeing reactions like yours above is a small fraction of my day that makes me smile even more knowing that small words here get under your skin and bring out your true colours. No shrink needed here, seeing people with problems as big as yours makes me realize how lucky I am, this is my therapy.

Now lets see if you are a man of your words and that really was your last message...tik tok
Lol, sorry to say MasterSpy, at first you said that OV is gonna take the win in this world, now you say Deadly Angles are going to win, focus mate... Who is winning it all?

I'm a Black Sails WAL member, but there is no way you can deny that WF has much more chances of winning the server. The fight between OV and WF has been very one sided. As for the OPs, OPs that WF did on OV cost OV a lot of cities, and in the end, cities is what count in a DOM world, weather the BPs that they got were negative or not doesnt matter, the OP was there to gain more cities of OV and that they did.

When we start the game we see the use of gold. Altho I dont like the guys that spend a lot of gold, still its fair as you know about the gold usage when you start a world, you agree to play it and you shouldn't mention it when you see dudes golding nukes or golding the wall in matter of minutes. Not to even mention that every decent alliance has his golders, its not just WF.


Lol, sorry to say MasterSpy, at first you said that OV is gonna take the win in this world, now you say Deadly Angles are going to win, focus mate... Who is winning it all?

I'm a Black Sails WAL member, but there is no way you can deny that WF has much more chances of winning the server. The fight between OV and WF has been very one sided. As for the OPs, OPs that WF did on OV cost OV a lot of cities, and in the end, cities is what count in a DOM world, weather the BPs that they got were negative or not doesnt matter, the OP was there to gain more cities of OV and that they did.

When we start the game we see the use of gold. Altho I dont like the guys that spend a lot of gold, still its fair as you know about the gold usage when you start a world, you agree to play it and you shouldn't mention it when you see dudes golding nukes or golding the wall in matter of minutes. Not to even mention that every decent alliance has his golders, its not just WF.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I cant remember ever saying OV would win this world. Realistically they dropped too late, have limited revolt experience and don't have the mass golders that other alliances have. But that discussion is for another day.

Your comment about number of cities is correct but also incorrect as the BP ratio matters greatly in a dom world. If an alliance loses a city but gains enough bp to free up more slots than the enemy does during the op then it is a statistical win for the defender. If that statistical win is then put to good use is another story. Looking at the territory map (which i know isn't an accurate city count method) WF's advantage has decreased from 10% on other alliances several weeks ago to 4-5% with now 3 alliances within that distance instead of the initial 2. Internals and bans have hurt WF but that's what happens when you either cheat or hug so much that some players just get bored.

So, in summary.....yes, WF should still be favourites on paper but I honestly dont think that the alliance knowns as Wildfire will win this world. A lot is yet to happen and while WF keep concentrating on OV a lot is happening behind the scenes in Angels, Valhalla and a few other as they say.....stay tuned.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I cant remember ever saying OV would win this world. Realistically they dropped too late, have limited revolt experience and don't have the mass golders that other alliances have. But that discussion is for another day.

Your comment about number of cities is correct but also incorrect as the BP ratio matters greatly in a dom world. If an alliance loses a city but gains enough bp to free up more slots than the enemy does during the op then it is a statistical win for the defender. If that statistical win is then put to good use is another story. Looking at the territory map (which i know isn't an accurate city count method) WF's advantage has decreased from 10% on other alliances several weeks ago to 4-5% with now 3 alliances within that distance instead of the initial 2. Internals and bans have hurt WF but that's what happens when you either cheat or hug so much that some players just get bored.

So, in summary.....yes, WF should still be favourites on paper but I honestly dont think that the alliance knowns as Wildfire will win this world. A lot is yet to happen and while WF keep concentrating on OV a lot is happening behind the scenes in Angels, Valhalla and a few other as they say.....stay tuned.

Yes I agree on Revolt experience and less mass golders OV has, but still, everyone has the right to gold, its not WFs fire that they have more mass golders in their roster, thats not a weak link, its the opposite. Altho, on revolt experience, its the 3rd revolt world OV plays....

The BP ratio would matter if OV would be able to fill those slots that they gain when they're being OP-ed. But where do they fill those slots?
Sometimes it seems like they're losing more that they're gaining, not to mention that the cities that they're gaining... its debatable if they're even in DOM area.