Nothing Special To See Here


yerr :D cobble we've nearly lost contact :eek:

I'm getting bored in Beta, anyone wanna join me and my alliance?
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errrrrrrrrrrrr . . . no. thats you ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha < ;)

Wait you're like 9 or maybe 11 but you're repetitively bad at Grepo. Just grepostated you and your biggest owen66 account is 3k trolol :D thats Douxz standard.

Naughty Owen, trying to belittle GDi's fun.

Meh, I have an account in Gamma with 750k BP.

Oh, has anyone ever told you how funny you are? I'm sure they have. You really do make me laugh.
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Ban talk justin.... And no, it's not perm banned.

I've actually made less than 5% of the progress, perhaps around 1%, but it will soon increase. Percent by percent, until I eventually have done most of the work, providing it hasn't gone or some other unusual circumstance has arisen, one which nobody could expect. Who knows?

I also had a owen66 account in Gamma, which reached around 180k and 100k BP. Of course, you fail to remember that the GrepoStats would have been deleted.

So, to answer your statement, no, I am not doing a Wayne.


Food for thought.

Have a good night.


You both suck but owen's right about you being unfunny and quoting a boring, old, repetitive youtube vid.


Ban talk justin.... And no, it's not perm banned.

owen66/Alars 19:50 on the 27th August said:
To the support team, I was unaware that I had to notify the support team about the account transfer. I now know that I should have looked, but I was told by another player that I simply had to delete my old account, wait 12 hours, and then log into my new account. I've never done an account transfer, but the player who informed me has a lot more experience than me, so I thought he would have told me that I had to. Does the fact that I didn't know about this change anything about the permanent ban? I can assure you I didn't purposely break the rules and to be permanently banned for a mistake is quite harsh.

Thank you,

Yes, of course Owen. It obviously wasn't permabanned o.0 *facepalm*

I've actually made less than 5% of the progress, perhaps around 1%, but it will soon increase. Percent by percent, until I eventually have done most of the work, providing it hasn't gone or some other unusual circumstance has arisen, one which nobody could expect. Who knows?

That should be interesting to see as it was permabanned lol.

I also had a owen66 account in Gamma, which reached around 180k and 100k BP. Of course, you fail to remember that the GrepoStats would have been deleted.

No, I don't fail to remember. I'm just so grepolis competant I didn't even consider that unlike you :3

So, to answer your statement, no, I am not doing a Wayne.


Food for thought.

Have a good night.

WoW Wayne, you chose a world to base me upon which I never wanted to play and only joined for the Skype Chat. To ammend your mistake as usual I will level it.

My Original Account and Beta Account and they're not permabanned ;)
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lol at you...

My Gamma account is not perm banned...

has that settled into your small brain now?


lol at you...

My Gamma account is not perm banned...

Well seeing as you've decided to change the subject of the conversation which was the Alars account which you failed to take over and got permabanned on to Soko; an account you tookover after Alars. So basically you're attempting to cover up the fact that the Alars account was infact permabanned and you were as normal wrong.

has that settled into your small brain now?

Lies do not compute.

Also for the benefit of the tape.

owen66 17:36 said:
Well done Justin Einstein

what kind of name change insult is that?! :D trolol
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lol, I never denied Alars was perma banned, but you didn't understand that Soko's not, did you?


lol, I never denied Alars was perma banned, but you didn't understand that Soko's not, did you?

Well you did seeing as soon as I posted that evidence above of you saying Alars was permabanned you decided to tell me about the Soko account which you've never told me about so how would I know that is not permabanned :heh: not a mind reader owen. Although Soko is irrelevent but you seem set on using it as a scapegoat out of this argument which is funny coz its desperate :D

u mad bro? xoxoxoxoxoxo

is that why you deleted me on Skypez lol? didn't wanna hear my victory festivities?
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I deleted you on Skype so you'd stop adding me to your silly group.