

They called you out for helping players? LOL leave bro run like you're girlfriend of two weeks just said she wants to marry you!!! D:


Ouch that resonates bro. No technically I got called out because an elite asked me to elucidate on what a trip wire was for the benefit of all and I assumed he didn't know what it was and showed him how to google. Yeah, I'm an . Anyway I got a cease and desist message from him so.... oops. Didn't mean to step on his toes. I'm really not very pc. Btw the 800 point cutoff thread for the merge has 4 pages but Dany the founder has less than 4 responses for being attacked. I got a personal thank you for sending support. Nice, guy I definitely feel for him


Btw dany I'm out. Thanks for the invite and I really saw potential here but this....

"they should be kicked out, then invited.
but they should be re-accepted if they get their score past the minimum."

I can't do it in good conscience.

oh and that wasn't dany that was just some guy yammering in the common forum. No reflection on what he had in mind. I think he had the right idea but I can't stand by these idiots no offense.
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I'm convinced their strategy is to confuse us, and it's working. LOL