Petition to Stop "Warfare Packages" from coming into the game


Signed, improve the end game instead of looking for ways to make more money and screwing the common player. If people enjoyed the end game more you would not be losing the player base.....


Wow, this is still going... :eek:

They have pretty much gone way beyond what is acceptable and the activity here proves it. But will they listen?? Seriously doubt it.

And note all the first time posters. A real boost for the forum...
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dazzo9 that is my username, I find it sickening that they have got them selves a first class ticket on the money train, I say if they want to make money "stop putting so many adverts on tv"


Sign me up please. Personally I would at least like you guys at grepo to add a sound byte or two after the purchase of gold... Putting to much energy into finding ways to make more money. How about improving the game.
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please don't sell bots or allow any other 3rd party to sell bots for grepo ... or if you do, allow it on some worlds and not on others, and make it clear to those signing up to play on a new world if they are allowed, so that those of us who like competition and skill won't be overwhelmed by those who can spend money and want to win at any cost ... grepo is currently a lot of fun - don't take the fun out of the game


I joined for this petiton! I'd like to save Grepolis!

-from hungary


I wasnt going to sign before, but massive respect to the number of folk who have spread the word. So, sign me up! This petition far exceeded the interest I expected and as such cannot now be ignored.