Pre World Calydon Discussion Thread

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Join it then, That way me and you can start on even grounds this time and i can get some revenge :p


Hero worlds have added features, Such as New acadamey techs, increased building levels eg lvl 45 farm, 30 temple, 36 acad, a new god. Requires a hero tactitian award to join though. Warrior worlds are just the standard normal worlds.


the best player in all worlds of grepolis i should think will be joinning this world ;) CANT WAIT TILL MONDAY!!!


Join it then, That way me and you can start on even grounds this time and i can get some revenge :p

Lol, I suck at starting worlds but maybe I will join ;) Speed 3 worlds always evolve quickly so the PnP's and alliances for the first 6 months are awesome :p


I will join this world, sounds like fun. what direction are people going


i'll fight ya haha, i will too then. fight then ally i'll decide how much i like u ingame, i usually fight the nice guys their fun and ally with the funny ones


MetalCore, which direction are you and your crew headed?

Unfortunately it looks like I WILL have time to play Calydon.


At this point i do not know. Since we will be joining late on the rim i will be making my decision then, watching the core oceans and picking my eventual enemies. Since i'm not bringing an elite group into this world ill be choosing the path of least resistance (most likely away from your lot lol). So if you want to get a few cities of me later on stick around :)


Apart from my alliance which is joining late on the rim i don't think there are any premades being set up for this world (publically anyways)


images (1).jpgLooks like some big players will be joining this world I fear for my city already :eek:.


Think there's been to many revolt worlds the past few months

We haven't had a speed 3 revolt world without morale yet, in the last 2 years of international grepolis.

We have had two speed 3 conquest worlds without morale, Kappa, and now this one.

Ignoring morale worlds here for a moment, the actual number of revolt/conquest worlds outside of speed 3 varies and isn't favorable in a great extent to revolt. Only when it comes to speed 3 worlds, the opposite is the case.
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sorry -Horus- i get my way and its blind activity and sleepless nights to beat simming and massively stacking land defence.....are you sure i cant tempt you to come in anyway? i reckon i talked milo into it so we can just chill and watch him win for us :D


sorry -Horus- i get my way and its blind activity and sleepless nights to beat simming and massively stacking land defence.....are you sure i cant tempt you to come in anyway? i reckon i talked milo into it so we can just chill and watch him win for us :D

The stacks aren't hard to work around if you know what you are doing. :p

As for joining, send me a PM about it, but meh is my honest answer. The alliance cap is looking to be* MRA and coalition territory, so we can look forward to a repeat of Kappa.
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good, kappa was the best server i played on......partly coz it was my first but partly because it was brutal ;)


good, kappa was the best server i played on......partly coz it was my first but partly because it was brutal ;)

Yep, so instead of stacking cities with defense in revolt and playing the run around, you can get MRAs stacking everything imaginable under the sun in conquest worlds. Wake up to multiple city takeovers with 2k+ biremes in your harbor + land defense. No simming here at all. ;)
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