Pre-World Kimolos Discussion Thread


We do keep bringing this up with Innogames but we haven't been able to get the blessing as a default setting. At the moment it's viewed as a special setting like 3 city starts are so we haven't been able to get it on worlds.
So what I'm hearing is that we need to go to Innos office and blast down their damn doors?!

This is basic stuff. How do they not understand?


Returning to the game after years out since the last world I was in and boy has player base gone down... current world I'm in seems to be OK. Can still see Inno sticks to the same routine of never listening to what the players want, hence the decline in numbers. Hopefully with this new world opening I get to have some fun again.

Hello peepsters
I think Honestly why a lot of players leave isn't so much as the game being bad,it can be fun and you can make a lot of new friends. The problem i think why a lot of players decide to leave and not come back is the toxic behavior and bullying a lot of players face either on the Externals or ingame and its not really that easy as reporting someone because its something that a lot of players do here even on this post here i expect players or Stalkers that know me from other worlds to come and comment negatively even though what im saying makes some sense, i still expect to be attacking just because they dont like me.

This is why i think a lot of players decide to stop playing this game.

P.S keep in mind i havent decided if i want to come back here either.

Oblivious Death

@Red-Haired Shanks please do us that favor of not coming back.

But no, I'd like to think that most players leave because this game is repetitive. Inno never spices their worlds up. Game gets boring playing with the same basics and players over and over.


Honestly over the years ive noticed a mix of things and you both make valid points

Game gets boring as not much new stuff gets added new hero here and there new god once every like 4 years

Bullying and people giving each-other Abuse In-game external even sometimes over Alliance forums.

new players do not get the chance to learn because everyone wants to win straight away so they get wiped straight out of BP

Most teams do not want a newbie in their team "Experienced Vets Only" or "To join you must know someone here"

Worlds get decided because everyone merges with top Teams Rather then fight it out.

every world has this in it now so New player base dies,Old player base takes abuse and leaves.

only people who really stay are the Golders SORRY but its true because we all know gold wins worlds but what you do not realize is gold brings Inno Revenue so your giving them money to keep the game the same they do not care if player base drops aslong as the $$$ keeps coming.

Ive said it for years and no one ever listens Cut off the Revenue and they will listen and change the game.
@Red-Haired Shanks please do us that favor of not coming back.

But no, I'd like to think that most players leave because this game is repetitive. Inno never spices their worlds up. Game gets boring playing with the same basics and players over and over.

i dont remember doing anything to you so im sure this has nothing to do with me, i wish you all the best in real life and yeah i hope you have fun in the game :) i honestly dont know if im going to come back will see for now im having fun not playing and focusing on other things... :)
I think Honestly why a lot of players leave isn't so much as the game being bad,it can be fun and you can make a lot of new friends. The problem i think why a lot of players decide to leave and not come back is the toxic behavior and bullying a lot of players face either on the Externals or ingame and its not really that easy as reporting someone because its something that a lot of players do here even on this post here i expect players or Stalkers that know me from other worlds to come and comment negatively even though what im saying makes some sense, i still expect to be attacking just because they dont like me.

This is why i think a lot of players decide to stop playing this game.

P.S keep in mind i havent decided if i want to come back here either.
The entire Grepolis community is singing "NOBODY CARES" right now to the tune of the opening movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony


Bullying and people giving each-other Abuse In-game external even sometimes over Alliance forums.
No offense but I am not here to play paddy cakes and build your self confidence, It is after all a war game

new players do not get the chance to learn because everyone wants to win straight away so they get wiped straight out of BP
That's life and it is the best way to learn. My first world was a revolt world and I was rimmed 24 hours out of bp after watching this attack come at me from like 12 hours away and there was nothing I could do about it....... except read the forums, read the rules, ask questions, study the tons of strategy pages out there at the time and make better decisions.

Most teams do not want a newbie in their team "Experienced Vets Only" or "To join you must know someone here"

Worlds get decided because everyone merges with top Teams Rather then fight it out.
Is that not the definition of conquest and domination?

every world has this in it now so New player base dies,Old player base takes abuse and leaves.

only people who really stay are the Golders SORRY but its true because we all know gold wins worlds but what you do not realize is gold brings Inno Revenue so your giving them money to keep the game the same they do not care if player base drops aslong as the $$$ keeps coming.

There is absolutely no reason to use gold as an excuse to leave with the gold market unless you are just plain lazy.

Are you a Millennial by chance? Sort of sounds that way, like you want everything handed to you and you don't want to work/learn it on your own?


Not a Millennial at all actually Im trying to save a game ive loved playing since I was younger

and I learned the game the same way as you did. :)

but some are not like us!

The game does not Advertise anymore meaning younger people might not even know this game exists and even when it did the Ad was nothing like the game thats why we had loads of like 250point cities at 1 point they where installing it, playing it,look nothing like ad uninstalled.

Im not using gold as a reason for players to leave im pointing out that the team that wins usually uses gold while some new players might not have the money or the time to get gold.
the gold comment was actually ment for those experienced players who feel the same as me you want the game to change stop paying inno to keep it the same.

The main thing that I have seen and players do not realize this is Bullying Remember Grepolis does not have an age restriction most of us are 18+ I would think but ive been on worlds where 1 player has given another abuse about the way they play the game usual thing no big deal Except when I spoke to them both 1 was 30+ the other was 12 `I get its a game "A war Game" so troops die you win or lose city ect all fine but the Abusing and Shaming needs to stop some of us will have kids ourselves Imagine it being them getting the Abuse by someone 30+ just for trying to play a game.

I get Banter I even do it with me own team sometimes but there is a laugh and then there is bullying I think we all know the difference.


Welsh I hear you and agree with some of what you said. I would love to see the game last as long as possible too. In reality I am willing to bet Inno already has a monetary threshold cutoff point figured out when they will decide to end the game, once income reaches that point I think they will discontinue it.

I also believe they don't advertise anymore because there is no silver bullet to fix the game. Advertising alone would not solve the problem. It would be the best options to get the user base up but they are also competing with console systems as well as hundreds of other MMORPG games out there.

The fact of the matter is, is that gold is the only reason this game is still here so anyone who complains about gold is just and idiot who can't think past the last city they lost.

I think other reasons that affect the decline of the game are the complexity of the game ( which I love) but doesn't offer beginners a chance to get their feet wet, even casual worlds are a joke as far as that goes. I also think the type of player demographic ( Millennials/Gen Z ) affects it, if they can't be playing at a high level after a week of the game they don't stick around. There are more reasons but I think those are the most prominent ones.

In my opinion if they wanted to save the game they would port the game to console and work out contracts with the console makers, Have a true beginners world where players can truly learn how to play the game, maybe one where you are told you lost a city to conquest/revolt but in actuality you keep what you have already built and start over. For a brand new player losing a city and starting from less than zero (no protection, no prompts etc) on the rim, away from the few friends you have made to that point is not fun and too much of a hassle, and of course advertise.

Just my opinion, I am sure there are other things going on behind the scenes that I am not privy too that should be considered as well.


Bunch of boomers

I have heard people say "I wish I was born" in the 60s, the 70s and the 90s. I have never once in my life heard a person say I wish I was born in the 80s. Not saying that to be offensive, it's just the truth.

I am not a "boomer" btw.


Welsh I hear you and agree with some of what you said. I would love to see the game last as long as possible too. In reality I am willing to bet Inno already has a monetary threshold cutoff point figured out when they will decide to end the game, once income reaches that point I think they will discontinue it.

I also believe they don't advertise anymore because there is no silver bullet to fix the game. Advertising alone would not solve the problem. It would be the best options to get the user base up but they are also competing with console systems as well as hundreds of other MMORPG games out there.

The fact of the matter is, is that gold is the only reason this game is still here so anyone who complains about gold is just and idiot who can't think past the last city they lost.

I think other reasons that affect the decline of the game are the complexity of the game ( which I love) but doesn't offer beginners a chance to get their feet wet, even casual worlds are a joke as far as that goes. I also think the type of player demographic ( Millennials/Gen Z ) affects it, if they can't be playing at a high level after a week of the game they don't stick around. There are more reasons but I think those are the most prominent ones.

In my opinion if they wanted to save the game they would port the game to console and work out contracts with the console makers, Have a true beginners world where players can truly learn how to play the game, maybe one where you are told you lost a city to conquest/revolt but in actuality you keep what you have already built and start over. For a brand new player losing a city and starting from less than zero (no protection, no prompts etc) on the rim, away from the few friends you have made to that point is not fun and too much of a hassle, and of course advertise.

Just my opinion, I am sure there are other things going on behind the scenes that I am not privy too that should be considered as well.
this game is niche lol - game is "dying" because to become good/competitive at it, required immense amounts of time. Personally, having it on console would do squat, its a PC/Mobile game. Im sure inno could do things (or atleast try) to help increase player base/retention, but this game is old and frankly probably not worth it.


Complaining about a shrinking player base because new players don't stay, and then complaining about morale......
In the same post, just LOLZ!

All worlds should be morale.
Because you twits cant be trusted not to eat the whole damn corn field while its still just buds in the spring.
And then have the gaul to blame INO for there being no mature corn on the stalks a month later.

INO will not change this on their own. This game is slated to die. They dont give a pile o steamin excrement what you write or what you think.
They do care about your money though. Vote with your wallet.
When INO games does some thing healthy for the game SPEND.
When INO games does some thing not healthy for the game even if it hurts your win DONT SPEND.
How many of you thought the last mini game was crap?
How many of you bit the bullet and spent NOTHING in order to speak to INO in words they understand?

Point 2:
Grab a noob and train them. Quit crying that daddy INO wont fix the game for you until you DO SOME THING other than just cry.

I have a personal beef with @Notmad. So Im not stroking my own wookie about how "We are so great" like some here are so fond of doing.
There is no WE with that guy.
In Icaria I watched him go to the trouble of building a whole alliance.
Most of them NOT pros.
Picking the best suited to lead that alliance.
Giving them what advice he could to set them on the right track
and then leaving to go play his own game on a different server.
He never intended to stay.
He realized no immediate personal gain for his actions on that server.
When my mate asked him why?
Because he loves the game and this is healthy for the game.

Grepo becomes a better place when old men plant trees they will never be around to enjoy the shade of.
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Complaining about a shrinking player base because new players don't stay, and then complaining about morale......
In the same post, just LOLZ!

All worlds should be morale.
Because you twits cant be trusted not to eat the whole damn corn field while its still just buds in the spring.
And then have the gaul to blame INO for there being no mature corn on the stalks a month later.

INO will not change this on their own. This game is slated to die. They dont give a pile o steamin excrement what you write or what you think.
They do care about your money though. Vote with your wallet.
When INO games does some thing healthy for the game SPEND.
When INO games does some thing not healthy for the game even if it hurts your win DONT SPEND.
How many of you thought the last mini game was crap?
How many of you bit the bullet and spent NOTHING in order to speak to INO in words they understand?

Point 2:
Grab a noob and train them. Quit crying that daddy INO wont fix the game for you until you DO SOME THING other than just cry.

I have a personal beef with @Notmad. So Im not stroking my own wookie about how "We are so great" like some here are so fond of doing.
There is no WE with that guy.
In Icaria I watched him go to the trouble of building a whole alliance.
Most of them NOT pros.
Picking the best suited to lead that alliance.
Giving them what advice he could to set them on the right track
and then leaving to go play his own game on a different server.
He never intended to stay.
He realized no immediate personal gain for his actions on that server.
When my mate asked him why?
Because he loves the game and this is healthy for the game.

Grepo becomes a better place when old men plant trees they will never be around to enjoy the shade of.
So true...i'm seeing a little of this 'training' going on in 145 to tell the truth. I've already had interactions with several new or relatively new players from several alliances that have found a few 'mentors' to teach them the ins and outs of the game.