Pre-World Nero Discussion Thread

Myrddin Emyrs

I really want a speed 2 or 3 conquest, u want a world with a large player base and one that lasts longer than a month.

5 years ago the world's were all speed 2 and 3, now its 4 and 5 and player base is so low its a joke that anyone is actually thinks that is a good thing, too many worlds released and too fast where you can't have a life will decrease the player base, those who demand the faster world's need to get a grip and get a life.

Grepo is great place to meet new players and actually build something with your teammates, especially if you go into other world's with them, hopefully with world's too come player base does get bigger and world's do last and become more competitive, one can live and hope.


Its not just the slower speed but also that the worlds are open longer. With the faster speed worlds the end games are reached quicker and then finished quicker. This leads to fewer open worlds at a time like at the moment Hydra is in it's endgame phase, Icaria is in the final days of peacetime before closing, and Kimolos and Lemnos could begin their endgame phases in a month and a half or so. The slower speed worlds stay around for a bit longer and while we're not looking to suddenly have every other world be speed 2 it's good to have one on occasion. Like I said it's been 7 or so months since the last one. There will be plenty of high speed worlds coming out this year.

i can understand that slower speeds are open for longer periods of time, but can you honestly say that people that play speed 3-6 will ever want to play speed 2 world while they wait for another world of their preferable speed to open up? i would say vast majority will only trade gold in the speed 2 world if even that, and just not play anything, so i see absolutely no need for speed 1/2 worlds anymore.

If inno wants to entertain speed 2 worlds for like 200 people or less after the first month, keep going, ur doing great

Why not announce several worlds in advance with the start dates and settings. Players can then plan towards playing these.

actually a good idea, to lay out the next 3-6 worlds with rough estimations(month only) and speed/world type, so players can organize themselves into what they want to play.


Didnt read everything, but about announcing several worlds in advance would be a decent idea... then again isnt that a bit hard? For example 3 months in advance know what world it will be! Then AGAIN - its enough of time to change setting to make people more happy - that will make more populated servers?! In my opinion...

About slow worlds - im pretty sure there are still good amount of people who prefer slow world than fast worlds... not me, but i think there are many who would vote for slow!

Anyways... im waiting for fast - AT LEAST +3 Conq. World!


Only a few hours left, I always find the most intense part is the first two weeks, everyone scrambling around trying to find their feet, it's fun to watch


Didnt read everything, but about announcing several worlds in advance would be a decent idea... then again isnt that a bit hard? For example 3 months in advance know what world it will be! Then AGAIN - its enough of time to change setting to make people more happy - that will make more populated servers?! In my opinion...

About slow worlds - im pretty sure there are still good amount of people who prefer slow world than fast worlds... not me, but i think there are many who would vote for slow!

Anyways... im waiting for fast - AT LEAST +3 Conq. World!

Right but as the vote doesnt seem to matter and understandably so, the message from the mods is there wasnt a slow world for a long time so they created one, fair enough. The next will be fast and so on. Therefore as they wish to take this path and rotate the worlds regardless of the cote they may as well announce in advance. slow rev, fast conq, fast rev, slow conq. Players in the period of closing worlds can see their preferred world is in 2-3 months time, take a break and arrange premades.


Right but as the vote doesnt seem to matter and understandably so, the message from the mods is there wasnt a slow world for a long time so they created one, fair enough. The next will be fast and so on. Therefore as they wish to take this path and rotate the worlds regardless of the cote they may as well announce in advance. slow rev, fast conq, fast rev, slow conq. Players in the period of closing worlds can see their preferred world is in 2-3 months time, take a break and arrange premades.
I very much agree if not even 3 months if you could announce the next 2 worlds coming out early it would make planning for the worlds easier for the players that like certain worlds. This is suppose to be a strategy game also players planning for what worlds they want to play should be part of that. Come on Inno listen to your community for once.
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Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
In general I hesitate to announce world settings too far ahead of time as things might change and we might not get the settings promised. So were we to say the next world is going to be high speed conquest but then I get told we need to have a speed 3 conquest it means I need to walk back the promise of those early announced settings.

So the next world will likely be a fast speed world but settings aren't picked out this far ahead of time so I can't say with certainty.


I do not understand something that someone may be able to explain to me

Why are the people going on about high speed conquest / revolts worlds not opening up enough when these type of worlds are already open that they could be playing in already, it makes no sense, unless they played these worlds for a couple of weeks got bored and left them?


I do not understand something that someone may be able to explain to me

Why are the people going on about high speed conquest / revolts worlds opening up enough when these type of worlds are already open that they could be playing in already, it makes no sense, unless they played these worlds for a couple of weeks got bored and left them?
Could apply that same broken logic and say that there are 4 slow speed worlds currently open. So why do you need another?


Could apply that same broken logic and say that there are 4 slow speed worlds currently open. So why do you need another?
The high speed worlds open far more often than the slow speed world's, who wants to start a world 6 months old, high speed players have more choices when to start and play a world


Why are the people going on about high speed conquest / revolts worlds not opening up enough when these type of worlds are already open that they could be playing in already, it makes no sense, unless they played these worlds for a couple of weeks got bored and left them?
cause the high speed CQs are over?? 1 month in a speed 5 is probably equal to 3-4 in slow worlds (if i had to randomly guess) so if you drop a month late, unless the world dies and you keep playing — or it’s just a **** world, you have little chance for high ranks without spending or boosting


And when I say a slow world I mean 1 - 2 speed
Why would you even torture yourself with that slow of a world lol

That’s like playing Minecraft without mobs turned on — not even the same game (first analogy that popped in my head :p )


Lol I suppose I like playing them because you can enjoy the world for longer and have a better chance of doing well because you have the time to catch up to the big spenders. I do not spend money