Rate the Player Above You


112 Overall
364497 points
Kill Ranking of 29 on offense

Cronos90 is a bad dude to have to go sword to sword with (from what I've heard) Having shared an Island, He is a good guy to have as a Neighbor.


New Arcadian
457 Overall
153672 points
overall rank of 643 in BP

Friendly guy and decent neighbor from what I know of him.


Cronos90, Heard of you but never crossed paths, I heared you are a good dude


L8RUNR is ranked above me in terms of straight points but quite ahead of me as a fighter which says it all about L8RUNR. An excellent scrapper and a gentleman to boot.


Dunedinlad, I'll try to be as non-biased as possible. But as we have a prior history, I am sure my bias will slip in.

Points: 7/10 respectable size, ranked 56. Could be bigger, but all in all, great!
Opponents Defeated: 8/10 ranked 37! Awesome job.
Position: 9/10 You are a 43 and 42 beast. You have nice tight core.
Reputation: 10/10 as far as I am concerned I have always like you and always thought all the crap that was said about you was bogus. I just didn't have enough sway to change people's minds. I tried to mediate - but, while you were mildly receptive, the other side (unfortunately my side) was not receptive.
Alliance: 7/10 OTC has always been one of the most underrated alliances on this server. They have solid leadership and a solid direction. You guys were part of the reason SME fell, and I'll always respect you for that, even though my allegiances had to lie with SME.

41/50 - total score!

Considering you are the 56th largest player on the server - and your abp is ranked 37 - that is impressive. I am always impressed when someone is ranked higher on abp than points. It means the player is a scrapper.

With 50/50 being the absolute best player in grepo (not just Delta and I have no idea who that would be), I think you are in an impressive place.
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