Top 12 Sink or Swim+Discussion


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awwww.. didnt know you cared


I must however politely decline


i was tempted to come over and read the forums, but its not really my style to snoop


MartinusV 2015-12-02 19:58
Hello all

Firstly we bloods were offered to merge with NC and fight you guys 3v1. They wanted half our cities in 55 so they could launch attacks against you. To hell with that!! Who do they think they are demanding our cities that you guys spend 12 hours and 1 second fighting for. They got our decision and most favoured talks with you guys. An honoured enemy is far more respectable than any member of those other 2 alliances.

I have also spoken with nc leaders and I can assure you they are in league with each other.

So when does the OP start???


Yeah, to hell with that!!! We're not gonna merge with anyone!!! Except our main enemies!!!


This was very foreseeable.

I had been telling my friends in bloods the en spy was likely a leader.

It'd be interesting to have read there council chats to see who was manipulating who.


From my perspective, being honest, its a war game, yes, but one alliance being attacked on three sides, by EN, QOQ and NC is just not cricket.

Someone had to show a bit of decency and fairness.

As opposed to QOQ/NC coalition that basically threatened them and said merge with us and give us half your cities or we are going to attack you..

you guys just upset because your threats and bullying caught you out.


Why would we be mad? We were conquering them at will before EN started attacking bloods many months ago. If we had not of agreed to stop attacking when EN jumped on them then they'd of lasted no more than a few weeks. Not that this is a swipe at them but anyone under that amount of pressure from the top 3 alliances attacking would be the same.

There is a lot of fodder in bloods. EN will not defend them actively as it leaves there favoured ones exposed. The other decent players will come to there own decision without instruction from some leader or preplanted EN spy.

It is those players I will respect whichever decision they choose.
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MartinusV 2015-12-02 19:58
Hello all

Firstly we bloods were offered to merge with NC and fight you guys 3v1. They wanted half our cities in 55 so they could launch attacks against you. To hell with that!! Who do they think they are demanding our cities that you guys spend 12 hours and 1 second fighting for. They got our decision and most favoured talks with you guys. An honoured enemy is far more respectable than any member of those other 2 alliances.

I have also spoken with nc leaders and I can assure you they are in league with each other.

So when does the OP start???


Yeah, to hell with that!!! We're not gonna merge with anyone!!! Except our main enemies!!!

Additional quotes from this guy, whose side of the ocean he wants to portray flip flops on a whim:

"The end result would be the same so for me there is no need to merge and lose the identity of the bloods." ( merged, and guess what aren't Bloods anymore, eh?)

Qoq, your guys who to be honest i dont recognise and out top 50 players are more than a match for en. (says this same bloods leader that jumped to EN...)

I agree completely. Mine and others thoughts on the smaller guys is simply one of keeping them interested so they can join us in a new world. It wouldnt be nice to kick them and at the same time invite them to a new world. (Says this same leader...about a team he "supposedly" believed in)

We just need to het rid of the dead weight. (yup, quote from the same leader...)

And then...there's this whole SPECIFIC conversation...

MartinusV on 2015-11-24 at 17:12​
yup. and I am all for getting rid of them in terms of us fighting EN. I just want them protected, some are new but sadly joined this world too late so they aren't a great use but could be useful to have around. the others are useless. in fact I may check when some of them joined this world and if they have less than 20 cities suggest they go and do one.

herefordgrl on 2015-11-24 at 17:11
When you have players that fight each other over internals, but not over the frontline...what's that really tell you?

That's not real agression...that's simming at it's finest.

herefordgrl on 2015-11-24 at 17:09
ok...that right there is the whole problem. lol!

Simmers...seriously. They don't want to fight, they want to build, and that's it.

MartinusV on 2015-11-24 at 17:07​
you should see how aggressive these players can get when an internal becomes available - there is some fight in them

Food for thought:
How secure do you REALLY feel playing under this guy as your "leader"? He doesn't "respect bloods"...he just goes with whatever direction is going to keep him from losing the most cities personally- or it looks that way to me. A guy who supposedly wants to protect his team turns right around and says he is going to "do one" and basically eliminate them from the game. If I were in Ocean 55 and originally in bloods...why choose to play for this guy? You all profess to be this "family" and supportive of one another...this makes that look incredibly questionable, when you have a leader that sways with the wind.


Do we really need to read all of that text above?
That was supposed to be a private conversation

The Bloods hasnt' played in any rim ocean, they played in the core, they were under attack just from everywhere.
Of course mood and spirit of their players changed time to time, as a reaction to the reality around them.

Martinus and co have fought till the end, and he refused to give up any of his players!
If you were under attack in the core with no safe zone, what would you do?

Guys did what they could, and despite the war between EN and Bloods, there were no disrespect, no dishonor.

It's going to be the Solid team.
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