

I just got a reply from mods about it. We are missing facts because they claim that the mm isnt the reason for the ban


If there was a correlation between ban sentencing and how much gold you use Charlie would never be banned wtf is this take lmao
Well we don't know what he's banned for. But having spoken to ex-mods, there is definitely a correlation between gold usage and ban sentencing, but it is what it is


What I am getting from this conversation is that Grepolis is no different then the banks.

Don't f&%$ with our money or we will f you

I want more clarification on gold blocking - sending attacks to a city in 5 minute intervals to prevent a person from golding troops is illegal???

If so that BS!!!!! that's a legit strategy and it is by no means fun or easy to do. Please clarify


What I am getting from this conversation is that Grepolis is no different then the banks.

Don't f&%$ with our money or we will f you

I want more clarification on gold blocking - sending attacks to a city in 5 minute intervals to prevent a person from golding troops is illegal???

If so that BS!!!!! that's a legit strategy and it is by no means fun or easy to do. Please clarify

its a grey area..
on one hand it is the only way to stop a golder from instantly buying nukes and sending them, but on other hand with their "new fair play" rules on spamming, that also could be considered and defined as spam and i know lots of players who got banned/warned for far less than 5 min attack intervals.
in my case i was harbor checking for militia once an hour for 10-12 hrs and got warned that im "messing with players real life" after they complained.
i personally think DE market made clear and public definitions on what they consider spam and on what they will act and it was transparent enough not to do such things, here you risk getting warned/banned for anything they want under the mysterious umbrella "fair play".

as of right now gold blocking is not against their rules.


Appreciate the info Bacon.

Hopefully they understand when a player is hyper-golding troops, blocking that is in no way messing with their real life as they have to be present and accounted for to do so. It should not fall under fair play rules.
Half the high end players bot or multi. Spam rules are written so a group can still spam you 24/7 but you cant fight back.
If I want to call you a ####### I can just do it in discord.
Player A gets banned for what player B does not.
The community manager deciding on your ban is the same guy you rimmed last world.
When you ask about the rules you get " I'm sorry Dave I can't tell you that."
You could send bug reports strait to the devs.
Why do we even have community managers?

I would prefer the wild wild west.
The game would be better without them.
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There should be adult worlds and kiddie worlds.

That way we could express our true inner Pirate and if any one is in the wrong world that's on them lol


lol and then have little babies complain about spam, you dont know what you are talking about
No defense of Charlie it’s been pretty heavily implied by Baudin that offering gold wasn’t the only thing that Charlie was doing. But it’s pretty clear that the rules are applied inconsistently and made to be intentionally vague when you ask for specifics.

But let’s be honest here. The problem isn’t the rules imo. The problem is that a guy that has spammed constantly to the point where an entire rule has been created for them, caused countless players to leave the game, gotten banned on now 3 accounts, doxxed multiple people, and just been a general cancer to the game, gets to come back whenever he wants. Despite everyone knowing that no lessons will be learned, he’ll do the same BS, more people will quit, etc. Basically you can circumvent bans endlessly. Even if you’re pure full blown aids to the community and game.

Rant over.


he problem is that a guy that has spammed constantly to the point where an entire rule has been created for them, caused countless players to leave the game,

I honestly would not agree with that, lots of people spammed like him or worse over the years before en124 and im far more annoyed by rim spam and ping than anything on the front lines because if you cant take that aggressive spam front line game then move of the front line absolutely no one is forcing you to be on those islands and wake up at night, it all comes down to personal choices.
Lets not pretend that if he did it to some other team than hydna's friends they would not even do anything about that nor create that vague rule.

Same people that were crying about his spam there were spamming my player in ocean 45 to the point of her not even wanting to log in anymore and losing bunch of front line cities to their alliance while their leadership didnt even care until they got the same treatment back at them.

Everyone paints him or what he does as one sided like there is no one else doing it at that time or before him, yes he did it and he got banned but others get warned if even that for the same actions.


I get spammed with mustard multiple times in every world, I just laugh.

Pretty sad there is a rule for spamming unless it contains vulgarities, cursing, bullying or the like.


People forgetting that the black hand refund mass mail was Charlie’s second breach of the purchasing services for money rule in as many weeks.

The mass mail to gold traders at the start of the world was basically the same.

It’s also his third account to be banned for financial ****.

Good on the mods for finally just axeing him instead of letting it run rampant.

He’ll be back with a fourth account soon. I wonder what name he’ll go for this time.
I honestly would not agree with that, lots of people spammed like him or worse over the years before en124 and im far more annoyed by rim spam and ping than anything on the front lines because if you cant take that aggressive spam front line game then move of the front line absolutely no one is forcing you to be on those islands and wake up at night, it all comes down to personal choices.
Lets not pretend that if he did it to some other team than hydna's friends they would not even do anything about that nor create that vague rule.

Same people that were crying about his spam there were spamming my player in ocean 45 to the point of her not even wanting to log in anymore and losing bunch of front line cities to their alliance while their leadership didnt even care until they got the same treatment back at them.

Everyone paints him or what he does as one sided like there is no one else doing it at that time or before him, yes he did it and he got banned but others get warned if even that for the same actions.

Oh I don't disagree that he's not the only offender or that in certain match ups (Like AA) him going off was a karma scenario for a lot of their leads and multiple players on their team (and would have been for Charlie if AA won too). That said, I don't think being friends with Hydna is the only criteria. He was gone within 6 hours of reaching FRANK in 127 after spamming for an entire world to that point, and I doubt any of us made Hydna's friend list. At the time at least.

Its not one sided, it rarely ever is in any scenario. But it is disproportionate. Let not act like Charlie doesn't just kick that ball off the tee first usually against anybody that shows any kind of alarm use (Llamas in 143 are a good example). Or that he's been pretty proud about his reputation as a spammer. Or that he hasn't doxed people/tried to dox people. There's never a scenario where Charlie isn't the bad guy, there's only scenarios where Charlie might not be the only bad guy.

Oblivious Death

The things you people do in this game, the things you sacrifice and give away arent worth winning in this game. You all need to take a look in the mirror and see that this is nothing more then a online game designed so people could have fun, stop fooling yourself that its something more then that.Play if your able to see that or Quit if you see it as more because you shouldn't even be here if you do. Solve your Real life issues before coming here please.
Shut up, we chillin
The things you people do in this game, the things you sacrifice and give away arent worth winning in this game. You all need to take a look in the mirror and see that this is nothing more then a online game designed so people could have fun, stop fooling yourself that its something more then that.Play if your able to see that or Quit if you see it as more because you shouldn't even be here if you do. Solve your Real life issues before coming here please.
Dude wtf are u talking about, do u have some issues? Jesus christ Its a game... Enjoy it.

Stop posting on forum and cry, u are making a fool out of yourself.


We can certainly have Innogames review that particular part of the rules given the change in how the gold market now functions but even were someone to explicitly offer gold for a service in the game they would likely just receive a warning. If a player received a permanent ban it would have been for something else entirely though I can't discuss details of another player's account.
truthfully i did the same thing and got a perma ban instantly.. i dont think you guys give regular bans i got a global on all servers when that happened