

I swear to god wouldnt disturb my sleep to gb
To send def ye but to gb hell nah
Only sychos do that
only psychos will sit there golding into a city they have no live for too


Can we just have one siege where I don't have to wake up at 4am and gold block for 2 hours

It's the new norm. If you are not setting up a goldblocking rotation on front islands from the start of the game your chances of winning are almost nonexistent, unless you have a lot of gold and a lot of people willing to feed you res.

Most hypergolding happens on island so you can't snipe it.

I have tried this in the last couple alliances I was in to minimal success, a couple were decent alliances that if they had done this would have gone a lot further in the game with the potential to win. Glodblocking does work I have done it myself a few times.

Hopefully the next alliance I get in is less selfish and sets up a gold blocking rotation and a back up resources requirement/LTS for front line cities.

Seems like ego rage quitting and selfishness are the two main reasons I have seen good alliances fold since returning to the game.


well to be fair you wouldn't disturb your sleep for alarms either that's what you have a co-play for
I dont like to read accusations without evidence. unless a player is attacking you every hour /24, then you cant know for sure if he has co-player. even a different course of actions while he is been attacked can be justified since some players react differently if the attack happens when they sleep than when they are awake. i expect better from you after what happened in 136 when your enemies tried to tarnish your victory with bot accusations


Has anyone actually asked Koany if they plan on staying until the end? If you know them you know the reason I just said this.


you want me to find the messages from him and wizzie admitting it in WC trying to convince us its legal? Also, get the **** off your high horse mr "they're botting because gaby said
you re really ignorant. my grepo relationship with gaby is for the last year very bad and even when we played together i rarely did what she asked me. i have congratulated you for your victory and never accused you publicly for boting


I dont like to read accusations without evidence. unless a player is attacking you every hour /24, then you cant know for sure if he has co-player. even a different course of actions while he is been attacked can be justified since some players react differently if the attack happens when they sleep than when they are awake. i expect better from you after what happened in 136 when your enemies tried to tarnish your victory with bot accusations

Baba and Wizzie have literally confessed to it in Wc because in Greece it’s accepted and normal.

For the love of god Gkas, stop embarrassing yourself every time you come out onto the forums.


Has anyone actually asked Koany if they plan on staying until the end? If you know them you know the reason I just said this.
If they leave early they have to put up with me and Joanne complaining 24/7 for the next 3 years using every possible avenue of communication we can find.
Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.

Im sorry but giving your Time and Energy on a Online game where you cant sleep,and have to stress anf worry all the time isn't really a good exchange.

If i help people with this then im glad.


Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.

Im sorry but giving your Time and Energy on a Online game where you cant sleep,and have to stress anf worry all the time isn't really a good exchange.

If i help people with this then im glad.
Thanks WarAngel.


Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.

Im sorry but giving your Time and Energy on a Online game where you cant sleep,and have to stress anf worry all the time isn't really a good exchange.

If i help people with this then im glad.
who tf asked


Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.

Im sorry but giving your Time and Energy on a Online game where you cant sleep,and have to stress anf worry all the time isn't really a good exchange.

If i help people with this then im glad.
stf backstabber