Listen, wile you were having a tea party with your 2 cent buddies i was running an alliance yet alone had more responsibilities then you prob in RL all together in game, that being said, you act all thuggish on the forum wile you quit? come lets duel it out show you how to gain Bps ;-) see who has more blood money.. aint no one run into anyones arms, but i see you always back the strong and who ever is located closer to you... I'm taking about sin not other servers, but ofc you will have to bring that up huh? haha, don't come at me with that fake s#!t you don't know what goes on behind, ur just another face in the crowd so enjoy the tea and sim out.. btw you had more Bps then me? after i had took a month+ off?
)) #LAME lol..
"my duty was fulfilled" what duty? you ever had a duty?
34 cities :-D i have 32 rite now played half way thru, and 56 city slots, and 100k+ of VP to go but what dose that mean?
give me a shout out if you want a lesson in this game, dont abuse the power you do not have, just play and keep your comments on the externals to your self, i see you always have to hop into everyones business.