The Dumbest Attack Ever!


SO the bug is not going to leave. Ok no problem. Talk all you want, I guess I will just have to ignore you. Happy trails and be well!


Ignoring a sensible suggestion, to take it to private messages?

Thanks for proving the point about your stupidity, Zoddgod. You have fun embarrassing yourself, kiddo.

Murtius, I don't know what the argument is between you and Zoddgod, but my respect to you for trying to talk some sense into that..


No that won't work either Corinthian as I'll just post his messages here so we can all keep laughing at him.

Zodd now that its all over with, then why don't you explain the whole plan about that city to us then? I mean if for no other reason just to shut me up about it. To be honest at this point I think you need to as anything else will just look like your making up excuses to cover the fact that you couldn't take it.


Murt, just except the fact that ol Zoddy was farming you. Thats it. I have explained it so many times before but I guess you just cannot admit that you were farmed by me. Its ok Murty. Really. I understand your not wanting to admit failure or being farmed by ol Zoddy. You need to keep up your image to your subordinates. BTW, is Cor your wife or girlfriend? Maybe thats why she chimed in so hard.


You know when you send 20 ls at 2000 bir I lose about 5 of those, so lets do the maths on that. 20 ls would be 200 DBP for me and 5 bir would be 40 ABP for you, your obviously as good at farming as you are at attacking. Though what I don't understand about your excuse.......oh I mean plan, is why did you send all of them unescorted transport ships?


I know your having difficulties with this murty. Would you like me to help you find a good doctor for your brain malfunction? or maybe just a good dose of garlic would do the trick. No wait; thats for vampires. Oh wait; that works too. there you go. dont say i never tried to help you.

BTW: what was that pm you sent me about planning the attacks on that city? Care to post it for everyone to see?


Which pm are you refereeing to? The one I sent you to congratulate your guys on the good job you done taking the city? Also I'm having no difficulties here mate, you are the one who can't seem to explain what your talking about. I mean my side of the story as far as I can see isn't that hard to follow.

You claimed my city, I stacked it, you attacked for 5 months and couldn't take it. Seems simple enough to me, its you who seems to be having the hard time coming up with answer that make sense. You have started on this forum before that you did intend on taking the city but you were just keeping me guessing, then months later you come on saying you never wanted it and you were just farming it for BP. The only problem with that is you gave me at least 5 times the BP that you gained from the city so again it doesn't really make sense.


who cares how much bp you got. thats not the point. and whats the matter, you can't post an image of that pm? are you afraid to show everyone that you were civil once.


No mate I don't have the pm, if you have forward it to me and I'll gladly post. As for been civil, I'm sure you can ask anybody who has ever spoken to me in game, ally or enemy and they'll tell you I am more than civil. I keep telling you girls what I say here I say to get under your skin and even though you know that you still get your panties in a twist. For god sake grow a pair and quit your jibba jabba crazy fool.


Still the same old murty. Resulting to name calling because you've got nothing constructive to say. I understand!


Yes we have established that you don't like some of the names I call you, I think now would be a good time for you to build a little bridge and get over that. As its pretty obvious I don't care and frankly you banging on about all the time is becoming boring. Now lets get back on topic, in your opinion which is a dumber attack? A CS attack sent to a city which is not revolted or a unescorted full land nuke?


So it's kind of like you harping on the city then. Good one Murty. Oh and your excuse that lav accidentally sent a CS without revolt first is bogus. He sent 2. Thanks for the gift evo.


murty, why do we even talk to a guy to whom 20 LS means a nuke and attacks are unescorted. zoddy sweetheart, i really suggest you to try a madhouse....your mental condition gets critical and unstable day by be true, you are one of the guys who love to make fun of themselves....and if you say about murty, then note it- you have no right to criticize a better man than you will ever be....


@ Zodd your still off topic in your own thread mate, which do you think is dumber sending a CS attack without revolting the city or sending an unescorted full land nuke?

@ Prince, isn't obvious mate? For the entertainment and comedy of his answers.


Wow you must be good in bed Murty. Another lover of yours chimes in. Your little black book of men must be impressive.


Zodd which would you say is a dumber attack, sending a CS without a revolt? Or sending an unescorted land nuke?


Murty don't ask questions to Zodd which he cannot answer!!! His brain will not comprehend such questions!!! He cannot even process truth facts and statistics.


lol...where's this type of comedy when I am around......maybe I should start stirring things up here..