The Dumbest Attack Ever!


You make me laugh Evic!! you try so hard to try and insult by coming on this forum!! when i say you try i do you really try very hard to insult but unfortunately your insults kind of gets back fired on to you!!!

Only if you could articulate your responses well and type better so we could understand you better. To me it just doesnt make sense. Maybe punctuation is your issue! If you are going to attempt to post here I suggest you try harder. Good luck!


Hey Look who is back... Kinder-garden Kid Zoddy!!! why don'y you attack me with some unguarded LT and troops!!!


You know what the funny thing is, is that you guys constantly call us names, talk badly about us make mistakes in attacking etc. etc. but you never admit to failure yourself. Your failure bod is that you have no friends and in order for you to feel like you do, you post here and hope someone answers you. It is a sad thing really. Just know that for all your name calling, for all your dissing words, for all your conjecture and crappy analysis, you are still a lonely person.

It truly is funny how you resort to all of these tactics but never, not once have you been a decent person. Your tactics will never work on us. And if you wish me to attack you, move a little closer so that I can make your wish come true. But I am sure once you feel the heat you will only use the Chicken Switch.

Ok now that I have posted again, lets hear it Murty and Warms! You know your just itching to open those mouths.


Murty, has it ever occurred to you that people may not always agree with what you say? Truth can be many things and can appear different from different viewpoints. I do not come on here specifically to disagree with you and your brainwashed goons, I have more important ways to spend my time. I'm guessing that you simply cannot accept the fact that you were unable to turn me into one of those goons. I tried to become one, believe me, but I wasn't able to buy all the bull you were trying to sell.

My point here as I keep going back to it is that the attack by lavrentios that is in question is dumb. I have made an argument that would make sending an unescorted land attack a forgivable mistake. I am in no way saying that sending such attacks is an acceptable battle strategy, but given the scenario it is a plausible reason for making that sort of mistake. You on the other hand have not made a legitimate case as to why the CS attack before a revolt is not dumb. You bring up bp and resources and time but your case is full of holes and gives only partial information.

Frankly, I'm disappointed in YOUR desire to disagree with everything anyone from Alpha ever has to say, which is what you claim I am out here doing with you. I mean Zodd is the author of the thread if I'm not mistaken. You came on specifically to attack him, not just argue the point. It's what you do though. You did it with Spiller, you did it with Hamwise, you try with Niels and you've been most aggressive with Zodd. The more this debate continues, the more I hope that you do get bored so that the forum doesn't get cluttered with your baseless propaganda.

For you to call my opinion stupid is childish. It's an opinion, not a claim to absolute truth. I at least have made a case for my opinion. You have not. bcae has made more of an effort. His scenario doesn't fit though since attacks were launched after the CS as well as another CS after the fact. I would do some inner searching my dear friend, your arguments are not as sharp as they once were.

Regarding my VM, yes you are correct. I did get beat up pretty bad, no I didn't get very much support, but I also didn't make that big of an effort to get support. I have some issues that are coming up in RL soon that might put me in an unfavorable position. Near the end though, when you took those last 2 or 3 cities, I had given up. I didn't care because I will come back and get those city slots filled again in no time. I think its what you fear though man. I have half as many or maybe even a third of the cities that most of your goons have and I still give them hell. If you guys had any sort of balls, you'd let me have a fair fight and allow me to build up. But then again, I don't think balls can be squeezed into those unitards.

Finally Mr. bodnapa. I am glad that I make you laugh. I try and give joy to others when I can. If you want to get into a verbal battle with me, then let's dance. You will lose though. Badly. You will probably end up in the fetal position, sucking your thumb, crying for your momma. At that point I will kick you a few more times while your down for good measure. Just ask W*Arms about it.


Naa Evic.. i am bad at dancing.. if you think you can make me cry then lets see it.. Little boy Zoddy is already crying out there make him stop crying and the put him back in 1 piece and then come and see me on the battle field!!!


My reply to Zodd's chicken switch thread where I agreed with him that VM had been used by some Evo members to avoid attacks...
There is no denning that this tactic has been used by some members to avoid attacks though I'd hardly call it mass VM, there are currently a total of 8 members in VM.

My reply from the first page of this thread where I feel I did put forward a case where sending a CS without a revolt may have happened..
Well I don't know about you Zoddy but when I'm launching an attack I hit select all units and some times I launch CS with normal attacks, granted I normally noticed before its too late but I wouldn't call it dumb. Its just an over sight, however sending attacks with no ls (which you are famous for) is what I would call dumb!

If you like I can keep digging up more of these as I know I have agreed with many points members of Alpha have made on this forum and I have admitted mistakes and failures on our part. Now why don't you do the same and show me a post where you have agreed with us or admitted mistakes?


Evic what the **** are you talking about?
Ask W*Arms? When did you do that to me you cheap lying b*$terd?
Just like you're leadership, you can only deny the hard facts, lie to your members, you refuse to buy glasses to see whats going out just outside of your fairytale called "Alpha is actually doing a great job!".


That's not what momma bodnapa said. She said I was "very handsome." :p (If I go too far let me know and I'll let off the gas)


Yea and I told your mam she was hot, we all say things that are not true some times, to save peoples feelings :p


I hear ya buddy. On that note, I want you to know Murt that in reality, I really do think you are a brilliant leader who is selfless and not a d-bag. I totally consider you my intellectual equal. One day I hope to become a clone of you so that I can experience a taste of the awesomeness that is being Murtius. And bodnapa you're a fine upstanding person who is admired and befriended by a multitude of people across the land known as omicron.


Hahaha LMFAO bod did you not read my post above his? He got you there bro, you walked into that one.


Every Dog has its day :p

Now that i see Damn Stupid of me to walk right into that one.. Good one Evic!!! I ll get you later!!!
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I know I could and probably should write a big long condescending post with this but to be honest I think at times like this I should just let a picture speak 1000 words...........................



zodd what is this? seriously man you need. youve been here from the beginning of the world and you still do that? when will you ever learn? actually on second thought keep doing what your doing