The Huns Vs EOTD / LOC / Locness


I have to add one thing as Nwinder said we launched CS on SG,

Nwinder like to always lies again just like he said we attack SG first..

I think you need to really look at your self as as guy that always gets caught lying,
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Well that is all fine and good Orion and I have no idea about the SG elites history though I am very up to date on the last few

I was not trying to undermine your comment or dispute, I only read the comment in the one post about spies and decided to comment on spies in general. I guarantee that there are spies in every alliance. Sorry if I mucked up the thread.


Oh, understand philney.

I don't know you but I wasn't talking about spies, to be honest with you I don't know if there's spies or not, I have friends that say hi and still talk because of other worldds but the post was a reply to Nwinder, that's all. Sorry philney not trying to stir up anything, as I was told you are a nice guys so I have nothing or any ill will towards you .



hey philney,
spies are part of the game, we both understand that. For some if someone talks to the enemy that makes you a spy or traitor. So does that mean that we have to stop having our chats here and there? Does that mean phil that you are my spy in the harbs and me from the Huns? Are we both spy each other alliance? WE are traitors?
We both know the truth. 2 friendly players can chat and it doesnt matter what side he/she is on.


Oh of course they can Greco. I know this and did not intend to imply that everyone that messages someone not in their alliance is spying. But I know that we all have used, or are using spies and I think it would be more interesting and challenging without them.
But I dont expect anyone offered info to just turn it down

I just think I left my comment too vague and it came off the wrong way.


phil, the point I was trying to make is that players just offer info and they build a trust factor. I used you and me as an example. I know and you know that we have our chats here and there and its just friendly chats. No game info has been exchanged and we are both are not spies. The point is that we can still be friendly and we will just have our fun and play the game and doesnt matter what side of the fence we are playing. WE can always sit down and have a drink together and just BS about our real lives.


Darn right we can. I completely agree Greco. And you and I are living proof of that.


poorsport???? Am I to assume that this is a play on the name Orionsport?

I dont know that such a comment has any place here, especially without explanation or validation. If you care to explain yourself then I am sure we will all be glad to listen, but if not please refrain from just posting vague insults. It really can ruin the experience for the rest of us.

But otherwise, good luck in your RL. Sorry that you decided to quit the game and I hope that you gained something by playing. All the best to you.


Hey guys, I have left delta and my account to some one else. I just want to say, though I believe this will be deleted. poorsport is a douche bag. An incoherent douch bag who likes to save messages like a 13 year old girl that saves her bf's letters. Sorry to be disrespectful but I'm sick of this douch bag's misinterpretations and inability to make any sense. Good luck to the rest and good bye.

Oo Well you must be referring to me that's a funny statement you just made!
I assume you are one of two people, either it's Nwinder or Bianh

Anyway, so saving messages to prove that people are telling tails to trash your name is a bad thing? Which planet do you live on? That's so funny!!

You must of got caught in a lie and people confronted you with it. Otherwise why would me, "saving message" bother you? If that makes me a douche bag? Then what does it say about you to come on an open forum, call me names because you were caught in a lie and then hide your name and say you are giving your account away,

Sorry but I just can't see anyone
leaving because I saved my messages.​

You hated the fact that I saved my messages to prove the person that accused me of being something I'm not and then call me a douch bag.
I Just don't understand why you would be upset unless it affected you. My save messages were for Nwinder,

Could this be Nwinder faking he is leaving Na I can't see that, Or maybe bianh?

Anyways thank you for the kind words, I will not reply back in a mean way or get into it with you but I wish you all the best in your other worlds, If you are truly leaving.

Take care of you self and wish you all the best!
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I have no idea what you are going on about. Literally, no idea.

Let's just both shut the crap up and move on with life.


I have no idea what you are going on about. Literally, no idea.

Let's just both shut the crap up and move on with life.

You are joking right?

All my replies are to your posts that you started, I think since people really know what you are up to in SG and the fact that you lied deceived and manipulated your way and also how you truly feel about SG,

You post this Harbs VS Huns because you want to start up something and then you accused others including me of all this bs that you know isn't true to try and get your agenda across. Please don't sit there and say this isn't true,

Don't worry you know me and I will give the proof to SG so they can see with their own eyes .

Right now if I wanted to "and I will in time" I could post a nice little letter so all of SG could read and then would know exactly who the real Nwinder is and what you really want to do with SG.

But I made a promos not to show it yet

So in saying that, when the time is right I will and everyone from SG including the leaders will know what you really think about the alliance and their members that didn't want you in SG in the first place, As for the leaders well they trusted you by bringing you in but If they know the truth I'm sure they will be very disappointed like I was after reading this. SG is my pride and enjoy and you took an alliance that I made for the members and tried to take it over by using the leaders.

I only wanted what's was best for it's members not your agenda or anyone else's' agenda.

After reading this I know now you are the worst of the worst Nwinder and you will do and say anything with no loyalty to anyone but your self. You talk the big talk but yet you always BS your way around everything, This will end soon enough, If not then it just shows me that all this talk about respect, loyalty and friendship is worthless.

I hope you end up all by your self because that's all you care about in this game.
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This sounds like propaganda to me Orion. If you really have this proof and you are so invested in destroying nwinder then you would show it. By confidently professing that you have it you create doubt in the minds of your opposition without actually having to produce anything. Its a war of psychology.

I dont see where he is the devil you guys claim he is.

He is passionate about his fights and wants to win but dont we all? If he argues a little too much publicly then oh well, we all have our faults.

And I will say part of it isnt true. I have said several times that I found it funny there was no Harbs v. huns tab so if anyone is responsible for the creation of it I will share equal blame with anyone and I dont see how it doesnt merit a discussion...

The funny thing is that he clearly asked if you could just both move on and you adress the first part of his comment, and then go on a rant about your agenda, which is smearing and discrediting nwinder. Had nothing to do with his comment and was really unnecessary.
Everyone sees that he asked for it to stop. If he is willing to stop arguing here why arent you?


This sounds like propaganda to me Orion.

First thing philney I respect your opinion and I really don't know you so will not comment to much on what you think or don't think. Those are your opinions and I respect them, but clearly you don't know Nwinder as well as others including my self.

I'm not here to smear him or anyone ells.

I only post the truth, Everything I have ever posted on this forum I have and always will backed it up, Never once could anyone say different.

As for this post, Yes I can back it up

But like I said I have made a promos to one individual and I will keep that promos for the time being. Some people might think that's irrelevant but the fact is, I don't have to prove anything to Grepolis members. They can believe what they want.

My attentions are not to prove to people that are on the outside just the ones that have stood by me for a very long time. Actually I really don't mind if anyone believes me about Nwinder. The ones that have dealt with him on a personal basses or for a long time don't need me to convince them on how Nwinder truly is.

Now Nwinder has done a lot over the last few months by dragging people's name down. Which is fine but every time he lies I will post the truth if I have it? And that's what I have done.

I said many times in the past that when you brand someone and trash them because they didn't want to fallow that person's set of goals. Don't expect them to sit there and let a person like Nwinder lied deceive and manipulated just to get his agenda across,

One thing I can say about Nwinder.

He is good at manipulating people but like I said I only post what I can back up. Now if you want to see this message that have? Well my friend you will have to wait until I full fill my promos to that individual, This means a lot to me because my word goes only as far as my actions.

If I break my work then it mean nothing, Now people can sit here and say if you accuse people then show it otherwise it's BS, That's fine as everyone can fallow their own speculation. I'm not here to make anyone happy or let Nwinder know who gave me this.

So my friend as I do respect where you are coming from, "But truly" I feel it's not necessary to post until I'm ready or full filled my promos.

PS: Not to convent others of proof.


I can see what you are trying to say, but what I am trying to say here is that you brought all of that up out of the blue, in response to a comment someone else made that you alledged was an nwinder multi account. Nwinder wasnt mentioned there and I think he handled it well when he asked you to move on
Then you put the 16 page bash nwinder comment in. True or not, how about we let this go. If he is willing to stop then can you please do the same. We can restore the forum to its intended purpose. I have no issues with you off the battlefield Orion, but I will tell you like I will any member of my alliance or anyone else for that matter, you went way out left with this one. It was a real stretch fitting that into the topic and I might go so far as to say it was a swing and a miss.
Lets just fight in game using troops instead of words.
Best of luck to all of you.


Well philney it's easy to think this is out of the blue but it's not. There is a reason why Nwinder wants to move on but that's another story

Let's just leave it at that my friend.


I am actually, totally and completely confused by what is going on here. I am trying to read these messages, and absolutely don't understand what is goning on. I guess there were steps to understanding your ciphers that I missed or something...

It has gotten to a point I no longer have ANY idea what you are talking about, literally, I can't understand what you are saying. You are referencing events that never happened (or if they did, I was not involved) and talking about things I have zero comprehension of...promos to who? by what? Message? What message?! A message I have written? I have written a ton of messages.

All I can do or say, ever, is share my honest and sober opinion. You hi-jacked LoC-Ness monster, then you went over to the huns, then you came back to SG-E and even though I wanted to wipe you, I listed to Dysen and kept you around. I stayed mad at you throughout the entire time. You grew stronger, starting moving into o45, and had the joseph account give cities in o15 to sparky. Lead tells us that SG-E is now neutral. We saw you bed with the huns. I had a conversation with Dysen (I was about to join EotD) and we decided that I would handle the situation. I started attacking your alliance and took a city from Bianh. I sent you several messages that I would keep attacking SG-E until you explained it to us, you just responded, after a few days, laughing. After I realized no one in SG-E knew that you were taking cities in o45, I profusely apologized to SG-E (nor did they know about the city Joseph gave to Sparky - nor did most of them even know what grepostats was). Time passed, they asked me to help with their newly created anti-hun division, and since then that is where I have been. That is everything that happened (from my point of view), which I think given the circumstances of you hijacking LoC-Ness, the alliance you were to safegaurd, and then having them join The Huns, were reasonable enough assumptions for me to make.

Those are the events, the in betweens from your side, I can't comment on, I don't know them. But those are the events as I and many others saw them.

And, of course I have an agenda! So do you! And you try to get your agenda across (hence your consistent slanderous postings about me), so do all of us in this game (Dysen tries to get people Anti-Hun and Sparky and Greco try to get people pro-hun, i.e. sparky propaganda sent to all of SG-E recently) and in real life, and in everything we undertake...My agenda is clear - fighting Huns. It is simple. Don't like that agenda? Well fine, we are standing on the sides where we belong than.

SO, unless you want to fill in those gaps - can we just drop this?!

It seems so simple to me, you are a hun, I am not a hun. This is your second time being a hun. You are always wanted to be a hun. Let's just move on and meet on the battlefield like big boys.

(oh and I want to move on because I am literally bored with this conversation. Bored to tears. Why do you think it took me 8 days to finally get around to reading this topic. It is just boring. It is just you saying the same thing over and over again - and me trying to guide us on a topic, and you going back to talking about whatever you are talking about. It is just boring)

AND, on topic, to The Idioto, good job on the SJ10 siege yesterday...80k defense battle points from us and you still held the city. Bravo.
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Hey Nick (Nwinder), he held the city because he has friends and we know how to work as a team. We are coming to city near you soon.


Yup, I will be looking forward to it.

See, I give congratulations and I get rubbish back. I think both of our sides know how to work as a team. All I was saying is defending against what is presumably close to 8000 (a known 4000 by dysen and myself alone) light ships, regardless of sides, is impressive ~_^. BTW, I thought it of note because that is probably one of the largest blood baths over a single city Delta has seen in a while! In the span of 20 hours that city saw some massive action. Neither side can debate that =)
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Nwinder I don't know where to start but I will be posting shorty,

This post will be for SG members not their leaders or your self.

It will take a few days but it should answer all SG members' questions about your true intentions in SG.


If i was in an alliance with Nwinder, i would go crazy...

Also to keep this topic on thread - I believe a Dysen seige that barry once held out on gained him around 100k BP, but Dysen has stupid amounts of LS :p
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