Top 12 Alliances


Nice analysis! Fyi Millennium is the academy of Elysium, so your top 10 could include 1 more group if you wanted.


Nice analysis! Fyi Millennium is the academy of Elysium, so your top 10 could include 1 more group if you wanted.

That does change things a little. However, seems that since I posted, Flying Myth Units has now merged members into both Enigma and Heroes... Looks like the east and south of the oceans is planning to heat up...

It matters not to me. We were prepared for this inevitability...
Yes. This is funny. Nobody regonice us before. Now that Heroes and Enigma control in the east.
I believe there will be offers to join their coalition or maybe use some brutal force;)


Yes. This is funny. Nobody regonice us before. Now that Heroes and Enigma control in the east.
I believe there will be offers to join their coalition or maybe use some brutal force;)
that's because you guys were just stagnating until you had a recent merge :). Still, should be interesting to see where will you guys end up :)


Top 12
1. Mayvoc
(-voc referring to former name of their academy)- SWIM 7.4 million points and controls two oceans (54/53) but has a major presence in 44.43 and 55. 2nd in ABP doing well.

2. Mummies- FLOAT 6.9 million points and top of oceans (45/35/55). With the upcoming war I can see these guys sticking it through with the war being long and drawn out. They will sink in points but overall they will probably be gaining as much points as they lose cities.

3. IA- 5.0 million My alliance. Will comment a little. We top oceans (34/44/33/25), which means we control the most oceans, we are an active bunch of players and even our academy at a few weeks old can wipe the floor with a few of the smaller alliances on this list. No bias at all :cool::cool:.

4. Elysium/Millenium- 2.4 million SWIM Most don't realize the size of this alliance, but because of their size they deserve a swim as in all likelihood no one on this list, besides the top 3, can take them down. High ABP for a group of alliances based solely on the rim. Top 47/57/67/56 and have a major presence in 46.

5. HEROES- 2.2 million SWIM Honestly, the best alliance solely on the rim, with the merge of No Stress into their ranks I can easily see these guys dominating most of the NE rim. Control 64/63.

6. Viridians/Virdians- SWIM Great leadership, 1.8 million points. these guys are fighting toe to toe with an alliance that is more than 600,000 points their size. They control 36/46.

7. Enigma- 1.6 million SWIM Honestly them getting FMU (Flying Myth Units), to merge was genius. Although I have had my doubts about them, their leaders have made several smart moves in the last few weeks. If their leadership continues to go above and beyond they can become a dominating force in the SE cluster of alliances. Control 65, with significant presence in 66.

8. Drunk Group- FLOAT 1.4 million I like their fighting spirit but split into three alliances, they need to drop a lot of dead weight and start looking like REPO if they want to hold on to more than just ocean 75. They also have a presence in 74/65. At this points with a 3.8 million coalition targeting them outside help is the only way they will be relevant in the future.

9. Heavenly Kingdom- FLOAT These guys got saved by morale, at 750k points for 80 members, and the fact that their friendly neighbors allows these guys to survive. Best advise for them would be to flee further north and take on Knights of Templar and REPO, as neither IA or Mayhem care that much about these guys. They have a few players that are experienced so if push comes to shove they might stick it out till WW but won't be relevant. Based mostly in 43.

10. ATLANTIS- SWIM Strong players located in 66. Blowing up recently. i think if their leadership makes the rights decisions especially against Enigma they have a fighting chance at cracking to 5.
11. REPO- SWIM The most top heavy alliance in this world, they already control two oceans 42/52. depending on how they interact in the 03's (63/53/43), determines if they have a chance at becoming an important alliance.
12. Ukraine- SINK They will not be in the top 12 in two weeks. They are getting hammered by Elysium/Millenium, ATLANTIS and probably a few others too. Based in the SE corner of 56.

Promise there will be a lot more sinks on my next one.


I am going to do a quick increase from my last top 12.
1. Mayvoc-7.4 to 8.8 (1.4 million points) 20% growth.
2. Mummies
- 6.9 to 7.0 (less than 100,000 points) 1% growth.
3. IA
- 5.0 to 5.9 (900,000 points) 18% growth.
4. The Imperials
(Elysium +Viridians merge to make Imperium, Imperius, Invictus)- 4.2 to 5.2 (1 million points) 24% growth.
- 2.2 to 2.7 (500,000 points) 23% growth.
6. Enigma
- 1.6 to 2.0 (400,000 points) 25% growth.
7. Drunk Group
- 1.4 to 1.6 (200,000 points) 14% growth.
8. Heavenly Kingdom
- .75 to .95 (200,000 points) 27% growth.
- .7 to 1.0 (300,000 points) 43% growth
10. REPO
- .6 to 1.0 (400,000 points) 67% growth.
11. Western Order
(recently formed alliance in (24/25/33/23)- .5 to .9 (400,000 points) 80% growth.
12. Diehards
(Located in 74) .2 to .3 (lless than 100,000 points) less than 50% growth.


1. Mayvoc
-8.8 to 9.9 (1.1 million points) 13% growth. Modest growth most likely due to the loss of a large player, will be the first allaince to cross 10 million points. They are taking ITM cities to the tune of 93-18. Will continue to take cities in 55/45/44 from them.
2. Mummies
- 7.0 to 7.0 (less than 100,000 points) 1% growth. Losing 133 to 24 to IA+Mayvoc, with a net loss of 109 cities, I expect them to slip below The Imperials by mid-january.
3. IA
- 5.9 to 7.0 (1.1 million points) 19% growth. Beating mummies 40-6. Will continue to take cities in 35/45/44 from them.
4. The Imperials
5.2 to 6.8 (1.6 million points) 31% growth. (Academy wasn't founded during the first review), ridiculous growth not sure who their fighting but expect their only direction is up from now on.
- 2.7 to 3.3 (600,000 points) 22% growth. Fighting the Drunken Group and winning by at least 20 cities.
6. Enigma
- 2.0 to 2.3 (300,000 points) 15% growth. Low growth for a small alliance, I expect them to run out of space and targets once the Drunk Group is done with. I expect them to eventually merge or war with HEROES. If not they may go for ATLANTIS which can only lead to war with The Imperials.
7. Drunk Group
- 1.6 to 1.8 (200,000 points) 13% growth. Still managing to grow even though the HEROES-Enigma coalition is breathing down their backs. expect them to try to create a stronghold for defense in 75.
1.0 to 1.4 (400,000 points) 40% growth. Growing fast, good leadership the only question is were to grow?
- 1.0 to 1.3 (300,000 points) 30% growth. Winning against Mayhem in northern 53. I wouldn't say it's a smart decision to take on a 10 million point giant, but they sure can fight and are aggressive. Suprised they haven't taken shots at heavenly Kingdom or Last Legion, I feel both of those allainces would fall quickly and are key to success for them. One of their best defenses though is their top heavyness and their distance from other alliances.
10. Heavenly Kingdom
- .95 to 1.0 (50,000 points) 5% growth. These guys have been mostly left alone and can't even fight a smaller allaince like Last Legion or Myrmidons in the same area for growth.
11. Western Order
.9 to 1.2 (300,000 points) 33% growth. IA has no intention of messing with som rim guys, and so they have respected IA and grown a lot. Expect them to move on to 32 to fight Myrmidons or move towards REPO's area in general as the SW is locked up by large alliances.
12. Myrmidons
(Located in 42/32) 500,000 points. Small alliance who are surrounded by smal allainces, this can either help them or hurt them. Because now they have plenty of similar sized guys to fight them.


As, I predicted Enigma has lost 1 million points, and HEROES have gained 1.3 million. The remnants of that alliance has either decided to become an Academy or fight for their ocean, will be interesting to see what happened. This isn't the only change in the top 12 though. Their will be multiple changes by the end of next week.


When you spend your whole afternoon making one of these and grepoforums make you re-login when you click post, not saving your work. Goodbye 6 hours lol
Try posting after every two or three rankings you do and then posting it then edit and post more and repeat this process. I always click copy save my final work cause I know when I click post what might happen. Same has happened to me before.


Try posting after every two or three rankings you do and then posting it then edit and post more and repeat this process. I always click copy save my final work cause I know when I click post what might happen. Same has happened to me before.
nice thought!


Yeah, I wish I had thought of that at the time. Had like a bloody thesis up, thesis statement, table of contents, cited all correct sources and more. Jk but still lol.

This is the first half I had saved, but some of the stats weren't finished until I had done them all.... so I could rank accordingly

Change in the last 10 days (Doing top 5 only because rest of work was lost...

1. Mayhem

Points - 6,438,916 to 7,276,770. 837,854 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 13% improvement. Mediocre, standing at 3rd best improvement out of the top 5

Cities - 3.4:1 city gain to loss ratio all time which is also impressive, tying 3rd best out of alliances listed and in the last ten days have gained 59 cities.

BP - Still #1 ABP, #2 DBP and overall top for BP. Comfortably

Summary - Last 10 days have fared well for them, taking 15 ITM cities for 1 loss. War on Mummies seems to be slightly halted but still going strong, alot of internal city switching going on to free up city slots for the big hitters in there. Have only lost one city in this time period when excluding academy handovers. Are generating a ridiculously strong frontline against the Mummies and would be surprised if this didn't continue. SWIM

2. Infernal Abyss

Points - 5,415,475 to 6,849,789. 1,434,314 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 26.5% improvement. Double of Mayhem's, standing at 2nd best improvement out of the top 5

Cities - 3.6:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, scraping in slightly better than Mayhem, the best out of alliances listed and in the last ten days they have gained 176 cities which is almost triple of Mayhem. Explanation for this in Summary

BP - #3 for ABP and #5 for DBP which could be a problem later, if Mayhem tune their tastebuds to the sound of IA. Overall #3 in BP

Summary - Have had extreme growth due to the dissolving of their academy/sister alliance Infernal Abess. Alot of internal city swapping taking place and they have left alot of their previous players as food. Feeding on the scraps of the Mummies from Mayhem's hard work but overall taking no initiative on the attack front. Seem to be trundling along but have a lack of a proper target so for now FLOAT


Points - 3,155,294 to 5,314,698. 2,159,404 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 68.4% improvement. The top of the 5 alliances listed, and second highest after ATLANTIS out of all top 20 alliances, standing at best improvement out of the top 5

Cities - 3.4:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, seems to be the average around here. It helps because they are on the outer rim of the top 15 on the map so they don't have to defend on as many fronts. This is tying third best with HEROES out of alliances listed and in the last ten days they have gained 257 cities and even considering the merge is impressive. They are ripping up the 'drunks' coalition.

BP - #5 in ABP and #8 in DBP. Overall BP rank is #7 which is very poor considering their points rank.

Summary - Wouldn't be surprised if ATLANTIS (9th) ate their south where they become occupied and for Mayhem to turn around on their war on Mummies and eat up HEROES. Their western front is spread across 3 full oceans and too open at the moment. Their lack of Defensive experience will bite them on the ***. FLOAT then SINK

4. Im telling Mummy

Points - 4,312,132 to 4,346,372. Only 34,240 point growth in the last ten days which is just a 0.7% improvement. Almost non-existent, this improvement stands at lowest improvement out of the top 5

Cities - 2:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, lowest of all the top 5 alliances. Very poor. Mummies are definitely falling behind in the M v ITM war, and it is hurting them badly. The Imperium triple alliance and Infernal Abyss are feeding on their scraps too. In the last 10 days they have lost 30 cities.

BP - #2 ABP and #1 DBP. For their rank this is impressive but considering the war this is no new news, #2 BP overall.

Summary - Still faring badly from the war (12 taken for 58 lost) against Mayhem, but neither can I see a merge happening from any of the alliances. Possibly Infernal Abyss will take a few refugees in time but no one seems to be sticking up for the chaps other than themselves. Can see their academy dissolving and joining them considering their falling numbers. SINK

5.Mayhem Incarnate (Academy to Mayhem)

Points - 3,590,758 to 3,707,582. 116,824 point growth in the last ten days which is a meagre 3% improvement. Understandable for an academy, standing at 4th best out of the top 5

Cities - 3.5:1 gain to loss ratio all time, which is fair for an academy and very average. This is 2nd best out of alliances listed and in the last 10 days and they have lost 18 cities (presumably because they are an academy)

BP - #4 ABP and #6 DBP. ABP rank is impressive considering their points rank and that they are academy... Overall BP rank is #5.

Summary - Mayhem Incarnate are fairing extremely well and it isn't just because of their big brother Mayhem. They hold a strong rank for ABP and have a respectable ratio of 7:1 city conquests against the Mummies. Seem to be shedding their dead weight which is always a positive so my conclusion is SWIM

6. Imperium

Points - 2,769,091 - 3,297,059

didn't save any work after here so I lost from alliances 6 through till 12

Will summarise next 12:

6. Imperium: Have monopoly on south and South west because of pact with ATLANTIS, feeding on the scraps of the mummies, inevitable war with Mayhem, Mummies or IA. The fact they have 300 players overall helps because of their Imperius and Invictus coalition SWIM

7. Imperius: Almost exact same stats as Imperium, exact same summary as them except they are more east closer to ATLANTIS. Very close to mayhem, might seep into O55/66 crossroads for the Enigma scraps. SWIM

8. Still Telling Mummy: Better stats than their larger cohort but will still go downhill. They are in the middle of their larger alliances not on the frontline so they will last for a little longer until ITM is bled dry. SINK

9. ATLANTIS: Extreme growth, 70% in the last ten days, probably because of the Drunk group joining their ranks. HEROES are pushing in on them, inevitable war with HEROES considering they have a pact with the Imperium's and co. SWIM

10. REPO: Have a monopoly in the far North, no alliance have their bearings set to them at the moment so for now they can feed on the smaller alliances around them. Easy growth for those high-average players. SWIM

11. Western Order: Too easy food for IA, will be down the drain unless they expand outwards which would be a bad choice anyway. SINK

12. Invictus: Same as their sister alliances. Need to pick up their game in BP. SWIM

Shame I lost my work but whatever... things likke this happen


Good Top 12. Why did you put IA as float:(? Also BTW IA is also at war with ITM, if you add ITM plus their academy we have 40+ CQ's. and if you add ITM+STM vs. Mayhem+ MI you will find that Mayhem has over 120 Conquests on them.


Yeah Ponini I think Kann did a good job just seems to be lacking a lot of information. I'd give you an easy Swim ;). Imperium/Imperius joined up with Mummies and are hitting us (Mayhem) in 55. Think they've taken a couple but given that we only have a couple spread out players down there that's to be expected. IA have been doing great on the attack front and hitting the Mummies with us from day one, thought that was also pretty common knowledge after this long? Anyways I'll get my own one of these up sometime this week


Lol typical me... knowing details but missing out on the common knowledge. In that case I'd count IA as SWIM, considering they are with Mayhem and the fact they have a good target. Down in O66 as I got wiped out at the start comes with it's nuances...
IA against:
Im telling Mummy 26:4 conquest ratio
Still telling mummy 22:5 conquest ratio

On a more in depth look I see that IA are cleansweeping ITM