Yeah, I wish I had thought of that at the time. Had like a bloody thesis up, thesis statement, table of contents, cited all correct sources and more. Jk but still lol.
This is the first half I had saved, but some of the stats weren't finished until I had done them all.... so I could rank accordingly
Change in the last 10 days (Doing top 5 only because rest of work was lost...
1. Mayhem
Points - 6,438,916 to 7,276,770. 837,854 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 13% improvement. Mediocre, standing at 3rd best improvement out of the top 5
Cities - 3.4:1 city gain to loss ratio all time which is also impressive, tying 3rd best out of alliances listed and in the last ten days have gained 59 cities.
BP - Still #1 ABP, #2 DBP and overall top for BP. Comfortably
Summary - Last 10 days have fared well for them, taking 15 ITM cities for 1 loss. War on Mummies seems to be slightly halted but still going strong, alot of internal city switching going on to free up city slots for the big hitters in there. Have only lost one city in this time period when excluding academy handovers. Are generating a ridiculously strong frontline against the Mummies and would be surprised if this didn't continue. SWIM
2. Infernal Abyss
Points - 5,415,475 to 6,849,789. 1,434,314 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 26.5% improvement. Double of Mayhem's, standing at 2nd best improvement out of the top 5
Cities - 3.6:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, scraping in slightly better than Mayhem, the best out of alliances listed and in the last ten days they have gained 176 cities which is almost triple of Mayhem. Explanation for this in Summary
BP - #3 for ABP and #5 for DBP which could be a problem later, if Mayhem tune their tastebuds to the sound of IA. Overall #3 in BP
Summary - Have had extreme growth due to the dissolving of their academy/sister alliance Infernal Abess. Alot of internal city swapping taking place and they have left alot of their previous players as food. Feeding on the scraps of the Mummies from Mayhem's hard work but overall taking no initiative on the attack front. Seem to be trundling along but have a lack of a proper target so for now FLOAT
Points - 3,155,294 to 5,314,698. 2,159,404 point improvement in the last 10 days which is a 68.4% improvement. The top of the 5 alliances listed, and second highest after ATLANTIS out of all top 20 alliances, standing at best improvement out of the top 5
Cities - 3.4:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, seems to be the average around here. It helps because they are on the outer rim of the top 15 on the map so they don't have to defend on as many fronts. This is tying third best with HEROES out of alliances listed and in the last ten days they have gained 257 cities and even considering the merge is impressive. They are ripping up the 'drunks' coalition.
BP - #5 in ABP and #8 in DBP. Overall BP rank is #7 which is very poor considering their points rank.
Summary - Wouldn't be surprised if ATLANTIS (9th) ate their south where they become occupied and for Mayhem to turn around on their war on Mummies and eat up HEROES. Their western front is spread across 3 full oceans and too open at the moment. Their lack of Defensive experience will bite them on the ***. FLOAT then SINK
4. Im telling Mummy
Points - 4,312,132 to 4,346,372. Only 34,240 point growth in the last ten days which is just a 0.7% improvement. Almost non-existent, this improvement stands at lowest improvement out of the top 5
Cities - 2:1 city gain to loss ratio all time, lowest of all the top 5 alliances. Very poor. Mummies are definitely falling behind in the M v ITM war, and it is hurting them badly. The Imperium triple alliance and Infernal Abyss are feeding on their scraps too. In the last 10 days they have lost 30 cities.
BP - #2 ABP and #1 DBP. For their rank this is impressive but considering the war this is no new news, #2 BP overall.
Summary - Still faring badly from the war (12 taken for 58 lost) against Mayhem, but neither can I see a merge happening from any of the alliances. Possibly Infernal Abyss will take a few refugees in time but no one seems to be sticking up for the chaps other than themselves. Can see their academy dissolving and joining them considering their falling numbers. SINK
5.Mayhem Incarnate (Academy to Mayhem)
Points - 3,590,758 to 3,707,582. 116,824 point growth in the last ten days which is a meagre 3% improvement. Understandable for an academy, standing at 4th best out of the top 5
Cities - 3.5:1 gain to loss ratio all time, which is fair for an academy and very average. This is 2nd best out of alliances listed and in the last 10 days and they have lost 18 cities (presumably because they are an academy)
BP - #4 ABP and #6 DBP. ABP rank is impressive considering their points rank and that they are academy... Overall BP rank is #5.
Summary - Mayhem Incarnate are fairing extremely well and it isn't just because of their big brother Mayhem. They hold a strong rank for ABP and have a respectable ratio of 7:1 city conquests against the Mummies. Seem to be shedding their dead weight which is always a positive so my conclusion is SWIM
6. Imperium
Points - 2,769,091 - 3,297,059
didn't save any work after here so I lost from alliances 6 through till 12
Will summarise next 12:
6. Imperium: Have monopoly on south and South west because of pact with ATLANTIS, feeding on the scraps of the mummies, inevitable war with Mayhem, Mummies or IA. The fact they have 300 players overall helps because of their Imperius and Invictus coalition SWIM
7. Imperius: Almost exact same stats as Imperium, exact same summary as them except they are more east closer to ATLANTIS. Very close to mayhem, might seep into O55/66 crossroads for the Enigma scraps. SWIM
8. Still Telling Mummy: Better stats than their larger cohort but will still go downhill. They are in the middle of their larger alliances not on the frontline so they will last for a little longer until ITM is bled dry. SINK
9. ATLANTIS: Extreme growth, 70% in the last ten days, probably because of the Drunk group joining their ranks. HEROES are pushing in on them, inevitable war with HEROES considering they have a pact with the Imperium's and co. SWIM
10. REPO: Have a monopoly in the far North, no alliance have their bearings set to them at the moment so for now they can feed on the smaller alliances around them. Easy growth for those high-average players. SWIM
11. Western Order: Too easy food for IA, will be down the drain unless they expand outwards which would be a bad choice anyway. SINK
12. Invictus: Same as their sister alliances. Need to pick up their game in BP. SWIM
Shame I lost my work but whatever... things likke this happen