Top 12 Top 12 Helio


as much as i have enjoyed reading that, i would much rather gave top 4 alliances a Float depending on how next few weeks play out, at this point its unsure what happens.. but you giving JFL sink and my team a float while giving bedtime swim is ridiculous at best.
Each experienced leader sees that BedTime is boxed in on all sides and that they don't know what to do nor where to expand, if that is a swim.. then sure.. everyone else sinks big time for having actual plans lol
I actually agree, BS relies on thier enemies underperforming, where as JFL is free to do whatever they want. Huggers/Bibors are clear swim, due to lack of competition, atleast for now.


4. Just for laughs sink (Lower case because they won't sink fast)

Attackers: Rank 4 206634 BP Defenders: Rank 6 50823 BP Average BP per player: 6436 BP

I'm so SORRY guys!!! Don't hate me for this one! You got the short end of the stick but I know you'll make em work for that ocean. This alliance here has been seen on many worlds and is an all around good team. With a pretty tight core in western ocean 54. But up against BS I don't know how they're going to do. So sorry my homies, but SINK.



I actually agree, BS relies on thier enemies underperforming, where as JFL is free to do whatever they want. Huggers/Bibors are clear swim, due to lack of competition, atleast for now.

i was never gonna be biased about my team nor say much about how we are doing nor what, but being overly biased for 1 specific team that would have hard time fighting JFL alone let alone 2 top teams is not a swim like Michael, he had to be more objective towards all teams and their position.

even what you said for my team is not that accurate, you can never know what can happen with BedTime or BROSSR to the south of us.. not gonna underestimate any team here, just gonna be realistic and see what happens in next weeks.


Bibor Premium Fanclub
Bad with names

The cuddle has started?!


People said the same thing about The Virus (My alliance in en106). That we won't stick around for the end of the month. I remember you being one of them. But floating through.
Also I came here to gold trade but 106 was getting too slow for me, met some friends we started this. Not a premade and we have many newbies, idk why but its like you are either and MRA or premade, there is nothing in between. Call us MRA or whatever, we just here to have some fun. :eek:

5. Two Bit Hit FLOAT/SINK?

Attackers: Rank 12 125208 BP Defenders: Rank 5 54299 BP Average BP per player: 4274 BP

No clue who these guys are but they seem to be up against OLD SCHOOL in ocean 44. They have a cocaine line shaped core in southern ocean 44
I don't know much about these guys so I won't trash talk much. But good luck mah dudes. FLOAT then SINK...


Bibor... OOOO Bibor. Talked crap. Then got 2 cities landed on within 6 hours after his "No one will take a city from me" speech. Both were taken. Seems You all need a better fan club. Maul the best! Seems like a good name.

Maul the Best Music presents!

Another one!


Why is some random flaming? Story will soon say u ran up with some hope but ran off like a ghost.