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Tf can cry all they want but they heavily outnumbered us and still lost the war to us (fiasco) by 572 cities to 28. I don't think that's only because of gold...

One of their leaders (ahr ex) had over 50k dlu lts in her city on an island with like 5 other TF cities (a city which was never revved btw). At the same time their best players mumbai2012 and stannis were getting opped. That dlu could have helped them a lot.

I'm new to this game but it's clear to me that the TF leaders got outmaneuvered! Just like the cocky Summer Camp leaders did. If i was a player in their allies I'd reconsider playing for them again, fumbling like that is embarrassing!


All I read from DOC here was...

"Gold gold gold gold Gold? Gold gold nuke nuke gold gold Goooold nuke ha. Gold gold gold pfffft nuke gold gold".



I havent even played this en145 server but keep getting tagged...

Either way it's always fun to see noobs complain about gold abuse. I don't know many other games where you can easily top 10 without spending a dime, but of course that requires learning the game and actually playing it

Ofc there's spartan and jasper spending bucks on Fiasco, but i doubt most of their other players did. 2-3 million BP after a full speed 3 server isnt even anything outrageous, chances are you other alliances just suck


I want to make it abundantly clear Gold isn't the actual issue there is a ton of things in the game it can be spent on. The problem is when Inno implemented the insta-buy feature instead of the old reduce % time. That tips the scale from manageable to not for most people.

The Insta-buy for Buildings & Units to be precise, takes the Strategy part out of a good Strategy Game.


haha, that clearly has to be photoshop, TF did NOT gold, ask wdj40, he knows :)

I said in the 2 months we fought them there was very little sign of spamming Re-Golded nukes, which is true.

Anyhoo it was a pleasure to fight alongside you for a while Habbibbi :)


This right here, clearly shows you have no idea lol
Recent events kind of suggests the opposite. I pretty much predicted everything that is happening. So if you like to see your name in all the forums, instead of just writing pointless phrases, either say something useful or at least express your own opinion on events.


Recent events kind of suggests the opposite. I pretty much predicted everything that is happening. So if you like to see your name in all the forums, instead of just writing pointless phrases, either say something useful or at least express your own opinion on events.
Haha might need to start charging me rent judging by the amount of time I'm living in your head....


wah wah wah all this whining about golding. People need to start asking the hard hitting questions like what the heck is a LMD?
So true. The option of using LMD's should definitely be brought back. Ive said it many times, moral should apply to all attacks and sieges in a moral world and if you dont like it you have the option of playing non-moral worlds. This half half option having moral for ghost sieges but not normal sieges in ridiculous.