Important Tyrion's Signature Works


Created a new timemachine button with a steampunk T in it:




This my look like my first post and i kind of is. I am a player since gamma and have played on all servers since. Grepolis kind of sucks for me since all of my roommates play grepolis so we cant help each other(shared connection)

Well done to business. I created a new account that is now my only name i play on and is my first name to make it to the public forums. I am requestion a sig and avatar. I'm not sure of your schedule or if you will even do it. Take your time.

I want a sig and avatar that matches and incorporates this picture

No real color or scheme or theme in mind just really eye catching like your own. And the only text needed is Wombat. Thank you in advance for your time


Latest creation - a signature for Vork, only a few more projects to finish now :D


and Vork's Avatar:

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I'm preeeeety sure you got your sig from here

Or the photo shop one

I do use Ps tuts to get the ideas for my signatures, but only for mine. It's through the tuts that I am learning how to use Ps and all the varied effects. However I take that info and carry it over to other people's signatures that I make.

P.S. - The tut that I used required a lot more steps and is much more involved since GIMP isn't able to do all the effects that Ps is able to do. :p

Your sig style changes all the time

My style will continue to change because I get bored with things that don't change or don't aspire to continue to improve. Onwards and upwards is better :)
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I do use Ps tuts to get the ideas for my signatures, but only for mine. It's through the tuts that I am learning how to use Ps and all the varied effects. However I take that info and carry it over to other people's signatures that I make.

P.S. - The tut that I used required a lot more steps and is much more involved since GIMP isn't able to do all the effects that Ps is able to do. :p

My style will continue to change because I get bored with things that don't change or don't aspire to continue to improve. Onwards and upwards is better :)

Haha I knew it, that sig was sorta based on the ps tuts. Personally I think Gimp have a lot of effects,because is open sourced, is just a pain to find and download them.

anyway, I too learn from tut and changing my styles, I'm havn't reached a level I wanted yet


Outstanding Sig/Button Requests

Yes, I have necro'd my own thread...muwhahaha!!!!

For all those who have outstanding requests with me (Setamdar, Epikness, Furry, VVombat, and Vork), I am currently working on them and I should be able to post a number of them today and will PM them to you as well as post them in here for collection.


Yes, I have necro'd my own thread...muwhahaha!!!!

For all those who have outstanding requests with me (Setamdar, Epikness, Furry, VVombat, and Vork), I am currently working on them and I should be able to post a number of them today and will PM them to you as well as post them in here for collection.

I am so excited to see the masterpiece tyrion will create for me :D

Tyrion - one of the best sig makers ALIVE.

I like how he doesnt just take a background picture and adds some text to it :p

I also love the abstract look of his sig and the variety of sigs he makes, he can make abstract, normal etc. Awesome work!


Ok, so here are three of the awaited projects:




I'm still working on VVombat's Sig.


Furry's sig had me dying of laughter. Amazing work man!
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Oh, and this was done as a try-out for a request that was made by Myrmidon King on the forums a while ago. Just never got round to posting it here:



You do good work Tyrion kudos. I don't particularly like the vibrant & vast array of colors but I do like the abstract theme you bring to your work.

Keep it up :D


Thanks Inverterate. I know that not everyone likes the abstract style or the amount of color that I like to use, but I try to vary all of my work and I have catered to various styles for people when I've taken on a request for a graphic.