Venom vs Stalingrad

  • Thread starter Crixus Undefeated Gaul
  • Start date


I found the name amusing. How worked up V2 got is just great haha.
LOL I'm Edgy.PNG


What can I say its funny. Some of the attitudes are like they just conquered Rob or defeated Grepohugs or something like that. They beat a fairly new player with a small alliance and it took two tries. I like most of you guys but dang one mishap and it's ego's galore in the forums.


I think it is more the fact that we had a lot of fun crushing a turtled up city.


I'm sure it was but the point what you want to communicate and what you're actually communicating are two different things. The point you communicate now is coming off as a little over confident about something that frankly you should be taking a step back and evaluating along with working with the guy who was capable of doing more. If someone on my previous teams had four decently developed cities and was thinking of sending that kind of attack for the CS I'd have probably told him to be better prepared for a fight. We also most certainly wouldn't be belittling the guy, a new one no less, for his defense or in some context a small alliance. Especially if they had beaten us in round one. The ego and display I saw over the weekend was so hilariously bad that it reminds me of over confidence mixed with some underlying whining and bad sportsmanship.

Basically you all act like you're this guy:

But you're performance made you all look like this guy:

Yet the cockiness mixed with just bad sportsmanship makes you all look like this guy:

Which in the end produces this guy:

Like I said I like you all but you guys should seriously watch the point you're communicating and ask yourselves. "Will this represent us positively or negatively?" That's all i'm saying.

Ignore my thumb nail of TB at the bottom Kobe won out in the first picture at the last second. :D


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    Tom brady.PNG
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lol finding those pics showed more invested interest in it than most of us did :D









Naval battle

Yup you got me...I'm totally investing more interest into this than you all did. To build on that i'll point out anyone who used the forums on V2 came here to add their 2 cents and belittle crixus at some point or another in what i'm guessing is an attempt at damage control. Granted the damage is minimal but as we all know its best to prevent negative images. That being said I just have to say if you're gonna try to play it off as you didn't care. Then you should probably make sure there isn't two threads worth of evidence stating otherwise. ;)

As for finding the pictures I grew up watching those guys and knew what they were like. It didn't take me very long to find an image at all save when I found Kobe to be a better way of depicting cockiness than Brady.

PS there were so many of these things that I actually had to delete some of the images to fit.


nod ive not got a clue who any of those sportsmen are in fact id say that if your not an american sports fan the relivance would be lost on you.

as for you opinions on this subject i find them at best flawed. The puplicity on this whole event was not brought to forums by venom, crixus asked for a public exicution and he was obliged his size skill or alliance are irelivant.

he asked for this and we obliged and it was fun to do end of story.


Yup you got me...I'm totally investing more interest into this than you all did. To build on that i'll point out anyone who used the forums on V2 came here to add their 2 cents and belittle crixus at some point or another in what i'm guessing is an attempt at damage control. Granted the damage is minimal but as we all know its best to prevent negative images. That being said I just have to say if you're gonna try to play it off as you didn't care. Then you should probably make sure there isn't two threads worth of evidence stating otherwise. ;)

As for finding the pictures I grew up watching those guys and knew what they were like. It didn't take me very long to find an image at all save when I found Kobe to be a better way of depicting cockiness than Brady.

PS there were so many of these things that I actually had to delete some of the images to fit.

Just some points:

1. The only one obsessively interested in this matter is in fact you, putting posts some more than 300 words. We used 2 cents you used 10 grands ;)

2. Any matter inside or related to Venom does not concern anyone but Venom. How we deal with an individual or any alliance is one of them. We simply do not want advisers or admirers and so on so forth.

3. From the looks of this thread , it can clearly be seen that a new guy (referring to your post), we are arrogant we call him NOOB, put up a thread, and an expert (you) takes it so seriously that takes up almost one third of it., what does that say?

4. If you find something irritating when it does not concern you at all, then you have to ask yourself a couple of questions, the first one would be 'Why?' (Use Wh-questions for starter)

5. Last but not least, I can come to this conclusion that the counter down your name needs to reach a certain level, lets say 2500, you are now at 1600, so you have to actively post anything that crosses your mind, either it s related to you or not. For that matter I propose to you an elegant way: Post this 'I am always here and everywhere, see me'

So all in all you looked like this:


P.S: We like you too, don't get offended :)
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The things I could say in this thread. Too many to choose from.Venom pick on someone your own size. You are looking foolish for belittling someone smaller than you.
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Just some points:

1. The only one obsessively interested in this matter is in fact you, putting posts some more than 300 words. We used 2 cents you used 10 grands ;)

2. Any matter inside or related to Venom does not concern anyone but Venom. How we deal with an individual or any alliance is one of them. We simply do not want advisers or admirers and so on so forth.

3. From the looks of this thread , it can clearly be seen that a new guy (referring to your post), we are arrogant we call him NOOB, put up a thread, and an expert (you) takes it so seriously that takes up almost one third of it., what does that say?

4. If you find something irritating when it does not concern you at all, then you have to ask yourself a couple of questions, the first one would be 'Why?' (Use Wh-questions for starter)

5. Last but not least, I can come to this conclusion that the counter down your name needs to reach a certain level, lets say 2500, you are now at 1600, so you have to actively post anything that crosses your mind, either it s related to you or not. For that matter I propose to you an elegant way: Post this 'I am always here and everywhere, see me'

So all in all you looked like this:


P.S: We like you too, don't get offended :)

1. To obsessing see above reports. Now keep in mind I couldn't even include them all when I quoted. If i'm spending 10 grand then that's chump change compared to what V2 invested in that one. Also why did you bother counting my words? That seems a little obsessive to me. :eek:

2. When it comes out in public its no longer just for venom sorry. As for advice it was more an observation that V2 seemed to blow a fuse over this.

3. It says V2 still took up more than I did now doesn't it? You all rally to the forums when your name gets mentioned. Yet you're trying to say i'm obsessed its rather funny there.

4. Again i'm not irritated at all i'm actually amused by how far you all went to try to cover up a botched conquest both in game and publicly. I'd have personally shut up and went right to the grind before talking but that's me.

5. Congratulations on knowing how much I've posted. If you can observe that fact then how did you miss my join date? 1600 over the course of three years isn't very much buddy. Plus how does this relate to anything? Now you're just spouting off random facts with no real relevance to the topic. Nor would this have any impact on my credibility as a player and me being fit or not to state my observations to you.

Lets see, you're covering up bad decisions, you're trying to shift blame, and you're bringing up random stuff that serves no point as to what we were debating over.
Then you must be this:

Again i'll repeat my initial argument. Shifting blame only works if the evidence that says other wise isn't freely available like it is here. It would be better to either just admit you all went over the edge a bit. Or better yet drop it where it now and continue with your day. Because this "forum obsessed" player can still 5 minute farm and fight in between your posts and loves a good debate. Judging by what you said you probably don't like that aspect of the game. :)

PS nah man you know I wouldn't get offended over an argument it'll all be old news in no time :)

I do like zero point's argument better though. He's short and sweet and doesn't come off as cocky or condescending.

Johanco- They don't exclusively pick on small players. They openly admitted they'll be fighting Chaos Hunters soon and they have taken down two top 12's already back when in terms of size they were more evenly matched. As for belittling the player I do agree some of the comments were rather belittling and seemed to be just down right stupid to say. Especially when the player himself admitted he would lose.
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1. To obsessing see above reports. Now keep in mind I couldn't even include them all when I quoted. If i'm spending 10 grand then that's chump change compared to what V2 invested in that one. Also why did you bother counting my words? That seems a little obsessive to me. :eek:

2. When it comes out in public its no longer just for venom sorry. As for advice it was more an observation that V2 seemed to blow a fuse over this.

3. It says V2 still took up more than I did now doesn't it? You all rally to the forums when your name gets mentioned. Yet you're trying to say i'm obsessed its rather funny there.

4. Again i'm not irritated at all i'm actually amused by how far you all went to try to cover up a botched conquest both in game and publicly. I'd have personally shut up and went right to the grind before talking but that's me.

5. Congratulations on knowing how much I've posted. If you can observe that fact then how did you miss my join date? 1600 over the course of three years isn't very much buddy. Plus how does this relate to anything? Now you're just spouting off random facts with no real relevance to the topic. Nor would this have any impact on my credibility as a player and me being fit or not to state my observations to you.

Lets see, you're covering up bad decisions, you're trying to shift blame, and you're bringing up random facts.
Then you must be this:
View attachment 8543

PS nah man you know I wouldn't get offended over an argument it'll all be old news in no time :)

I do like zero point's argument better though. He's short and sweet and doesn't come off as cocky or condescending.

Johanco- They don't exclusively pick on small players. They openly admitted they'll be fighting Chaos Hunters soon and they have taken down two top 12's already back when in terms of size they were more evenly matched. As for belittling the player I do agree some of the comments were rather belittling and seemed to be just down right stupid to say. Especially when the player himself admitted he would lose.

Oh dear :)

1. Public or not, it s a Venom related matter, you throw 1 penny you are considered obsessive, the point is you are not in the picture at all, 2 alliances and their players, which one do you belong to? So you are obsessive (dont get offended) :)

2. No need to count your words, wild precise guess (I am smart and cocky) :)

3.Of course Venom took up the most part, it s related to Venom, not you, you took up that much just have one meaning: Obsession

4. Well I suppose we didnt go public, it was gone public by someone, we are not on silent mode, you know?, but you? seriously? What are you doing here in the first place? (So again your obsession draws you here)

5. Knowing? observing? fact? like I dug it up? it s written down there if you have nt noticed after 3 YEARS, your joint date is of no importance. Have nt seen 6000 so 1600 is considered a lot. Now, many old players have the same number, the difference is that theirs are productive, yours is a bag full of obsessiveness. no comment on your creditably.

6. Bad decisions? Blame? we dont blame we play. we make decisions, they do not concern anyone outside the game.

So to sum it up:

You desperately need that number up, you have a lot of time on your hands to waste and finally you are way too nosy. So for that you have been like:

More catholic than pope

Sheriff of the town

Verdict: Obsession without a reason :)

Case dismissed!

P.S: I know I have said it before, but dont get offended please :)


1. Again everyone is allowed their two cents in a public forum. If you don't want it I suggest not sending a bad conquest attempt in the first place and stressing making good decisions there were many ways around both round won and two that would have won you the city and more for less. But if that's your view of being obsessive then you must be terrible at interpersonal relationships. None taken btw tis just a game and a friendly debate :)

2. Cocky? yes. Smart we'll rate you at in the middle for now because you thought 1600 posts over 3 years is a lot. ;)

3. Ah but you're the one still fighting to defend your image and once again shift blame. And you just cut out a leg for your argument. Of course you came out to the public forum to defend your image. You guys are obsessed with looking good. What my earlier point was maybe you shouldn't be so cocky when you didn't look so good. A small alliance forced that much effort out of you and honestly the response tactic was meh at best. If you guys want to be #1 and stay that way start acting like you're #2.

4. Actually I can't counter this one. Mostly because your counter argument doesn't seem to even closely relate to my last one... Maybe you should just leave it to Zero Point here. PS if i'm the obsessed one how come you also keep coming back and are obsessed with convincing people that i'm obsessed? When push comes to shove you won't see me up late at night studying V2's actions. The only reason this is a debate is because being cocky over something so stupid should be poked fun at until the other side realizes maybe they have a little more work to put in. :)

5. I really don't care about my posting number. Again you're trying to shift blame off yourselves for acting like some fools and onto me for "obsessing" over you. Maybe if you can to O-56 i'd show a little concern until then i'm simply pointing out the foolishness of your actions. You can take it or leave it there.

6. No you're clearly blaming on this one. Its kind of been the blame game for awhile now. "you're small you shouldn't talk." "we'll get you soon" "you're simply obsessed". LOL you can just calm down with all that home boy. ;) as for playing i'm not sure. You've shown you can play true. But you've also shown some of that play was purely reactionary with no real thought of plan. You told me to ask myself why? With that advice I should tell you to ask yourselves. "How can it make this the most efficient?" as I said there was other ways around what happened in round 2. If you guys go back to that you'll be even more successful. Ps i'm in your world bud.

Also I'd watch the religious humor. Some people would find it offensive. And honestly bro you're obsessed about me being obsessed with you all. Maybe it's just wishful thinking? ;) As for being noisy at least the noise I make has a point and is productive. Yours is just you making points that really have no leg to stand on. I think you trying to convince me i'm obsessed is really just an inferiority complex you suffer from when nobody really did pay attention to you. Hence why you're complaining about someone obsessing yet at the same time you yourself won't shut up and end it. Truth is you love the attention you receive because ultimately nobody really paid much attention before. :/

Now maybe you should stop because if the roles were reversed and I was defending V2 you'd be jumping on my bandwagon. And just so you know I have argued in V2's favor in the past so don't think i'm just out to wreck V2's rep. Instead of arguing back maybe you should simply admit that you guys talked a little too much, preformed a little too poorly, and that's all there is to it. It's not a bad thing and it happens a lot. I'd suggest instead of having this debate you go and workout your team work techniques so a one dimensional attack isn't the only option on the table.

On that note reply and take my advice as you will. I feel you'll either not reply or bring back the same meaningless arguments. Let's just face that you think you're on top and sadly that probably won't start adjusting until you're given reason to do so. And I think you all probably could have handled this better both in the game and on the forums. Good day to you sir. :)


I agree with Nod, in all honesty. I've always respected alliances/tribes that have done well and yet remained humble - they have played the game in a committed manner, but still realise that it is just a game. There's always room for improvement and the moment you shut out outsider criticism is the moment you hit your self-created ceiling.


The things I could say in this thread. Too many to choose from.Venom pick on someone your own size. You are looking foolish for belittling someone smaller than you.

this just stinks of petty bitterness, you got booted from venom for being more active on forums than ingame.

as i said before crixus brought this to forums and made it public he only has himself to blame.

the facts are simple

we attacked and revolted him , he and his alliance put up an excilent defence, our c ship failed. This should of been the end of the story but

crixus desided to give it charlie big patato and post in forums how amazing he and his alliance was.

In anyones book that is an open challenge

we excepted the challenge

crixus got rimmed

its a common story in grepo as its a war game

so i dont see were any of the other bs comes into it.