Come on ya'll we are better than this, this server-external-forum is the quietist ever! Like OMG girlfriends.. Most wars are started in the externals.. Looks like everyone's come here to die, without Rocks paper, pft.... Yawnsville, population everyone..
So, how is everyone? Playing hard? Hardly playing?
Are we really only a month in, pft, I could be 35 by the time this world ends
Hey Iam currently in an Alliance called Incognito, we are all neewbs, don't think anyone has ever played the game before this world.. What's CQ mean and how do you turn an Alliance red, wait how do you call the militia in, I've got so many questions, what's diplomacy.. Hang on, hang on... What's this Offensive sniping all about, so can I really attack a CS that's in my current city with the same cities attacking force.. That is totally Amazeballs!, don't think anyone in Incognito has ever done that before.. Sssssshhhh! Incognito.
Yawn, iam just gona keep trolling this forum until it gets interesting lol
So, how is everyone? Playing hard? Hardly playing?
Are we really only a month in, pft, I could be 35 by the time this world ends
Hey Iam currently in an Alliance called Incognito, we are all neewbs, don't think anyone has ever played the game before this world.. What's CQ mean and how do you turn an Alliance red, wait how do you call the militia in, I've got so many questions, what's diplomacy.. Hang on, hang on... What's this Offensive sniping all about, so can I really attack a CS that's in my current city with the same cities attacking force.. That is totally Amazeballs!, don't think anyone in Incognito has ever done that before.. Sssssshhhh! Incognito.
Yawn, iam just gona keep trolling this forum until it gets interesting lol