too much

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5-7 quakes every two hours? There's a four hour cooldown period on my server, so I can only get hit with a maximum of 6 quakes per day. Why not cast Athena's protection?


Because the quakes hit 5-7 different cities at a time. Good luck trying to enact population growth or happiness on said cities with city protection.


I'd just like to mention (snidely) that I thoroughly like being hit by 5-7 earthquakes every two hours... from the same player. But that's no big deal right? Nah not at all. It's not like I was holding off an entire alliance on my own until my walls disappeared because of dozens of earthquakes not otherwise possible to enact. But it's okay, those with skill are greater than those with money... until money takes your tools away.

I firmly believe that Grepolympia is a mistake in its current form. But it may be too late to fix the problem.


For the record, I will leave if this is not changed. (Seriously.)

inb4 "Good riddance, don't let the door hit you on the way out."

No, I am not threatening IG. That's a common, childish tactic in MMO forums, and I detest it. My contribution to their profits is so miniscule that it's hardly worth mentioning.

I just want to point out that there's at least one player who feels so strongly. Am I an oddball? Somehow, I doubt it. Not all of the people who hate Grepolympia post here or contact the developers.

I simply can't enjoy the game if I know that the challenge can be removed by "making a donation".


I am with you. I like this game. I will voluntarily spend money on this weekly/monthly. But if this game become unbalanced, i will leave. I don't see anything wrong in giving premium players a 'slight' advantage or giving them tools like commanders etc. Those differences add up but are materially insignificant. But when something like grepolympics happens with no limits to spending gold, its shameful.

Just to be clear, i love grepolympics and the rankings. The ability to spend infinite laurels is what is messing up this game. Nothing else.
IF this can be limited to a reasonable number daily or even if all spells could be upgraded to have a timer (once every 12 hours or something - this already exists for the double bp spell), the game is at least sensible.


well .. first of all .. i am complaining to mods/admins at to why the thread bashing grepolympics was locked , because i wanted to post on it.
As that cannot be the case, i am going to complain here.

Also, i am a non gold but still as active as i could be player ... second , no i am not being attacked .. third , i do not belong to a MRA (35 players with 620000+ points in olympia is certainly not a MRA) ..

I am not here to complain because i am a non gold player.. I am here to complain because i am a player..

I agree with Tyrion and various others on the point that this is a business and you need money to keep up the business..

But i think they would also agree that what makes this game worth playing is the large number of people playing this game .. Also IG gets money from adverts also which is based on the levels of activity on server meaning that we all together also generate revenues..

I have no problem with premium options as they are needed to keep the game running and tilts a bit of balance to those who spend money. But grepolymics is ridiculous just because of its shop ... i have my neighbour who has been with me since nearly starting of the world and has been a very good and skillfull player...

However, since the beginning of a game, a player who was very inactive , suddenly increased his city from 6k to direst 9.7k in 2 days ... even ahead of me .. and let me tell you, i used to farm every 10 minutes for nearly starting 1.5 months ..
this guy, who was so much inactive and had no city, is now on the verge of taking my neighbours 8.6 k city ..

Just tell me how is this fair?? and you are saying the effect will not be much ... just imagine how many people who have spent so much time working on their cities will loose them so easily .. 6k , 7k cities simply being conquered because opposing players have money to spend...

those who are saying that you can still play the game while pay to win... but the condition is going so bad it seems you have to pay to survive now... how else are you going to survive...

Suppose i was not active .. now i use gold , get laurels ,upgrade my city and get 4-5 other cities worth 8k-9k each just by sheer power of money .. and then i dont need even much premium to upgrade these cities ... all come with high level of warehouses , etc.

Just tell me is there no value to the dedication of a player??? ... no value to the time a player spends on this game ...

And is it too difficult to understand that in many cases , its not that people dont want to spend but cant spend as they dont have money..

If gold users are important so are the non gold users ... and if you dont agree with my point just make a special world with lot of benefits only accessible to gold players and see how many players are left on that world after 1 month.

I agree grepolymics is fun but it has simply destroyed the uneven level field the premium used to generate .. it seems to me more of a difference between red sea and mount everest.

And those saying about sponsor pay ... well that does not work in my country .. i dont have money to spend as i am a student right now ...
So should i lose all my cities to a rich kid??

Can someone answer this question please...

PS : And i do agree mods/admins are fun ... sometimes their comments are so funny i (actually) have tears in my eyes due to laughing !!! :)
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Well said helliswell.
I 'can' afford to play this game. But not all the friends i have made over the past 6 months can (or will). If they leave .. will i continue?
Its a fine balance. I can afford and will take advantage of these new features. but its not fair to others. And this game is about having fun together as a community.

I am sure the admins locked the thread as they are taking the comments under advisement. A post stating that would be nice Tyrion, then everyone else can breathe easy. :)

Inno has been fantastic. The developers are strong team and quick to respond to greviences with their support staff. I have full faith, they will do what is best for everyone.


your second arguement has nothing to do with anything why would we question you over any of these facts?

the fact it took you to 6k when i've done it in under 4k shows something also....infact all my worlds iv been 3800-5000 tops. im also a free user and currently in the top 12 fighters on hyperborea and have only bought gold ONCE in my 2 year career and i've take free users to over 20 cities and had them beat gold users. and if you have troops and a good alliance i find the 20% even bought by captains and commanders mean nothing really.

ill be honest with you sometimes this game isn't fair. in an upright fight we were dominating on two fronts in ithica...because one spy came in and edited our forum posts my alliance had the whole world after it and was promptly ripped to shreads by both free and gold users alike. that wasn't fair but it happened and i moved on.


your second arguement has nothing to do with anything why would we question you over any of these facts?

the fact it took you to 6k when i've done it in under 4k shows something also....infact all my worlds iv been 3800-5000 tops. im also a free user and currently in the top 12 fighters on hyperborea and have only bought gold ONCE in my 2 year career and i've take free users to over 20 cities and had them beat gold users. and if you have troops and a good alliance i find the 20% even bought by captains and commanders mean nothing really.

ill be honest with you sometimes this game isn't fair. in an upright fight we were dominating on two fronts in ithica...because one spy came in and edited our forum posts my alliance had the whole world after it and was promptly ripped to shreads by both free and gold users alike. that wasn't fair but it happened and i moved on.

I dont have problem with captain, commander , etc. because i understand IG also needs money to run the game ... I also have no problem with grepolympics ... what i have problem is with the unlimited usage of gold tilting the balance heavily in favor of gold users..
And the loss it causes to those who are not !!!

Also the 6 k city which increased to 9.7k is not mine .. its of some other player whos trying to take my neighbours city..

Also i mentioned the second arguement because many players said that those being attacked are "whiners"

P.S. : I also agree that devs do a gr8 job... running such a big game and giving fast response is no mean feat...


wanna know how to off a simmer? just build troops he built a 6000 point city? thats amazing you build a 600 slinger army and hes probably finished ;D


The other threads on the grepolympia were locked as there is no point having three of four threads debating the same issue.


What I would like to debate is why is Grepolympia even happening with all the bugs that are inherent in it?

As all the other posters have stated it unbalances the world but now so even more than gold vs. non-gold with the bugs it has. A perfect example is a combination of two bugs already acknowledged by Innogames. Loss of free run and 3x charging on spells, if we look at this in regards to two players one gets hit by the bugs and the other doesnt the imbalance is staggering and more than even gold vs. non-gold play. Alas, even though these bugs are acknowledged, recorded, ticketed and consistently re-occuring there is no change but "ya we know about it.... sorry". Shut the games down until it works properly, or at the very least refund the lost laurels to those players who submit a ticket so that they are not the victims of a willful ignorace which imbalances the game.

Excuses such as there are too many or "policy" are not acceptable as it is Innogames who is responsible for placing this problem. At the very least every effort to correct the mistakes via refund or suspension of games until working properly should be implemented.


I've only suffered from one bug, where it didn't give me my free training after 24 hours.

Apart from that, I like many have been free of bugs.

GrepOlympia has not been as badly hit by bugs as it has been portrayed.


The 24-hour bug is quite bad enough on its own.

Well, I'm out. I'm not egotistic enough to believe that anyone cares. But I hope that I'm one of many to quit due to Grepolympia's outrageous "Pay-to-Win" philosophy. If enough people respond, maybe IG will realize that they're heading in a dangerous direction. And if IG convinces me that they've recognized the danger, I will definitely come back.

It's a shame, because I would have continued to love Grepolis without this mess. Grepolis is a wonderful game, but this event is so wrong and game-changing that it has completely destroyed my interest.


I've had about 7 illusions, 4-5 quakes, a bolt or 2 and +10 attack with spells. All from the same player and all within about 10 hours. I think the balance of this game has been lost. And I have definately lost my interest for it. Just keeping on out of old habit.

The worst is that the same player has quaked the same city 3 times in less than 10 hours. That didn't used to be possible.


I've had about 7 illusions, 4-5 quakes, a bolt or 2 and +10 attack with spells. All from the same player and all within about 10 hours. I think the balance of this game has been lost. And I have definately lost my interest for it. Just keeping on out of old habit.

The worst is that the same player has quaked the same city 3 times in less than 10 hours. That didn't used to be possible.

Nice lie you got here... in 10h only 2 spells can affect same city... so i see you're the doomsayer who tells lies to gain people on the bandwagon like politics....


Nice lie you got here... in 10h only 2 spells can affect same city... so i see you're the doomsayer who tells lies to gain people on the bandwagon like politics....

Absolutely false. There's a 4-hour timer, so (for example) the first spell could be cast at hour 1, the second at hour 5, and the third at hour 9.

Before calling someone a liar, you should probably be sure of your facts.


Absolutely false. There's a 4-hour timer, so (for example) the first spell could be cast at hour 1, the second at hour 5, and the third at hour 9.

Before calling someone a liar, you should probably be sure of your facts.

Don't bother my chess bro, there's no logic to be found here, not even in the staff. details get nitpicked, main points are left untouched. most of the defenders here (ab)use this to the max. not worth our time and effort


Nice lie you got here... in 10h only 2 spells can affect same city... so i see you're the doomsayer who tells lies to gain people on the bandwagon like politics....

I actually have 8 screens, just of EQ's, from between 08:29 and 16:29. All from the same player. 4 of these are on the same city of mine.

Ihavent got the skill or time to show them here. Mods would probably delete anyway if I didn't edit names. Give me a pm if you wan't them.

And there is way more if we count the rest of the spells.


Someone just brought to my attention (using -rep) the fact that world speed changes the cooldown time. Since he courageously left no signature, I'll just respond here.

4 hours is for world speed 1. That's the slowest speed. Which means that if your world speed is not 1, you'd be able to cast spells faster, i.e. even more than 3 per 10 hours. I was actually being generous with my assumptions.

I think I deserve an apology, but I probably won't get one.
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