New world Georgious discussion thread.


Grepolis Team
A night bonus is tricky on the International server. Night means different things to different players. We have considered having a one off world with one but when would we do it?

Shorter conquest time is tough in a speed 2. Players don't expect to wake up and find they lost a city!

We need a range of speeds, not everyone wants a fast world and the last conquest was speed 4.
Honestly it feels like the re-release of Oly got botched hard with a 2/2 morale. The win reward doesn't look too enticing either. That's after it was shelved for two years.

Pete Dunham

Since out of all things possible this was mentioned for some reason, for the love of God do not try a night bonus world, that is the single worst idea I heard in a long time.
Might as well make it one of those ones where you cant lose a city and put the speed at 1 so some rando can boast about being number 1 in BP with like 10k 2 months in.


By veteran do you mean “old and bad at alarms” because that’s all speed 2 encourages
I've heard that the old people are the lightest sleepers and I think there should be almost no player who doesn't have an alarm. The night bonus doesn't stop you from attacking as well as morale doesn't either, it just makes you wonder if such an action is justified and maybe it would decrease the habit that some players have of sending night attacks every 2 hours. And veteran players don't have to be old, there are grepolis veterans under 30, and they know that different speeds and world characteristics just call for different strategies. Whether you like it or not is a personal matter.
A night bonus is tricky on the International server. Night means different things to different players. We have considered having a one off world with one but when would we do it?

Shorter conquest time is tough in a speed 2. Players don't expect to wake up and find they lost a city!

We need a range of speeds, not everyone wants a fast world and the last conquest was speed 4.
If you do end up doing this best thing would be for each player to choose their own 8 hours of night bonus. Not really fair otherwise. Terrible idea anyway, night bonus sucks.


"A single worst idea" and "night bonus sucks" are great arguments. The Night Bonus is just another parameter that we have to deal with, just like the bonuses you earn in other ways, or morale or luck. It can make some players more confident that they won't be attacked overnight and thus be more easily defeated, anyway I'm not even a big fan, I just suggested it because it's something different. I understand that the international character of the server advise against it. Anyway as Olympus is different enough for me


A night bonus is tricky on the International server. Night means different things to different players. We have considered having a one off world with one but when would we do it?

Shorter conquest time is tough in a speed 2. Players don't expect to wake up and find they lost a city!

We need a range of speeds, not everyone wants a fast world and the last conquest was speed 4.
OK 3/3 or 5/5 then EN 141 is 2/2 CQ so your logic doesnt add up. EN 141 and EN 143 will finish the same time.


The reason we went with conquest is because we wanted an Olympus world as it has been a very long time since we had one but the Revolt version of Olympus isn't quite ready yet.
So you picked a world with the worst possible cq settings for it? Did you not even bother looking at EN141 (A literal copy of these settings)? There was ONE alliance who dropped to play that world, and it was over in the first 2 months, with 0 competition.

I pitty anyone playing this, I thought to myself "maybe speed 2 isnt THAT bad", miserable world with no outplay potential because same island CS's take nearly 2 hours and sieges are 12 hours, combined with the fact people can morale turtle, I can't imagine any player wants these settings for the first Olympus world in ages. Shame.


I like the new World settings, I think most players prefer conquest over revolt and the lower speed favors the entry of veteran players, the only thing that I would change would be a shorter conquest time and maybe a night bonus
Fyi this couldnt be farther from the truth. Literally anyone who wants to see a speed 2 conquest go look at Dokos. It died after not even 60 days because no competitive teams drop, so the 1 team that plays it as a casual server premade will just dominate it. Not sure who thought 2 of the last 3 cq worlds being speed 2 was a good idea, but oh well, out of touch as always.

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
We can't have every world be a higher speed world, we do have to have speed 2's so we aren't able to adjust this world's settings this time.


imagine revamping an entire gamemode and giving said world the worst settings you can give it. Just gonna be EN141 all over again


I don't think the game's settings are responsible for the strategy that some players bring to the game. Ultimately, it's the players who choose to bet on joining the winning alliance rather than standing up to it. It's all within the rules but that's what makes the world lose interest.


We can't have every world be a higher speed world, we do have to have speed 2's so we aren't able to adjust this world's settings this time.
There's already 2 speed 2 worlds open, as well as one 3/2. Including this world, that makes 4 of the 6 open worlds slow. How is that 'every world being higher speed'?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
In the last 6 months or so the worlds we've released were a speed 4, speed 3, speed 2, speed 3, speed 3. This is what we mean when we say not every world can be speed 3's and 4's. We have to mix in speed 2's and this time around we were due for a slower world.


How can you say we are "due" for a slower world? Literally read what you just wrote, "speed 4, speed 3, speed 2, speed 3, speed 3.", how does having a second speed 2 world vs a second speed 4 world differ whatsoever in terms of being "due"? You make all this talk about the rerelease of olympus then slam it with the worst possible settings for a world. Will never get the logic between openly trying to dwindle the player base.

I dont care either way as I wouldnt be playing speed 2 3 or 4, but ive heard a lot of teams waiting for an olympus world only to be given that garbage, really sad to see not only for the players but the game overall.

Here is EN141s stats just a couple months after releasing, same settings as this world, worlds been over for about a month now already too.
World summary
Active players: 480, inactive within 2-7 days: 102
Fight points today: Attack -123 238, Defence: -59 008
Conquers today: 3


In the last 6 months or so the worlds we've released were a speed 4, speed 3, speed 2, speed 3, speed 3. This is what we mean when we say not every world can be speed 3's and 4's. We have to mix in speed 2's and this time around we were due for a slower world.
I cant see a Speed 5 or Speed 6, I think we are way due for that more than Speed 2. So... not sure what you on about.


I think maybe the problem has turned into too many gamemodes and settings.

Soon you have to wait 1½ year just to see a server that fits ur favourite setting. Also why even play on 5 out of 6 of servers when they don't have the warehouse artifact anyways. Winning a server is completely useless now unless it's that one.


Are Portal Temples identifiable from the start? And the advantages Small Temples give? Can we see it or we have to wait untill Small Temples Stage?