No Honor no Glory

  • Thread starter StrategosAutokrator
  • Start date


We have rimmed enough of your kind not to care about anything else.

You can talk about rimming when you are coming yourself, So till that time ZIP IT.

OH I forgot, that time never comes, coz you dont have the guts to play like that. Certain players in Grepo have styles, you are not one of them. So again ZIP it.

Zing! Right over your head. My post was not about rimming. --- Reading comprehension, learn it, live it, love it. :)


Whatever is going to happen, I guaranteed we will all have a good time.


You guys do know no amount of complaining on the public forums will prevent this from continuing


Maybe you should spend more time defending your cities as apposed to trying to defame your attackers..

I must say for all your talk your alliance sure has folded up like a bad house of cards. I mean even if its 6-9 vs 1 ( I'm not sure the jury is still out ), you guys are soo much better than all of us that it shouldn't be any problem right? :)
Seems it s your first time, dont get overboard too much, you might have a heart attack :)

Do you know how many time we have lost the count?

but well for noobs like you that is definitely a record, put it in your profile, announce it everywhere, it might never ever happen yo you again, it s just your only chance, your only credit. IT IS VENOM PLAYERS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AFTER ALL. :)


I must say for all your talk your alliance sure has folded up like a bad house of cards. I mean even if its 6-9 vs 1 ( I'm not sure the jury is still out ),

Not folding not really feeling defeated mate by any sense of the word, just not jumping for joy slightly saddened a to see what grepo community has become like and peoples true colors start show, friends discussing private messages sent to them in confidence just to gain advantage in a game . If anything feel deeply embarrassed for those who have decided now to crawl out of the woodwork and start their running their mouths now like they have something to be proud about or brag about. Are those traits not what they claim they disliked about Venom in the first place, all you are proving now is you would have done the same thing had you been in the same position as Venom at the time.

Their was a time, top players would race for the 100K abp mark to prove who was the best player on the server, those days went when inno brought in troop cutting times. All their is really left now to fight for is is the respect of your fellow players and enemies, so I thought :/ not sure how much that respect is worth anymore, kinds makes the time and effort put into this game pointless. I thought people would put their head down do what they had to do in-game, thought they would have enough shame not to be out here beating their chest about it.
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being in venom was always the best pleasure someone can ever have
when you are in an alliance like venom when no one is just turtleing or simming and everyone is just attacking
there are so many powerhouses in venom who are so strong
i would like to bow down to people like zero point, stabbed, czar666,hulk1122,darkcaver and melo07 and daizan.
i have played in 3 servers and these are the best players and strongest players i have ever seen
when you stay in venom then you for sure wont leave it even if you lose all your cities except 1.



Not folding not really feeling defeated mate by any sense of the word, just not jumping for joy slightly saddened a to see what grepo community has become like and peoples true colors start show, friends discussing private messages sent to them in confidence just to gain advantage in a game . If anything feel deeply embarrassed for those who have decided now to crawl out of the woodwork and start their running their mouths now like they have something to be proud about or brag about. Are those traits not what they claim they disliked about Venom in the first place, all you are proving now is you would have done the same thing had you been in the same position as Venom at the time.

Their was a time, top players would race for the 100K abp mark to prove who was the best player on the server, those days went when inno brought in troop cutting times. All their is really left now to fight for is is the respect of your fellow players and enemies, so I thought :/ not sure how much that respect is worth anymore, kinds makes the time and effort put into this game pointless. I thought people would put their head down do what they had to do in-game, thought they would have enough shame not to be out here beating their chest about it.

Dai if you are referring to me about private messages (not entirely sure) you will notice I named no names and I would not post them on here, also I only went to that length because I was called a liar and untrustworthy.

Generally I would agree with you and I have always stated my awe and respect for V2 and I did state that BL have nothing to gloat about as its not a true contest yet, our true war will happen one day although I fail to see when we could ever go 1 on 1 unless we are the only 2 alliances left.


being in venom was always the best pleasure someone can ever have
when you are in an alliance like venom when no one is just turtleing or simming and everyone is just attacking
there are so many powerhouses in venom who are so strong
i would like to bow down to people like zero point, stabbed, czar666,hulk1122,darkcaver and melo07 and daizan.
i have played in 3 servers and these are the best players and strongest players i have ever seen
when you stay in venom then you for sure wont leave it even if you lose all your cities except 1.


It is a pleasure you put me on that list :)


Greetings Ladies and Gents,

I would like to talk about resent events in Paros, events that are most exciting and which will shape the future of Paros.

As of yesterday Black Legion, The Deadly Phalanx & and puppet alliances, Victories, Redwood Originals, Truculence and Foofies n Chaos have started an OP on Venom 2.0, six of top 9 alliance have united in effort to slow down Venom 2.0. It must have been diplomatic nightmare to put a side your conflict of interests and differences to attack Venom 2.0 so from that part good job.

But all in all it is sad to see that +6 alliances are need to slow Venom 2.0 down, the saddest thing is that many members of this alliances have been PMing us and posting here that their top desire is to go against us, which I respect and admire the desire and drive, but truing to achieve that in this manner, is Dishonorable because you all know going against Venom 2.0 is just going against Venom 2.0 period there are no hidden friends, no allies, no pacts, no academies. But we all know that Loyalty, Honor, Respect and Admiration towards your enemies, Challenge Excitement is long gone from grepo, now days everyone is playing safe, working in shadows, forming coalition which last as long as the first back stabs the others. But people accept this risk because they do not know the other way to slow an enemy down, because they need others to help them because they do not believe in them self and their members.

+3.700 cities against 786 Honor? Glory? No, it is long gone from grepo

So my friends no more talk that you came in Paros just to fight Venom 2.0, that your dream so to fight Venom, because you are not fighting you are helping in the fight, you are not fighters you are helpers.

So good luck ad all the best

you are so ignorant and hipocritical Truculence has never been pacted with any Top 12 alliance. Its posts like this that make alliances want to attack you.

Bare in mind this is game, first and foremost, so no bitterness and nothing personal. How you play game is never a reflection on someone real character. From a gaming prospective I think its sad players will dedicate hours into a game when they don't really want to play it for a challenge at all. Yes we made our bed but the sad thing is if Venom are over come by the coalition and one of the coalition alliances were to go on to win this server. will they be able to say they were the best alliance on this server and deserve to win? I think that is what's meant by no glory.

I think we made a few mistakes no doubt, should have covered our backs better and showed mercy to no one. from the start. I think I have offered couple small alliances a pass when we should have fed on them like everyone else. As for this double standards you are talking about Wandle not really, Foofies N Chaos started a war with V2 after they war in war. we decided not to attack them at the same times as black legion but some of their members still had a personal vendetta against our players and rowdy never had much control over them.

But like I said its just a game, we made our bed, just gotta adept to the status on the server. Its nice to see new users on the forums now that they think they think are all "bad" now lol. Have fun, every dog has its day, enjoy yours :)

You always say that, but the best alliance is one that stays on the server no? To be saying that so early shows how arrogant and stuck up you are
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Dai you are wrong mate, ImPreeetySure's right, Demos Kratos will win this server they will be here until the end. :D
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lol Caver... I need to spread some rep around before +repping you again... damn.


Seems it s your first time, dont get overboard too much, you might have a heart attack :)

Do you know how many time we have lost the count?

but well for noobs like you that is definitely a record, put it in your profile, announce it everywhere, it might never ever happen yo you again, it s just your only chance, your only credit. IT IS VENOM PLAYERS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AFTER ALL. :)

I'm glad you have to validate yourself by trying to call me a bad player. Regardless of my stats, your the alliance losing cities. There are several players in your own alliance that know I'm not a "noob", and would never brag about taking cities from such easy targets :)
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There is absolutely no point in arguing with Venom on whether there is this coalition or not.

1. Even if there is, or there isn't, to Venom, there is.
2. Rule for everyone doesn't apply to Venom.
3. If Truc do diplomacy but their alliance profile claim otherwise, their profile is lying and they should remove it.
4. If Venom do diplomacy but their alliance profile claim otherwise, they didn't do diplomacy.
5. Venom's member have absolutely no idea what is going on, but like to pretend they know everything.
6. Venom did PM BL on hitting CH and Foofies.
7. Venom did PM Victores on hitting Dark Trilogy.
8. I'm sure all not in Venom will agree there must be more form of cooperation, but not all are mentioned or known.
9. Venom member will say those are not diplomacy because...
StrategosAutokrator said:
leaders talking diplomacy, from Venom 2.0. Well thats NOT alliances stand. read our profile

Well, if leaders, and by leaders i mean daizan, talking diplomacy, and that's not alliance's stand, i really don't know what is.
This is a post made by DarkCaver.

So please allow me to use StrategosAutokrator's logic to defend Truc.

Leaders talking diplomacy, from Truc. Well, that's NOT Truc alliance's stand. Please read their profile.

That's all i can think of now. :)
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you are so ignorant and hipocritical Truculence has never been pacted with any Top 12 alliance. Its posts like this that make alliances want to attack you.

Go and attack your stats first so you wouldn`t be considered a joke.

leaders talking diplomacy, from Venom 2.0. Well thats NOT alliances stand. read our profile
you said you were not in coalition but we saw what Ituralde said (it is clear what he said), so you telling this to us that a leader came to you will make people think twice before believing you again,
prof, where is it, corpus delicti sir. So it can back that claim that Leader came to you

Conqueror II next time you quote me, quote me correctly and fully so you wouldn`t be considered a joke.

Yet when the coalition approached us if we wanted to run an OP on Venom, we saw that as a great opportunity to pick up those cities we felt we were owed.

Scratch all off what I said because there is a coalition and it is lead by Tur,clear evidence of diplomacy there for you are jokes


Leaders talking diplomacy, from Truc. Well, that's NOT Truc alliance's stand. Please read their profile.

That's all i can think of now. :)

Sorry I cant relate to what you mean, it s a simple fact, either there is Diplomacy or not. Alliance stand??? Alliance did a joined OP, your defending facts are not reliable and solid

When they put it in their profile and yet they do Diplomacy and fail to act on it, it s called nonsense, lie or any other word that describes it.

I dont say why they are pacting, all I am saying is that if they are, they'd better remove it from their profile and stop acting like hypocrites, but well it s their profile and not all the people are sincere :)

Any thing else you wanna add? or you just wanna repeat yourself over and over that Venom is BAD and very BAD and very very BAD and very very very BAD? :)
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being in venom was always the best pleasure someone can ever have
when you are in an alliance like venom when no one is just turtleing or simming and everyone is just attacking
there are so many powerhouses in venom who are so strong
i would like to bow down to people like zero point, stabbed, czar666,hulk1122,darkcaver and melo07 and daizan.
i have played in 3 servers and these are the best players and strongest players i have ever seen
when you stay in venom then you for sure wont leave it even if you lose all your cities except 1.


Have to disagree devilmahir , Not everybody likes to be in a alliance thats like Venom.
Its true the have many great players and a great core that works well togheter in offens and defens.

Just like other people here i Respect Venom 2.0 its just sad the dont show the same respect back most of the time.
And keep calling trustworthy players liers while in fact ive been reading this and saw enough lies from Venoms side.

Now lets us focus on the game and have fun. Venom 2.0 doenst want a pact so then be ready to fight the world and if others pact well thats there choice and if BL takes a oppertunity thats our choice right... no pact needed for that..

Greetz L


Have to disagree devilmahir , Not everybody likes to be in a alliance thats like Venom.
Its true the have many great players and a great core that works well togheter in offens and defens.

Just like other people here i Respect Venom 2.0 its just sad the dont show the same respect back most of the time.
And keep calling trustworthy players liers while in fact ive been reading this and saw enough lies from Venoms side.

Now lets us focus on the game and have fun. Venom 2.0 doenst want a pact so then be ready to fight the world and if others pact well thats there choice and if BL takes a oppertunity thats our choice right... no pact needed for that..

Greetz L

You were a part of us, you saw what we did, how we did it, you call us liars? It s just sad mate, it s just sad to see people change colors so easily for trivial things, but well that s the diffrence in style then

You did nt like our playing style, fine, you just quit, and like I told you that time I respect you and your decision. But you call us liars????

Respect s gone, again just sad to see this :(

Now I understand why you left, you were right, you are totally different from us. :(


Truculence is not pacted with a single alliance in the top 12. FYI. Source: I'm a member and just checked our pacts page.

Please stop making up facts. It doesn't make you look smart or tough, just sad. :)


You were a part of us, you saw what we did, how we did it, you call us liars? It s just sad mate, it s just sad to see people change colors so easily for trivial things, but well that s the diffrence in style then

You did nt like our playing style, fine, you just quit, and like I told you that time I respect you and your decision. But you call us liars????

Respect s gone, again just sad to see this :(

Now I understand why you left, you were right, you are totally different from us. :(

I dont call you all liars... i said i read a few lies... Did not say i call you all liars... if i did i would not respect the Alliance Venom 2.0 and i would respect certain players... but here again twist of words, Fine by me.

Yes i saw how you did it... and i did like certain things and disliked certain things as i made clear back then... I dont change colors i am stil the player i used to be... Thats why i left Venom and joined a alliance that knows me and knows how i am and the respect that..

Greetz L