The Occupy Movement


Real quick....if everyone can make the same amount of money as a doctor, you will have no doctors. Because becoming a doctor is hard work, and if you can make that kind of money by doing less, most folks will. A good example, Obama care. Nurses should be nursing because they love nursing right? They go through school, longer and harder. If Obama care stands, many nurses have decided to leave the profession. They want the money they went to school to earn. According to your logic, they should make the same amount as a nurse tech. How insulting is that. You'd have nurses already losing pay, making them barely making more than a tech. Similarly, if nurses leave the profession for the drop in pay..AND less nurses go to school because, well why should they when they could make as much as the tech, then where would you be? If a teacher can make as much money as a doctor, and have an easier study plan, less college time, and better hours....why become a doctor? You'd have no doctors. The logic on this is way off here guys. Human nature is such that if you can take the easy way out, most people will. Especially todays generation, who have it in their heads that they are entitled to everything with little effort.

I would also like to note that the corporations only get away with what the government lets them get away with. Fix the government and you will find the corporations fall into line as well. Take out special interests, lobbyists, and fix the tax code and there will be no need to raise taxes on corporations.


Real quick....if everyone can make the same amount of money as a doctor, you will have no doctors.

Real quick... If every person interested in an intellectual career chooses being a doctor, engineer, etc because they'll make more money, you will have no teachers. Then only the slackers will become teachers because it's so very easy and takes such little time to become one and because open heart surgery is hard. Teachers deserve their 40k median salary and doctors deserve their 150k median salary because they're so much superior and more important and can do open heart surgery and had to go to college.

Human nature is such that if you can take the easy way out, most people will. Especially todays generation...

So you are implying that "todays generation" is too human?

Oh yea, /derailed powers activate.
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Surprise! Some people don't go into professions for money!

Wait? Doesn't the Preamble and more importantly the american dream involve the pursuit of capital? I don't remember happiness being involved!


Wait? Doesn't the Preamble and more importantly the american dream involve the pursuit of capital? I don't remember happiness being involved!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Somewhere along the line, we started getting people like Dom that morph the original idea of Pursuit of Happiness to Pursuit of Wealth.

Wealth =/= Happiness


There have been hundreds of massive reforms and massive revolutions in the past and what has been the result? The same old boring miserable rubbish where the majority of the world is suffering.

The result? Entirely new countries, governments, cultures, and ways of life. Yeah, some revolutions turn out for the worst and you end up with someone worse in power (for example Stalin taking over Russia). But also you can have countries like America and India created as well.

Life is unfair. May aswell get on with it whilst we still have it.

Or we can make the best of it and hope for the best.
Those rich people didn't spawn their money. They earned it.
Instead of demonstrating everyone should stop whining and get to work to earn THEIR money. If you're simply less intelligent its logical you will earn less money. If your higher education you should be able to get a good-paying job easily and when you understand the world becoming rich isn't that hard.

A lot of the rich inherited their parents money, and feed off of their success. And as you said, a key part of becoming rich (or even just well-off) is an education. If you are born into a family on the lower rungs of society, than its hard to get an education. And its hard to get money when your being taxed ridiculous amounts. Therefor, the poor are kept on the bottom and the rich stay successful.


The way I see it the problem lies in democracy itself.

and you can blame the government, the corporations, and the people for it continuing, becuase lets face it, while the Americans still have the sense of entitlement that they do now, and believe/act upon the premise of a consumption based society instead of a creation based society, there is no hope for their future.

Someone above mentioned how 50 years ago things didn't result in what's happening today, well I hate to break it to you, but 50 years ago the jobs couldn't be moved to a country that could produce the goods at quality with such a low cost as they can now.

Until reform of taxation occurs (not unfairly taxing any group over another),
Until reform of governance and government lobbying occurs,
Until reform of corporate influence in the political landscape occurs,
Until reform of the individuals sense of entitlement occurs,

and they all realize that sacrifies need to be made, the Mature Markets of the world are headed for disaster.

Who's going to come out of it relatively unscathed? The rich who understand weath is a global commodity and not a fiscal one, the educted specialists with a skillset in demand worldwide, and the farmers who can sustain themselves regardless of money. The rest of you, I'm pretty sure you're buggered. ;-)
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Until reform of taxation occurs (not unfairly taxing any group over another),
Until reform of governance and government lobbying occurs,
Until reform of corporate influence in the political landscape occurs,
Until reform of the individuals sense of entitlement occurs,

and they all realize that sacrifies need to be made, the Mature Markets of the world are headed for disaster.

Here Here!


I see no issue with the occupy movement. A peaceful way to get their point across. The tax system appears to be unfair, and it needs to change. In the past it seems that the only way protesters are heard is violence. Now they're being heard without that.


Next Saturday I'm going up to London with a few people who share my views, we will be camping out also :)

I will take pictures and video's :)


FYI saka....I have missed you :D

now :D, The problem isn't in the taxing, it is in the politics...once the open trade agreement went into effect for example, there was no reason, nor penalty for American companies to stay or leave.....Now however there is, and they go. Taxing them sin't going to help, they just move their bulk of money elsewhere. Tax the CEO's who are the greedy people, but keep the incorporation separate from the people...they are not one and the same.

Missed you too - the real test now is to see if i'm not lazy enough to turn on my computer and actually log in from now on. :p

The problem is politics but it is also taxing as politicians set the taxes. Tax havens is something all governments around the world would address if the coorporations were not allowed to give them bribery to not solve the problem and I completely agree that moving away is a problem but I don't think it is as big a problem as some think. Chevrolet could not move their hq and order of bussiness away as they would then not be an "American" company which I gather is quite important in your markets. Tax the 1% equally to the 99% yes certainly but coorporations also need to pay their fair share and I personally do not believe they are doing so - the profits the biggest companies make and by extension job creation would largely not be affected by a tax increase as they make so much. Coorporations are currently taxed around 15% I think but when they created the most jobs and were most stable they were taxed 35% - the logic behind the leave the coorporations alone as it will hurt america if otherwise is non-existant.
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Real quick....if everyone can make the same amount of money as a doctor, you will have no doctors. Because becoming a doctor is hard work, and if you can make that kind of money by doing less, most folks will. A good example, Obama care. Nurses should be nursing because they love nursing right? They go through school, longer and harder. If Obama care stands, many nurses have decided to leave the profession. They want the money they went to school to earn. According to your logic, they should make the same amount as a nurse tech. How insulting is that. You'd have nurses already losing pay, making them barely making more than a tech. Similarly, if nurses leave the profession for the drop in pay..AND less nurses go to school because, well why should they when they could make as much as the tech, then where would you be? If a teacher can make as much money as a doctor, and have an easier study plan, less college time, and better hours....why become a doctor? You'd have no doctors. The logic on this is way off here guys. Human nature is such that if you can take the easy way out, most people will. Especially todays generation, who have it in their heads that they are entitled to everything with little effort.

I would also like to note that the corporations only get away with what the government lets them get away with. Fix the government and you will find the corporations fall into line as well. Take out special interests, lobbyists, and fix the tax code and there will be no need to raise taxes on corporations.

i agree

too many people crying about what they are SUPPOSED to get



Their evidence isn't perfect. If people have been in their tents for under a couple of hours they will barely register if they also have their tent well aired and maybe a window/door open they will not register on the cheap thermal imager a tabloid rented out as the heat will not gather. The kind of tent also affects if it can be registered by the camera. The article you posted also shows normal pictures of 1am activity (only the night after) outside the tents which shows quite a lot of activity. I have absolutely no doubts some of the tents aren't occupied but 90% seems too outlandish to be true - Also I'm not expecting a protester to stay their every night consistantly; the need to shower and see their family sometimes. But overall, they said that because that is what sells; its a tabloid. This article helps dismiss this claim by the mail and other of its newspapers.

To readers outside of the UK, and inside the UK aswell, please note that everything in the Daily Mail is true. They never mince their words in the good old daily mail. They even have a corrections column for the last issue to prove they never make mistakes or lie!

The daily mail has a habit of claiming everything gives you cancer too...

False claims
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i agree

too many people crying about what they are SUPPOSED to get

i agree. rich people complain all the damn time. class warfare this and i can't feed my kids on only $600k a year. why don't they get a real job and work for a living like the rest of us. maybe if they did some actual useful work people wouldn't complain about the fact that they receive insane amounts of money and do no useful work or any work at all really.

i totally agree that the wealthy need to stop whinging like the spoiled children that they are and give something back to the country that has done so much for them and from which they take so much.

i hear so much about how people feel they are entitled and no one in the US feels as entitled as the rich do. most americans feel entitled to a living wage and if they work hard and get an eductation, maybe a little more. it is unfortunate that the right to a job at a living wage is not in the US constitution. it really ought to be.
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