The Occupy Movement


To say that people go into a profession to make money and not help others kinda darkens ones perspective on the world(& it's a lie)

How is it a lie? Most people do go for jobs for the money. It doesn't darken ones perspective of the world....that is ludicrous. A different example would be student loans. It cost more money for a doctor to go to school with MUCH greater student loans than it does for a teacher. While we are at it, Lawyers have a high student loan rate. You think folks are going to pay back MORE money, when they can pay back less if they get the same rate of pay? Welcome to capitalism....demand is the pay, supply is the people. You make it clear across the board and make McDonalds people make the same as a teacher, why teach. You make a teacher make the same as a doctor, why doctor........It doesn't change the fact that nirvana will never exist, and people who want equal pay I guarantee will not pay out more than someone else to make the same amount of pay, no matter how utopian your thinking is. It chaps my hide that minimum wage is almost as high as what I was making with 17 years experience. I have more to offer, and therefore should make more money. Occupy needs to focus on the government corruption and leave the moral and ethical issues of society out of it, otherwise they are just as bad (if simply on the opposite side) as the people who are saying no more hand outs.


minimum wage is $7.25 right now in the US. it was $4.25 when i came of working age back in 1993 or so. let's say inflation was an average of 5% over that time taking into consideration that price level inflation doesn't cover changes in prices for food or fuel. prices would double every 14.4 years with that flatline inflation. minimum wage will buy you less today than it would back then since the minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation.


minimum wage is $7.25 right now in the US. it was $4.25 when i came of working age back in 1993 or so. let's say inflation was an average of 5% over that time taking into consideration that price level inflation doesn't cover changes in prices for food or fuel. prices would double every 14.4 years with that flatline inflation. minimum wage will buy you less today than it would back then since the minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation.

I agree with that. I am not against minimum wage, I am against it not being a percentage adapted across the board for all hourly workers. Personally, I think that they should raise the minimum wage (percent increase across the board...use to be considered cost of living like) drop employee taxes, and fix the tax loopholes. You get people to work, and there would be no need for a welfare program if jobs were out there. My point was minimum wage works out to more of an increase than I made in a 17 year span...there should be more of a gap so to speak.


A different example would be student loans. It cost more money for a doctor to go to school with MUCH greater student loans than it does for a teacher.

Except where I live - I get university FREEEEEEEEEE!!! Medics also spend the same amount of time at university as teachers oddly enough (exc primary teachers).

Occupy needs to focus on the government corruption and leave the moral and ethical issues of society out of it, otherwise they are just as bad (if simply on the opposite side) as the people who are saying no more hand outs.

I think the problem here is there is so much that needs fixing and so the people have so much they want to protest about. Gov corruption would be a good core aim but I think one or two more clear demands would be good. However, currently it seems that there are no voices of unison in the sense of clear claims - that needs to be addressed then there can be progress. Also, Corruption is part of the moral and ethical issues of society so I don't really understand your point. Ethics especially if it is on crony-capitalism and corruption.

The Koch brothers donated lots of money to both Obama and McCains election campaigns last election which clearly shows the system is not working IMO.
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I think the problem here is there is so much that needs fixing and so the people have so much they want to protest about. Gov corruption would be a good core aim but I think one or two more clear demands would be good. However, currently it seems that there are no voices of unison in the sense of clear claims - that needs to be addressed then there can be progress. Also, Corruption is part of the moral and ethical issues of society so I don't really understand your point. Ethics especially if it is on crony-capitalism and corruption.

The Koch brothers donated lots of money to both Obama and McCains election campaigns last election which clearly shows the system is not working IMO.
basically that the Robin Hood mentality isn't something the government needs to become regulator of. Clean up the government, and then let the market place put people to work. I don't think the government needs to become the regulator of what jobs pay what money and/or how much etc.(edit: outside of minimum wage)
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I am going to read this thread before bed

Let you guys 'occupy' my dreams


Me at occupy London-


Jus' chilling at St.Pauls ;)


We got kettled by the police outside parliment .__.


I'm in the huge crowd :)


But without tax on the corporations they will continue to be rich and we will have the same controlled wealth problem we have already (the 1% get the money and the 99% get the scraps kicked down to us). And besides, I live in the united kingdom, most buisseneses have already move away from UK (either bought out or going to different countries for cheap labour) So I think a tax on corporations and a higher tax on people with a stable to high income would be more than fair, if you saw the profits these companies are making compared to how much they're taxed, you would agree. And then if we compare this to the ammount a everyday person is making and look at how much of their money goes on tax; You would notice it is a substantionaly higher amount compaired to the earnings (Money%(=100%)-Money spent on tax%),

its not the governments job to give people money. and it never works.


I really have no opinion on this, I do not agree with the points that the occupy movement is trying to push but at least they are trying it is nice to see, and I also agree that they have the right to protest peacefully which brings me to my point! I am sure you guys have already seen this but I just wanted t get your opinions (oh and by the way I am new here and after reading this thread I am very happy to be here, there is a lot of intelligent people here with different opinions who are willing to put their opinions on the table and I really enjoy good debates) but back to my point.


In my opinion that was a bit excessive, they were not fighting police or being violent (from what we can see, who knows if there is more to the story or not) and the police used two cans of pepper spray on them. What do you guys think?