I guess those thunderbolts must've stung you pretty bad if you still bring them up. Anyways, spells are part of the game, get over them and get used to them. And since you seem to enjoy them so much, I'm sure you won't mind if I send a few more, just for the hell of it.
Look at DetroitLeprechaun's city. He used to be LD, but he went inactive and got kicked. There was (and still is) no CS in that city. Check mjhall out, or SoulCrusher64. They're all inactive and were kicked around the same time as turbo. None had (or to my knowledge have) a CS in their cities. Leadership went through the list of inactives and kicked them like usual. I don't know if leadership knew that turbo had a CS in his city, I cannot tell you what the person responsible for kicking turbo knew about any CS. He was on the list of inactives and thus was kicked accordingly, just like the previously mentioned players, all in one sweep.
If people moan about Aurora kicking inactives when under siege, then I'm sure exactly that happened before. But what about all the Aurora players who weren't kicked when under siege? You mean to say that they were active, but didn't receive any help? By now almost 20 Aurora players must have gone down the drain. What about people like Rhaurc and Sarahell? Were they inactive? I conquered one of Sarahells cities and honestly, it was the easiest job ever. Not a single Auroran player that helped out. If Aurora keeps this up, then yes, "Aurora is done". It will only be a matter of time before all of you get hunted down.
And you might, just might, get a CS in a city or two, but Auroran losses keep stacking up. Eventually, your way of fighting will be the end of you. By conquering cities you only paint a nice, big target on its back. We'll have any lost cities back in the near future, plus a handsome bonus of other Auroran cities.