Top 12 Top whatever-number-you-want


Is it just me or has this world become a lot more interesting since Fiasco dropped? Death to all Huggers, long live the FIGHTERS!

PS...I think a rough number of 60 for alliance cap would be great, 80 would be even better.


90 person alliances would be hilarious, there would probably be 2 legitimate alliances in a world and the rest would be non-conformists, noobs and disgruntled players lol


I'd guess there would actually be 4-5 alliances that would be more independent as less hugging would take place and hopefully like you said there would be lots of noobs that would actually be able to be protected initially by the larger alliance allowing them to learn and actually enjoy and continue playing the game. The current small alliance cap may earn inno more money in the short term but is only hurting them more long term.


They are trying to downsize things like this because of the dwindling player base. Classic case of Inno attacking the symptoms rather than the sickness, but it is what it is
I played a long time ago and I remember much bigger alliances, they were fun! Makes sense with the player base issue, but yeah... It's not a solution is it?
I'd guess there would actually be 4-5 alliances that would be more independent as less hugging would take place and hopefully like you said there would be lots of noobs that would actually be able to be protected initially by the larger alliance allowing them to learn and actually enjoy and continue playing the game. The current small alliance cap may earn inno more money in the short term but is only hurting them more long term.
This is also so true. As it is new players just get farmed mercilessly when they pop out of their bubbles because they've joined whatever rubbish MRA that happens to be active on their island, because it seems like a good idea at the time... They only find out far too late that they really needed to join with more experienced players who would actually HELP them. But they cant, because the decent alliances wont take them due to space issues...

And thus new players are lost never to return. New friends never made, new enemies never fought, jokes never made & laughs never had.

The player base ever dwindles...


Its fun. Personally I like the idea of spiking Cuddles AND Fiasco in the same server. Heady stuff.
Cuddles are history in this world. Like many of us have said several times, put a half decent alliance up against them that decides not to hug but actually take the fight to them and they fail immediately. OV showed a taste of this in 137 but they dropped late and miles away from them. This world it is Fiasco and I'm guessing from now on there will be a lot less hugging going on in future worlds. Death to HUGGERS, long live the FIGHTERS!


Is it just me or has this world become a lot more interesting since Fiasco dropped? Death to all Huggers, long live the FIGHTERS!

PS...I think a rough number of 60 for alliance cap would be great, 80 would be even better.
Alliance caps won't change anything, it's the players that decides how servers are played out

Just stop dropping with ur 60 man teams


Cuddles are history in this world. Like many of us have said several times, put a half decent alliance up against them that decides not to hug but actually take the fight to them and they fail immediately. OV showed a taste of this in 137 but they dropped late and miles away from them. This world it is Fiasco and I'm guessing from now on there will be a lot less hugging going on in future worlds. Death to HUGGERS, long live the FIGHTERS!
So ur saying true fear are less than half decent?


Cuddles are history in this world. Like many of us have said several times, put a half decent alliance up against them that decides not to hug but actually take the fight to them and they fail immediately. OV showed a taste of this in 137 but they dropped late and miles away from them. This world it is Fiasco and I'm guessing from now on there will be a lot less hugging going on in future worlds. Death to HUGGERS, long live the FIGHTERS!
You clearly have no idea at all what you're talking about friend lmao.

The world must be ending, we agreed with something. Although you could expand it and say they have always been less than half decent. Watch them crumble in this world and then ghost
Could you take him to the back to finish him off please Ranga?
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News Flash...if what I'm hearing about SC is true, sounds like their leaders just cost them a chance at being competitive. Snacks (aka the huggers) folding, SC to soon be without a or several leaders, Fiasco running riot...things really are getting interesting!
I've been away 2 weeks, amazing how much a World can change in such a short time lol