Top 12 Top whatever-number-you-want

Cuddles are history in this world. Like many of us have said several times, put a half decent alliance up against them that decides not to hug but actually take the fight to them and they fail immediately. OV showed a taste of this in 137 but they dropped late and miles away from them. This world it is Fiasco and I'm guessing from now on there will be a lot less hugging going on in future worlds. Death to HUGGERS, long live the FIGHTERS!
Deluded fanboy post alert. Fiasco are literally doing the same things Cuddles did, recruiting the top tier of their enemy then making out like bandits against the rest.


Deluded fanboy post alert. Fiasco are literally doing the same things Cuddles did, recruiting the top tier of their enemy then making out like bandits against the rest.
The 2 alliances are completely different and have enormously different tactics and abilities.

Cuddles drop early, hug as many as possible to prevent being attacked while struggling to find the attack button themselves and then just grow and internalize.

Fiasco attack to either overrun their enemy or force their hand giving them 2 options, join or get rimmed.

I'll let you figure out which works better and shows more skill!!!


so cuddlers disbanding here after we come means we should fight with 15 people against your 6 alliances?
If you were so righteous why couldn't you tell the truth about why you come here then? Instead of blowing a bunch of smoke up everyone's skirt? Its like you had to lie cuz you were ashamed of something...and you were right to be ashamed.

Instead of saying "we are here to fight cuddles" Just say "we smell an easy crown to buy." Indeed why you were here (to fight an already beaten team) never did make any sense and never was supposed to. It was a cover...a lie.


If you were so righteous why couldn't you tell the truth about why you come here then? Instead of blowing a bunch of smoke up everyone's skirt? Its like you had to lie cuz you were ashamed of something...and you were right to be ashamed.

Instead of saying "we are here to fight cuddles" Just say "we smell an easy crown to buy." Indeed why you were here (to fight an already beaten team) never did make any sense and never was supposed to. It was a cover...a lie.
Well James i have never seen you say your team is easy to beat but i do understand now why you said you were burnt out!
I would for one never say my team was bad/a pushover!

Thanks for saying your alliance wont be hard to beat and we look forward to winning this!


Well James i have never seen you say your team is easy to beat but i do understand now why you said you were burnt out!
I would for one never say my team was bad/a pushover!

Thanks for saying your alliance wont be hard to beat and we look forward to winning this!
Nor did your lies stop there. You dropped and immediately recruited the team you were supposedly here to fight. After that you dropped the pact with your supposed pact mates and surprise attacked them. You've made room for any number of different vagabond players after telling me yourself you were "all full."

You've lied over and over about your actions in broad daylight. I can't do anything about it yet cuz I'm way over here (you made good and sure me and my core were way over here didn't you?) however I want you to know I see you. I see your lies. I don't know or care if anyone else does but I do.

I would have handed you the crown with my compliments and moved on brother. Now you have to fight me with a bunch of simmers and turncoats by your side. The same simmers and turncoats you denounced and dropped here to fight to begin with. Ironic isn't it?


Game on...


Poor little Jimmy was lied to!!! Blasphemy, you can't lie in grepo!!! No one has ever done that, like ever!