Pre-World Icaria Discussion Thread

LMD was to level the playing field when smaller alliances tried to take cities from larger ones.
This isn't true. Morale was intended for smaller players to be able to play the game without becoming easy targets until they become established. Only problem with that is you can hit most people that you'd want to conquer anyways at full morale with no problems up until about 20k which means you can eliminate most new players in your area with relative ease. It also becomes negligible at about 100k points.

As for LMDs leveling the playing field. That's not exactly true either. The best LMDs played with the largest or best teams at the time anyways. Out of the LMD community there were maybe 5-8 really good ones, 15-20 serviceable ones, and a bunch that just claimed they were LMDs to basically be inactive and socialize. The only "smaller" alliances benefited from LMD use were the ones who dropped a couple weeks to a month late back when that strategy was viable. There's not really any newer or weaker alliances that benefited much from LMD use.


Whether people like it or not, LMD's made conquests more exciting and interactive. Multiple cs's landing between attacks and supports that left you wondering if the CS sticked or not. If a world has moral it should include LMD's. Otherwise just do a completely non moral world and there is nothing to discuss.


This isn't true. Morale was intended for smaller players to be able to play the game without becoming easy targets until they become established. Only problem with that is you can hit most people that you'd want to conquer anyways at full morale with no problems up until about 20k which means you can eliminate most new players in your area with relative ease. It also becomes negligible at about 100k points.

As for LMDs leveling the playing field. That's not exactly true either. The best LMDs played with the largest or best teams at the time anyways. Out of the LMD community there were maybe 5-8 really good ones, 15-20 serviceable ones, and a bunch that just claimed they were LMDs to basically be inactive and socialize. The only "smaller" alliances benefited from LMD use were the ones who dropped a couple weeks to a month late back when that strategy was viable. There's not really any newer or weaker alliances that benefited much from LMD use.

Silence Dan, you have forfeited all right to contribute to grepolis for another 2 months. Then the shame countdown will have ended and you can start again.


I can confirm for anyone playing in a smaller elite team, LMDs were not fun and did not make conquest "more exciting and interactive". The MRAs still used them, it turned conquest into revolt where you had to front stack or just lose a city because morale is so brainless that it hit you with a 70% nerf on any attacks, completely removing the purposes of CQ in general.

The people here talking about LMDs being fun and interactive are the same people who exploited them to high hell. No it didnt help "smaller alliances", no it didnt help "new players", it was quite literally used primarily in the premade alliances who would drop 2+ full alliances and just have the inactive players who used alarms LMD by being pinged when someone was offline.

Source: Ive played every high speed CQ during the peak of morale abuse, and as one of the few alliances who dropped in smaller numbers with alarm heavy teams, these were abused to the max by alliances like Plague, BTS, and other 2+ full premade alliances who dropped together.

One of the few good things they did was removing LMD, why its still on ghost towns is beyond me, that should have been removed too.


This isn't true. Morale was intended for smaller players to be able to play the game without becoming easy targets until they become established.
Unless you are the developer, you simply can not know this period.
Ive already made an iron clad argument that after 10 years of use it was an accepted feature with a recognizable positive effect.
And no way in hell are the devs soo stupid that they could not recognize this provides a path for alliances to hold sieges from teams that vastly out number them.
Ive seen this done countless times with my own eyes.
No level of shoving your fingers in your ears and screaming "NO IT DONT NO IT DONT NO IT DONT" is going to change this fact.

Use of a game bug is abuse*. Use of a game feature is use. Providing the same feature is available to all from the perspective of the game provider it is use. not abuse. The fact you do not like this use is testament that your enemy is probably doing it right.

I think it a fair statement to say that things dont play out the same on the much rarer high speed worlds?
I'm not gonna open that can of worms. You cant change the fact it provided a path for smaller alliances to hold a siege,
But you can argue the good was not worth the bad.

To differentiate my self from the guy tails were sooo sure must just be "my other account." ROFL!

Moral should not be an option it should be automatic on every server to make sure the big fish pay their proper toll for eating the little fish.
Granted it could use a little tweaking to make more sense.
Big fish begging for an easy button on this one should be face slapped with a herring. You sound like 5 year olds screaming mommy should remove the crust from your samiches.

LMD should be a separate setting like moral is now. This would leave a path to possible victory for an alliance not in the top 4.
From Story time's complaints maybe bared from the speed worlds?

Now Im perfectly fine with the removal of LMD. What I am not fine with is there was no replacement mechanic to help a smaller team hold an established siege on a much larger alliance.
I have seen none of you in the larger alliances call for this except Shuri2060

Until I do you are just a bunch of lazy big babies that want trophies you dont have to earn beyond stuffing gold in your pie hole.
And you are all wondering why all the other children picked up their toys and left you alone in your sand box.
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10 years of use
Well considering LMDs got put to an end in 2015, it was only really used for 5 years I believe. Nori coined the concept on US Troy in an alliance that we shared if I remember right.

The fact you do not like this use is testament that your enemy is probably doing it right.

Or that when I led The Booty Warrior Cult, we abused the hell out of it.

Whether people like it or not, LMD's made conquests more exciting and interactive.

Ya know what really made conquests more exciting and interactive? Having roughly 15-20 alliances that could actually throw a punch or two or tip the balance in a war or had any kind of potential. I feel like this community operates entirely on nostalgia at this point. I'm telling ya right now, if you guys brought LMDs back today, you'd find the only ones that could balance the world out would be in the same teams that you want to create a balance against.

That said, when Inno inevitably flip flops and brings it back, someone let me know, always wanted to try being an LMD. Actually always wanted to gather 10-20 people willing to be LMDs, commit to another team, then just ruin a world for everyone. Heck might even pick which teams we LMD for on a weekly basis by drawing names from a jar.


Any alliances in this new world? I'm a returning player but it's been a good 10years, apart from short play in hydra there but because I wasn't in an alliance soon as beginners protection ended I was hounded lol. Im In ocean 55


Well considering LMDs got put to an end in 2015
OV used Super Dave as an LMD in 2020. They nixed it mid server. Typo?
Or that when I led The Booty Warrior Cult, we abused the hell out of it.
Not abused. The mechanic was available to all equally. Used :)

I like your last idea. If you actually ran it random Id be tempted to drop DLU in all your base cities so you could not get punted.