So it's EOW V ??????????


Guest may not be the only leader but it does seem that you represent it, in a very bad light.
i don't need to know you to know that you're disrespetful to others. these last pages show it very well.
"it comes out that way". sure does. don't you find it hypocritical that you say it's okay that it comes off as rude and angry but at the same time completely deny that you're rude and angry? ...nvm. but fyi, it comes off as rude and angry.
....none of it is BS? ...what about the part where you said you weren't rude and angry?? and what about the part with "nothing to hide"? -but then being secretive and closed off. and hiding your pacts and then scapegoating the rest of your alliance leaders for being so closed off.
and did you look over just this page at how many times you've accused others of twisting your words?? you think it's about time you bought a thesaurus or something? cause after the first dozen times, you'd ought to consider that maybe it's the words you're using... or just that maybe it's you. after the second and third person to seemingly 'misunderstand' or 'misinterpret' your words in so many different occassions, perhaps the logical conclusion you should come to is that you're mistaken.

I have never put my alliance into a bad light, never have, never will, and have many great friends and connections in Grep, but do you think I am going to sit here and let BS be slung around? I don't think so.

If you think you can determine someone's tone, if they are angry or rude in writing then you must be a foreseer. There is not one single thing that I have said which has been disrespectfull m8, again every action will receive its reaction and so is it here.

I didn't throw BS out to try and make someone look bad by twisting the truth to ones own perception and understanding of the world......I've been all over the world and met many different people just like some here and it is sad too see how things turn out for them. I have been pretty clear and honest. Sorry if it seems to come off that way you suggest, but that usually derives from preconceived notions and prejudgemental tendancy's.

No BS, not a bit. Not angry nor rude, I am not that type of person and do not let little things bother me; after all this is just a game full of people with their own free will, thoughts and some with their self centered views of things. In the end this is all just talk, words and has no bearing on the outcome or end result. I never "scapegoated" anyone and I have nothing to hide....I think I made it pretty clear and obvious when I stated we are pacted with Orthia and I also made it clear that if you want it straight just come ask me and I will tell it, so your accusation that I am hiding something is again a myth. Was I again secretive or closed off? It is pretty obvious things are being interpreted in a way to suit the individuals point of view, but that is life. I never changed my stance on anything throughout this thread. Again, I don't hold things back and tell it how it is......I can't be blamed for someone's own interpretation and perception that has been jaded through whatever personal hardships or success's one is having in life, but one can seek help. This game is not everything for gods sake so lighten up people. If you are going to attack someone and not expect a response then don't say it, but do not try to tell me I am in the wrong for stating the facts, should I bullet them for better understanding?

Originally Posted by StillSetanta
Im also very amused by Sols assertion in his mails that Orthia are going to enter the war on Unitys side even though Orthia are taking Unity cities!

* I said I don’t care where he got any information, right? This generally means it is understood he will get information, we all do…who here does not have connections?

* I also said and admitted I wrote an email to A MAP player, not the entire alliance as suggested, that MAP has eluded to EOW ending its NAP with Orthia to help MAP, that Unity would need to go through MAP to reach EOW and that MAP is struggling with inactivity. Any misconceptions here?

* I said MAP should look the other way or go somewhere else because the hostilities will not end until we reach our goal. Where in that did I try to recruit members of theirs? Nowhere….again false interpretation.

* I simply stated that when there was a chance for Orthia to get back into a war with EOW, I believe they would. I did not say they were going to, or have.

* I let it be known we are in a Pact with Orthia and we work together. Where did I suggest we have conducted ops against EOW together? Again I was misconstrued.

* Ginormous accuses me of being rude and angry. Accuses me of slinging BS. Accuses me of hiding things, attacking inactives (like everyone does not at one time or another) and I got personal? Can one really hear tone and see ones true expressions over email? I am sure many put on a great fassade inside forums to be seen other than what they truely are behind the screen.

* I clearly asked if Ginormous if (s)he knew me and had a right to accuse me of anything, why my words are being taken out of context and posed the question what grounds Ginormous is arguing.

* Stated that ones BP stats tell only half the story of a players true ability and skill.

* Made it clear I have no personal issues with Ginormous or his alliance.

* The issue about refugee’s is however the truth and is proven in PM’s between other leaders at Unity and Synergy. I am sure I could get them all and post them here if you all would like. Or maybe Synergy can, or is there something to hide? PM's are to be left just that, right? Or is it just to be used for mudd slinging and BS?

* Accused of writing off MAP. (Refer to a previous bullet point)

* Still used put downs to degrade the Unity alliance without provocation.

* Accused that I would run to Orthia and twist Still’s words. How could that happen? His words are right here in Black & White or not?

* Accused of misrepresenting facts, when I have only presented facts.

* Accused of not telling the truth because, again someone wants to look deeper into my words and draw conclusions out of what I clearly did not say. I did not say Unity & Orthia conducted ops on EOW, did I? It is pretty clear that pacted alliances work together, so is it really that difficult to believe alliances with a pact will stay neutral in a conflict the entire time?

* Concerning Still approaching Orthia about their entrance into the war against EOW: I can only go off of what I was told m8, no hard feelings.

* Accused of putting on a front. There is no front, not from me. I never once said I was getting "Big Brother" to come help Unity.

* I rebutted the accusations with clear statements.

* I was accused of not caring for who my ally’s are.

* A good point about strategy discussed in Pub Forums is ridiculous.

* Accused of trying to recruit MAP players.

* Accused of avoiding a fight. What is strategy again?

and i did notice your activities. and i do understand that it only shows half of the picture. i also looked at your defensive BPs. either none of your targets nor their alliance had anything to attack your conquers with, OR they were inactive and that's why you have no defensive BP.
i had no beef with you either, nor your alliance. but when it rains, it pours.

incredible......and what would you say for example to andrewpp's Def BP? Give me a break folks.

... a losing battle against BDI?? ..i had to double-check, but you're speaking for the Black Death as well?? ...or am i just twisting your words again? did i take something out of context? ..or am i perverting what you're trying to say?
...your actions continue to contradict your words. just pick one standpoint and stick with it, please.

Who spoke for BDI here? That is what was told to Unity leadership to explain why Synergy is taking in players (refugee's) we had been hitting for quite a long time. So no, there was no twisting of words, or taking something out of context, nor perverting what I, again trying to play me for a fool and it didn't work. And again I was honest and clear, so where is it that I have caused any of these accusations to be slung at me? From my first message I made it clear and stated things out in the open. So where was I misinterpreting things? Where was I twisting words, or taking things out of context? Where did I accuse anyone of anything before I started to be attacked for no real apparent reason?

Give me a break gentlemen, it gets real old, real fast to deal with such adolesent behavior. Now I remember why I stayed away from here for so long, thanks for the reminder.
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lol. you can accuse others of whatever all you want, that doesn't excuse your attitude.
you don't sit here letting BS be slung around. so you come back with your own trash talk. it's this constant denial of your smack-speak that brings you down. and as a leader, bring down your alliance.
you can draw conclusions not just the from the way one speaks, but also by the words they choose, and what they speak about, how long they speak about different subjects.
you saying that you are not rude is the same as calling EVERYbody a liar. stop trying to tell people you're not disrespectful.
you may not have thrown BS out 'to try' to make people look bad. but you did talk down on others. you 'can't help it' if it did, but it did. willingly. and to almost everybody, you did it in an obvious way. what you tried to do before you wrote those statements and your intentions don't help the FACT that it did. there is a preset definition of manners and etiquette. and that defines what makes a person rude and offensive. just cause you know that people would judge your words as rude before you write them out, does not make your posts any less rude after you type them out.
Full of BS. the part where you're not rude. you're super-Rude. when you said it was not only on your shoulders in deciding to hide your pacts, you totally threw the others under the bus. your Pacts in your alliance profile are hidden. you have the authority to change it but do not. that means you have left it hidden. so then when you said you were completely open and honest and not hiding anything, ...BS. it's HIDDEN. why you have left them hidden, ... doesn't change the fact. and it's not just your words this time. the pacts are actually hidden from view. not a myth.
and don't try to blame it all on the other leaders. you're a leader with the power to leave it open for viewing but do not. and it doesn't matter if you don't want people seeing it or whatever other reason you may come up with. you said you were completely open and honest and this is only one example that that is not true. so not.
you never changed your stance? ..well, it's pretty hard to switch views when you're taking both sides. *not secretive or closed off. **pacts in alliance profile 'Closed off'. (just one example)
You are wrong. for so many reasons. one can only have one perception. their own. it may be changed, but it's still the one. you were the one trying to convey your message. if there was an error in communication, it would've been your fault. your ideas, your words. the receiver has no effect on them.
and 'mentioning' Orthia getting "back into a war with EOW"?? you weren't trying suggest something? or trying to get them thinking about it? -ridiculous. bringing up the possibility of a war and denying it as an attempt to intimidate?... you're so ridiculous.
i see your tone. in your words. and your emoticons. ..i'm not sure, but i think they're meant to help convey emotion. ...emotions...emoticons... think maybe it's bout time you start to consider that maybe it's your interpretations of posts and private messages (or "Not-Secretive Messages") that needs your re-evalutions.
your words don't seem to be taken out of context. your write long and elaborate posts. i'm pretty sure that within the confines of your posts, (which is a pretty big area,) my interpretation of your ideas as per the words you have chosen, are correct as far as the english language and oxford dictionary are concerned. ...but, of course, since so many people keep "misunderstanding" your words, maybe it's your understanding of the language which is causing the confusion. ...or even maybe you're just using a different but similar language which is why your posts are so misleading as to what your true intentions of your messages are trying to express.
your attack BP is half of the equation in calculating your Total BP. ..the othe half would be your defensive BP. ...seems right....
"PM's are to be left just that, right? Or is it just to be used for mudd slinging and BS?" ...ummm. i don't think you can have it both ways. you can either 'leave them' to be private or you can be open and honest. i don't want to see your personal messages. but your grandstanding about being so honest and open is a tad aggravating. when you keep so many things to yourself but claim not to. ...and no. i don't want to hear your reasons why. why you don't share battle plans. why you have to keep some things private and how other people do it too. you can hide whatever you want. it's the 'you're open and honest' part that is not something to be desired.
and you can blast whomever for whatever, putting you down, or getting upset with you. but none of that justifies or excuses your own actions. you say you don't BS but then you keep saying you're not going to stand there and take their BS and then go off on your own rants. you're not supposed to run your mouth about others running their mouths and then tell people that you don't talk trash. bees. bumble bees.
misrepresenting facts?? you have continually misrepresented yourself. and once again, i don't want to hear about your intentions. it's not about what you were trying to communicate. it's what you communicate. and you do come off as a sneaky sneaky. i know you can't help it. or avoid it. or do much about my perceptions. one can only have their own perceptions. and everybody's individual perceptions see your sneakiness. it's not 'secretive or closed-off'. it's pretty apparent.
and a lot of what you say, even though you may not have said them outright, has been understood. there are indirect inferences. and your connotations and insinuations are pretty clear.
is "Big Brother' Orthia?? is that why you kept bringing their name up?? even though you never said anything directly about them? seems like a pretty big hint to me. ...but of course, that's only my preconceived perception. ..and of course, i don't want you to tell me about what your original intentions are why you mentioned them. that was then. this is now.
Where's andrewpp?? ...Why do you keep bringing up all these other people?? i know that it's my own interpretation of your name-dropping is why maybe you're trying to drag others into your 'rebuttal', but i already have like ten tabs open without trying to follow the stats of the all the players you try to draw in. are you going to post about how great he is?? so he wouldn't be mad at you or conversely be mad at me instead?? or is this another 'big brother' bully tactic? ..i checked your stats already. i don't need to check another person's stats to see what your stats are.
When you spoke about another alliance's business, i didn't feel comfortable talking to you about it. i don't know what they told you, but if you're not speaking on their behalf, then i shouldn't be discussing their business with you. i do not speak on behalf of my alliance. and since you do not speak on the behalf of others, i do not feel it appropriate for you to be speaking about their internal business with their players nor about my alliance and its practices. i do not speak for my alliance, i do not send invites. i can't speak for those that do.
These 'accusations' slung at you ceased to be mere accusations a long time ago. You being clear and honest was discredited when you gave your ten excuses for not being 'clear and honest'.
-I don't make all the decisions in this alliance on my own, I am no dictator, so what is there and shown does not lay solely on my shoulders.
-PM's are to be left just that
Stop. just stop. i don't want to know why you do stuff and say you don't. i know you do it. i copied and pasted from your posts so it seems that you acknowledge that you do do it. but then even in the same posts you would say that you don't. instead of saying that people keep misinterpretting you, maybe you could notice that YOU are the common factor. and that it's probably YOU who has some issues, but remember, "one can seek help."


After managing to read Sol's post, im struggling to get through this one.....

Short and snappy versions for those lazier than I am:

"My alliance is the best, yours sucks"
"Nerr err! My alliance is the best and YOURS sucks"

Then they get personal
"My BP is the best, yours sucks"
"Nerr err! My BP is the best and YOURS sucks"

I shudder to think what comes next.....


I have never put my alliance into a bad light, never have, never will, and have many great friends and connections in Grep, but do you think I am going to sit here and let BS be slung around? I don't think so.

If you think you can determine someone's tone, if they are angry or rude in writing then you must be a foreseer. There is not one single thing that I have said which has been disrespectfull m8, again every action will receive its reaction and so is it here.

I didn't throw BS out to try and make someone look bad by twisting the truth to ones own perception and understanding of the world......I've been all over the world and met many different people just like some here and it is sad too see how things turn out for them. I have been pretty clear and honest. Sorry if it seems to come off that way you suggest, but that usually derives from preconceived notions and prejudgemental tendancy's.

No BS, not a bit. Not angry nor rude, I am not that type of person and do not let little things bother me; after all this is just a game full of people with their own free will, thoughts and some with their self centered views of things. In the end this is all just talk, words and has no bearing on the outcome or end result. I never "scapegoated" anyone and I have nothing to hide....I think I made it pretty clear and obvious when I stated we are pacted with Orthia and I also made it clear that if you want it straight just come ask me and I will tell it, so your accusation that I am hiding something is again a myth. Was I again secretive or closed off? It is pretty obvious things are being interpreted in a way to suit the individuals point of view, but that is life. I never changed my stance on anything throughout this thread. Again, I don't hold things back and tell it how it is......I can't be blamed for someone's own interpretation and perception that has been jaded through whatever personal hardships or success's one is having in life, but one can seek help. This game is not everything for gods sake so lighten up people. If you are going to attack someone and not expect a response then don't say it, but do not try to tell me I am in the wrong for stating the facts, should I bullet them for better understanding?

Originally Posted by StillSetanta
Im also very amused by Sols assertion in his mails that Orthia are going to enter the war on Unitys side even though Orthia are taking Unity cities!

* I said I don’t care where he got any information, right? This generally means it is understood he will get information, we all do…who here does not have connections?

* I also said and admitted I wrote an email to A MAP player, not the entire alliance as suggested, that MAP has eluded to EOW ending its NAP with Orthia to help MAP, that Unity would need to go through MAP to reach EOW and that MAP is struggling with inactivity. Any misconceptions here?

* I said MAP should look the other way or go somewhere else because the hostilities will not end until we reach our goal. Where in that did I try to recruit members of theirs? Nowhere….again false interpretation.

* I simply stated that when there was a chance for Orthia to get back into a war with EOW, I believe they would. I did not say they were going to, or have.

* I let it be known we are in a Pact with Orthia and we work together. Where did I suggest we have conducted ops against EOW together? Again I was misconstrued.

* Ginormous accuses me of being rude and angry. Accuses me of slinging BS. Accuses me of hiding things, attacking inactives (like everyone does not at one time or another) and I got personal? Can one really hear tone and see ones true expressions over email? I am sure many put on a great fassade inside forums to be seen other than what they truely are behind the screen.

* I clearly asked if Ginormous if (s)he knew me and had a right to accuse me of anything, why my words are being taken out of context and posed the question what grounds Ginormous is arguing.

* Stated that ones BP stats tell only half the story of a players true ability and skill.

* Made it clear I have no personal issues with Ginormous or his alliance.

* The issue about refugee’s is however the truth and is proven in PM’s between other leaders at Unity and Synergy. I am sure I could get them all and post them here if you all would like. Or maybe Synergy can, or is there something to hide? PM's are to be left just that, right? Or is it just to be used for mudd slinging and BS?

* Accused of writing off MAP. (Refer to a previous bullet point)

* Still used put downs to degrade the Unity alliance without provocation.

* Accused that I would run to Orthia and twist Still’s words. How could that happen? His words are right here in Black & White or not?

* Accused of misrepresenting facts, when I have only presented facts.

* Accused of not telling the truth because, again someone wants to look deeper into my words and draw conclusions out of what I clearly did not say. I did not say Unity & Orthia conducted ops on EOW, did I? It is pretty clear that pacted alliances work together, so is it really that difficult to believe alliances with a pact will stay neutral in a conflict the entire time?

* Concerning Still approaching Orthia about their entrance into the war against EOW: I can only go off of what I was told m8, no hard feelings.

* Accused of putting on a front. There is no front, not from me. I never once said I was getting "Big Brother" to come help Unity.

* I rebutted the accusations with clear statements.

* I was accused of not caring for who my ally’s are.

* A good point about strategy discussed in Pub Forums is ridiculous.

* Accused of trying to recruit MAP players.

* Accused of avoiding a fight. What is strategy again?

incredible......and what would you say for example to andrewpp's Def BP? Give me a break folks.

Who spoke for BDI here? That is what was told to Unity leadership to explain why Synergy is taking in players (refugee's) we had been hitting for quite a long time. So no, there was no twisting of words, or taking something out of context, nor perverting what I, again trying to play me for a fool and it didn't work. And again I was honest and clear, so where is it that I have caused any of these accusations to be slung at me? From my first message I made it clear and stated things out in the open. So where was I misinterpreting things? Where was I twisting words, or taking things out of context? Where did I accuse anyone of anything before I started to be attacked for no real apparent reason?

Give me a break gentlemen, it gets real old, real fast to deal with such adolesent behavior. Now I remember why I stayed away from here for so long, thanks for the reminder.

Holy Hamlet-esque Monologue Batman.........

I cant be bothered breaking that down again.

The only thing I'll say is that you are again eluding to Orthia coming into this war based on your pact with them. We'll the war is on. It's been on.
So do it or just dont mention it again.


Still, I am not saying Orthia will do any such thing....

They will do what they do, I have no control over that.

All I said is that it would not be so smart to think that they would their own due time.


lol. you can accuse others of whatever all you want, that doesn't excuse your attitude.
you don't sit here letting BS be slung around. so you come back with your own trash talk. it's this constant denial of your smack-speak that brings you down. and as a leader, bring down your alliance.

Where’s my so called denial my friend? Don’t try to slap me on the wrist like a child pretending to be ones daddy. Pathetic. Give me a break.

you can draw conclusions not just the from the way one speaks, but also by the words they choose, and what they speak about, how long they speak about different subjects.
you saying that you are not rude is the same as calling EVERYbody a liar. stop trying to tell people you're not disrespectful.

Sure you can. And you interpreted it the way you have and found something about it that makes you want to argue over no real grounds for argument, but you sure do like to take personal chops don’t you. Again pathetic.

you may not have thrown BS out 'to try' to make people look bad. but you did talk down on others. you 'can't help it' if it did, but it did. willingly. and to almost everybody, you did it in an obvious way. what you tried to do before you wrote those statements and your intentions don't help the FACT that it did. there is a preset definition of manners and etiquette. and that defines what makes a person rude and offensive. just cause you know that people would judge your words as rude before you write them out, does not make your posts any less rude after you type them out.

I talk down on no one, is that how you feel when I absolutely did not address anything towards you, but you felt the need to throw in accusations and blame when you have no relevant platform to stand on. Do you know me? I thought not. Have we spoken to one another before, again – no? So this is it and fact, if you did know me at all you would eat your words… seems I always come over rash from the start, but again you do not know me. I have plenty manners and etiquette my friend and your initial perception without any previous knowledge of the situation, surroundings, nor really the issue at hand show that you judged me before even giving me a chance, that is fact.


Full of BS. the part where you're not rude. you're super-Rude. when you said it was not only on your shoulders in deciding to hide your pacts, you totally threw the others under the bus. your Pacts in your alliance profile are hidden. you have the authority to change it but do not. that means you have left it hidden. so then when you said you were completely open and honest and not hiding anything, ...BS. it's HIDDEN. why you have left them hidden, ... doesn't change the fact. and it's not just your words this time. the pacts are actually hidden from view. not a myth.

Thanks. I didn’t throw anyone under this bus you idiot. Plain and simple: I do not make decisions in this alliance on my own. Where is that throwing anyone under the bus? It isn’t. It is a simple statement. We work together, consult with one another and make informed logical decision about an issue or situation. How hard is that to understand? Who gives a rats a** if the alliance page says this or that. I said what needed to be said here, in the open and for all to see. Although I am but one man in an entire alliance it does not mean that, me, I, Solipicus is not being open and honest. You generalized the statement and it holds no clout. Sorry, again, no BS.

and don't try to blame it all on the other leaders. you're a leader with the power to leave it open for viewing but do not. and it doesn't matter if you don't want people seeing it or whatever other reason you may come up with. you said you were completely open and honest and this is only one example that that is not true. so not.
you never changed your stance? ..well, it's pretty hard to switch views when you're taking both sides. *not secretive or closed off. **pacts in alliance profile 'Closed off'. (just one example)

Who blamed what on other leaders? I simply said I do not make alliance decisions alone or without consultation so it is what it is. This does not mean it is a direct reflection of me and why the pacts are not shown, but you again want to attack me personally. I am completely open and honest…..ME, Solipicus, the freakin’ guy behind the f*cking PC for gods sake, is it that hard to understand…..sadly, obviously so. So again, clear, open and honest….you get it this time? Show me again how I’ve taken both sides please.

You are wrong. for so many reasons. one can only have one perception. their own. it may be changed, but it's still the one. you were the one trying to convey your message. if there was an error in communication, it would've been your fault. your ideas, your words. the receiver has no effect on them.

Name the reasons I am wrong, show me your grand people judgment skills that are so jaded. There are many factors that go into being a receiver so save your breath, I am not some 16 year old kid with no education or RL experiences worth a damn, but at least you show that you might be a bit educated at least.

and 'mentioning' Orthia getting "back into a war with EOW"?? you weren't trying suggest something? or trying to get them thinking about it? -ridiculous. bringing up the possibility of a war and denying it as an attempt to intimidate?... you're so ridiculous.
i see your tone. in your words. and your emoticons. ..i'm not sure, but i think they're meant to help convey emotion. ...emotions...emoticons... think maybe it's bout time you start to consider that maybe it's your interpretations of posts and private messages (or "Not-Secretive Messages") that needs your re-evalutions.

If I wanted to say what you think I am trying to suggest, I would have just come out and said it. Haven’t you understood that by now? What is intimidation now foul play or what? Seems you like to contradict yourself. One message with emoticons….did you really look at them….maybe there was an undertone of humour, or maybe I was being facetious in there….just maybe? Give it a rest, you take things so personal, and after you attacked me first. I don’t need to re-evaluate anything, but it sure seems you do after I get responses like this.

your words don't seem to be taken out of context. your write long and elaborate posts. i'm pretty sure that within the confines of your posts, (which is a pretty big area,) my interpretation of your ideas as per the words you have chosen, are correct as far as the english language and oxford dictionary are concerned. ...but, of course, since so many people keep "misunderstanding" your words, maybe it's your understanding of the language which is causing the confusion. ...or even maybe you're just using a different but similar language which is why your posts are so misleading as to what your true intentions of your messages are trying to express.

You again try to put me down. I write posts to make points based on fact. Maybe you should re-read the posts to maybe realize your prejudgment of me with your miniscule knowledge of me, in this hostile forum environment where only attacks with words happen has led to your actions through words that made me react in the manner I did. You ever think of that? I cleared up and answered only questions addressed to me and tackled the issue, but not going so far as attacking someone else personally such as you have done me.

your attack BP is half of the equation in calculating your Total BP. ..the othe half would be your defensive BP. ...seems right....

You do like to play games, don’t you? I could take a pot shot here, but I will remain as civilized as possible under the circumstances. If I meant Def BP, I would have said it. In a previous post I made it quite clear that ones skill and tactics in playing the game is the other half. If someone is an aggressive player I would assume Def BP is pretty low because nobody wants to take the chance and try to attack them because they are taking out everything in sight. It’s called dominating an area because it has been proven time and time again that the player is pretty darn good and has respect for the way they play. I even think Still said something similar to this effect and justified why he just reached my level of ATK BP…..sometimes things run dry and we must look elsewhere to find activity, prey, or willing game.

"PM's are to be left just that, right? Or is it just to be used for mudd slinging and BS?" ...ummm. i don't think you can have it both ways. you can either 'leave them' to be private or you can be open and honest. i don't want to see your personal messages. but your grandstanding about being so honest and open is a tad aggravating. when you keep so many things to yourself but claim not to. ...and no. i don't want to hear your reasons why. why you don't share battle plans. why you have to keep some things private and how other people do it too. you can hide whatever you want. it's the 'you're open and honest' part that is not something to be desired.

No you can’t be open and honest with the posting of PM’s…..would that not be unethical and against your so called etiquette you seem to possess? It does for me. I am honest and open….am that way in my PM’s as well, but PM’s are meant to be just that, between two people, not for mud slinging or for use of trying to make someone look bad. I guess you don’t see it that way and would use them to get your way by just exposing friends, family or work colleagues in the same manner, right?

and you can blast whomever for whatever, putting you down, or getting upset with you. but none of that justifies or excuses your own actions. you say you don't BS but then you keep saying you're not going to stand there and take their BS and then go off on your own rants. you're not supposed to run your mouth about others running their mouths and then tell people that you don't talk trash. bees. bumble bees.

Who is talking trash here? I have been pretty clear and up front, no BS here. Why don’t you ask real questions if you want answers? Stop assuming you just know, or know me and tell me I am wrong when you do not have the information or knowledge to make such assumptions. I make no excuses; I just have pointed out that according to you someone’s perception as a receiver will make them react, right….. and so I did to your response that was derogatory from the onset.

misrepresenting facts?? you have continually misrepresented yourself. and once again, i don't want to hear about your intentions. it's not about what you were trying to communicate. it's what you communicate. and you do come off as a sneaky sneaky. i know you can't help it. or avoid it. or do much about my perceptions. one can only have their own perceptions. and everybody's individual perceptions see your sneakiness. it's not 'secretive or closed-off'. it's pretty apparent.

No. You see me as “sneaky” and because of this you want to try and “expose” me. Expose what? I am exposed, Lay it out there for all to see….what do you want me to do post a photo or what? I have no alterior motives. I do what I say; when I say I will do it. And you are right, you will act the way you have been trained and learned to react.

and a lot of what you say, even though you may not have said them outright, has been understood. there are indirect inferences. and your connotations and insinuations are pretty clear.

Yes, it seems you have your view and take of it all together and that is how everyone is supposed to see it, right?


is "Big Brother' Orthia?? is that why you kept bringing their name up?? even though you never said anything directly about them? seems like a pretty big hint to me. ...but of course, that's only my preconceived perception. ..and of course, i don't want you to tell me about what your original intentions are why you mentioned them. that was then. this is now.
Where's andrewpp?? ...Why do you keep bringing up all these other people?? i know that it's my own interpretation of your name-dropping is why maybe you're trying to drag others into your 'rebuttal', but i already have like ten tabs open without trying to follow the stats of the all the players you try to draw in. are you going to post about how great he is?? so he wouldn't be mad at you or conversely be mad at me instead?? or is this another 'big brother' bully tactic? ..i checked your stats already. i don't need to check another person's stats to see what your stats are.

“Big Brother” is a reference, it makes no difference the name, thing, entity, or whatever the case may be that can be filled in there…… and you seem to have filled it with Orthia….okay, and? Does that mean anything? No. Orthia will do there own thing. I brought up a players name for you to draw a correlation to because you want to judge me over stats and the like, so what about him? Would you do it to him as well? Or how about Sc01ar, or Bristol, or anyone else….you seem to know me, you know them too? I would guess you do and can tell me how they are personally pathetic, wrong, messed up as well and how they play the game, right? Good to know you looked my stats up, hooray!! And does it paint a picture of who I am and how I play? No, not really.

When you spoke about another alliance's business, i didn't feel comfortable talking to you about it. i don't know what they told you, but if you're not speaking on their behalf, then i shouldn't be discussing their business with you. i do not speak on behalf of my alliance. and since you do not speak on the behalf of others, i do not feel it appropriate for you to be speaking about their internal business with their players nor about my alliance and its practices. i do not speak for my alliance, i do not send invites. i can't speak for those that do.
These 'accusations' slung at you ceased to be mere accusations a long time ago. You being clear and honest was discredited when you gave your ten excuses for not being 'clear and honest'.

This was the best statement yet until…….outside of the fact my so called excuses were not “excuses”. Where do you get off saying that? These are plain facts stated in and throughout these various posts… you not retain what you read?

-I don't make all the decisions in this alliance on my own, I am no dictator, so what is there and shown does not lay solely on my shoulders.
-PM's are to be left just that
Stop. just stop. i don't want to know why you do stuff and say you don't. i know you do it. i copied and pasted from your posts so it seems that you acknowledge that you do do it. but then even in the same posts you would say that you don't. instead of saying that people keep misinterpretting you, maybe you could notice that YOU are the common factor. and that it's probably YOU who has some issues, but remember, "one can seek help."

Two good points and true, so what’s your problem? I have not once put a single piece of information coming from a PM in here. Thus far I see a common factor of continual attacks from you to be honest and I am taking my valuable time to listen and reply to the jibberish. You have tried to do your best in wanting to psychoanalyze me, but again you fail to, and worst of all there was no need for it. I think you are the one who has serious problems to deal with. Why do you feel the need to attack and argue of such petty things? And while I think about it, why the f*ck am I? I posted a very normal post that got attacked by YOU, not anyone else, but you - and you continually want to look the other way while I have time after time tried to find a language you can understand, maybe I will try layman’s terms next time.


After managing to read Sol's post, im struggling to get through this one.....

Short and snappy versions for those lazier than I am:

"My alliance is the best, yours sucks"
"Nerr err! My alliance is the best and YOURS sucks"

Then they get personal
"My BP is the best, yours sucks"
"Nerr err! My BP is the best and YOURS sucks"

I shudder to think what comes next.....

pi$$ off troll. we don't need Sloppycus bringing in his blindly devoted dogs to spam this argument - you aren't contributing anything to the argument, you aren't reading what people post, so once again: PI$$ OFF TROLL



Can you keyboard warriors refrain from hijacking this thread anymore with your grammar exercises?

Make a thread called '' Unity vs MAP'', this one clearly states EOW V ??????????


cyreme smells.

...pretending to be ones daddy. Pathetic. ...umm. what happened to not talking down to others? you say you don't. and then you say you talk like that as a response to others. pick one. i know you have not changed your stance. but it's cuz you play both sides. you claim to treat others with respect and then you give all these 'good reasons' for talking down to them. you lie. that's what makes you a liar. your lies. not just lying to others, but to yourself as well.
you give 'personal chops' the same as you take 'em. stop acting like you're superior to others when you do the same thing. and yes. yes you do act superior. when you call others 'pathetic'. you are talking down to them. as if you were somehow 'above them'. or 'superior' to them. stop it. just stop it.
you don't have to be addressing me directly to be called out for your BS. it was your BS that was offensive. you don't have to address me for me to address your BS.
you're silly. i don't have to know you personally. i know you through the forums. and in the forums you are rude and unlikeable. that makes you rude and unlikeable. you can have the Pope singing your praises of all your good deeds on his Twitter but that does not change the fact that i read your posts. and it does not affect how your posts are that of a rude person. even you admit to being 'rash'. and you try to say that you are not rude. and i don't need to have 'previous knowledge of the situation, surroundings,' i know the current situation, surroundings. it's quite clear who you are. what do you need a chance for? you already got your chance when you were writing those posts. i know already. i don't need nor want to give you any more chances.
calling names now? you blamed others for keeping your alliance profile hidden. your response to not being completely open was that it was an alliance's decision and not all on your own shoulders. that was implicating other people's involvement. you so did throw them under the bus. you being open and honest on your own and not so open and honest as a part of your alliance makes you, Solipicus, not completely open and honest. i did not generalize it. you are not open and honest. if it helps, "You being one man in an alliance that is not completely open and honest makes you, Solipicus, not completely open and honest." at least in regards to the alliance affairs. at least. they do not control your actions. you do. you have to take responsibility for your own actions, whether or not it is on behalf of your alliance. it's still your actions. you taking responsibilty for your own actions. or in this case, your inaction in being "clear, open and honest" with your alliance profile. your actions. your lack of action. YOU", Solipicus, the freakin’ guy behind the f*cking PC for gods sake, is it that hard to understand…..sadly, obviously so." So again, you are not "clear, open and honest"….that is how you've taken both sides. in not clicking on the 'show pacts' and at the same time claiming that you're open...honest..trite. i eat tripe sometimes...but i digress.
You are wrong in at least saying that you are open..and honest...and .....
You don't come out and say what you mean. That's what intimidation is. it is the threat of harm or danger. not actually causing harm or bringing danger. that's why you keep dropping names. you don't just come out and invite them into the conversation or the battles. you allude to the possibilities and then you keep mentioning names trying to drag people into this without actually calling them out. stop saying you're open...honest... cause that in itself is a lie. and then the part where you claim to say what you mean. a lie. and just in case, an intimidation is not an open attack. just a threat of possible attack. not quite open. not quite honest. stop lying to yourself. just stop.
stop asking me to think about stuff. it's not why or when you started being crude. it's the fact that you are. i know you in this forum. i know you are rude. it doesn't matter how polite you are elsewhere during other times. Jesus and Bhudda may come down the road holding hands and singing praise of your kindness, that does not change the fact that you are rude in here. you are rude. stop giving me 'good reasons' why you do it or who started it. just stop. none of it excuses nor do they justify nor do they take away from your rude behavior.
stop saying you're open and honest. you can talk about ethics and what other people do, but even you say you don't disclose everything. when you're not open and honest about everything, then you are not open and honest. stop it. just stop it. don't worry about what i do. it's what you do that makes you who you are.
No BS?? -you?? ..BS! i know you from these forums. and that's enough to show me that i don't want to know you. stop talking about me knowing you. i don't need to know any more. what i already know is enough.
And i'll apologize. you don't make excuses. you just give 'good reasons' of why you are so rude and disrespectful. (despite claiming you are not). "good reasons" for being rude while stating fact does not in any way diminish or excuse you for being rude. stop it. stop denying being rude when you keep giving me reasons for you being 'rash'. and stop being so rude. you have not earned that distinction. so just stop it.
i didn't try to expose you. you were exposed. for your messages that you've kept hidden from the same people that you keep telling of yourself being clear and open and honest. ulterior motives? like your name-dropping. you keep claiming that they're just facts you've learned. you don't claim the part where you also want to suggest the possibility of attacks. as in 'intimidation'. that's one example of you not saying exactly what you mean but instead drop some names and hope that people can read between the lines. you're not honest. stop saying you are. just stop.
people can see whatever they want to see. it's when everybody gets a similar idea as to your character, there's probably some truth to it.
i don't know about 'him'. i know you're mean. ..and rude. that's what i know. i've seen your stats. that's what i know. i don't need to check his stats to know what i already know about your stats. i know there are some basic tactics out there. but there are only so many. there's no skill in sending an attack of 200 light ships. don't kid yourself. just stop.
i'm not sure about sc01ar, but i do know sh01ar. i don't know about Bristol. is that the American with the kid.. the daughter of Palin. you can talk to them yourself and draw your own conclusions.
your stats do tell you how you play. and in that, reflect your personality. you just gave me some story about being aggressive and dominating the area based on one's stats. it's not whether i agree or not, it's that you accept that your stats do tell info about how you play. and in that, your personality. at least in your attitude towards the game. you may not feel you have to re-evaluate anything, but your rants contradict your claims and vice versa. so please stop. just stop.
Not excuses. right. just "plain facts stated in and throughout these various posts" that you use to explain and justify the contradictions in your words in and throughout these various posts.
You "have not once put a single piece of information coming from a PM in here." fine. but then you claim to be completely open and honest and clear. ...see how your statements conflict with one another. how you make claims for sharing info and then make claims about not sharing info?? ...both sides??
ummm. layman's terms? ..sure. but you using different words and phrases to be rude does not make you not rude. it does not justify your name-calling and your condescending tone. and your self-important praises to yourself about your character. and your high-horse sitting. stop it. just stop it. but if it helps, as per your request for me to ask you questions, "Could you please stop?" ..or even, "Stop, please?"


pi$$ off troll. we don't need Sloppycus bringing in his blindly devoted dogs to spam this argument - you aren't contributing anything to the argument, you aren't reading what people post, so once again: PI$$ OFF TROLL

Im pretty sure my post poked fun at BOTH of them.

Whose the troll now?

*pats anarqy on the head and ruffles his hair*



Who let Ginorm back in here? Anyone ask for his/her opinion? Didn't think so. I am done stuping to your level of BS. You were a giant waste of everyones time.



Can you keyboard warriors refrain from hijacking this thread anymore with your grammar exercises?

Make a thread called '' Unity vs MAP'', this one clearly states EOW V ??????????

oh i forgot, is this your thread? do you own it? mind your own business dude you aren't a forum moderator, you don't get to decide what is and isn't on topic.

the fact is, the only reason MAP players are posting here and MAP was discussed is because solipicus, in one of HIS posts, opened the "MAP/O42" can of worms/argument, and I replied. so if you have a problem w/ the content of this thread being shifted, I suggest you take it up with the person who shifted it. otherwise, contribute something or shut up.


Im pretty sure my post poked fun at BOTH of them.

Whose the troll now?

*pats anarqy on the head and ruffles his hair*


um, that would still be you, who has now followed me to another thread, and started trying to engage me here.

never saw you before in either of these topics; until one day you decide to single me out and insult me for NO reason; we have never spoken, met, or anything in this game. THAT is the definition of a TROLL. so once again, I ask you: PI$$ OFF TROLL.


why does it seem like i just walked into recess at an elementary school? chill out guys and just fight in game


why does it seem like i just walked into recess at an elementary school? chill out guys and just fight in game

You can fight ingame? Are your sure? This must be some sort of new feature they added. Why does Innogames keep adding new features without telling me. Next you will tell me you can take other people's cities.


um, that would still be you, who has now followed me to another thread, and started trying to engage me here.

never saw you before in either of these topics; until one day you decide to single me out and insult me for NO reason; we have never spoken, met, or anything in this game. THAT is the definition of a TROLL. so once again, I ask you: PI$$ OFF TROLL.

Followed u onto another thread?

Woah you do think a lot of yourself don't you.

It couldn't just be that I read the very same thread and decided I had an opinion could it?

Silly boy.


EOW, look like your score. You dropped over 4 million points already. Your entire Oc 92-93 just broke away. That's another 2 million for TSB and Unity. Thank you very much!

Gentlemans, we've a war to win here ;)



Can you please promise that EOW or whatever they are called over here (chickens) attack me for once, please... I would really appreciate the bps... Teach your players that if you just sit and defend, WE ARE STILL GOING TO TAKE YOUR CITIES!!! Ask your players what happen yesterday...