Theta Alliances

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Well I believe it's Alpha vs ARISE, A-X, AAB. So the odds are stacked against them and they seem to be falling a apart a little bit. Check the thread about that war, though it got a bit off track. From what I know ARISE started in on Alpha a while ago then recently AAB and A-X joined in. I have no clue what the city count in terms of who conquered who is. I would imagine Alpha couldn't handle 3 of the top 12 in an all out war, I doubt any 1 of the top 12 could handle 3 of the others, unless they were the spartans and AoA


ARISE is technically at war with them, but their main focus is on JFL. Check out their latest conquests through grepostats. Alpha doesn't consider them a war either.


I think you're judging too fast. The one who start attacking always have the lead. Alpha started on the defensive, so such result is expected. I would wait for the outcome of the next 48 hours.


Yokhen - You're just saying that because you don't like me, xP.

So since they started defending, its expected that they lose cities? xO

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Alpha has had now since their best player ran away into vacation mode. Now it's just a matter of time before their players start fleeing the war by seeking refuge in another alliance


I believe there is a war thread for Alpha and the war, I don't mind posts on it here but I would like to hear about other alliances also (my curious side ;))



I just wanted one post. Not nearly a page or half of posts :S

Anyhow, someone tell me what they think of Phalanx of Atlas Dragons.

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Well I'm completely biased because I have an issue with their leader but PoAD hasn't had a real fight yet so they are in the top 12 on merits of points and not skill. Until they get a real fight under their belts they are just a large alliance of sim city people, in my opinion. Others might hold them in a higher regard.


I totally agree with Baudin, the Butterflies haven't earned they position at all, probably the one alliance in the top 12 that deserves its rank the least.


I broke that down very nicely to GrepoGod Skally, I would post my analysis but I am reasonably sure Sereton would be forced to punish me severely.

I completely agree with you on your view of Yakult, he may not actually be a complete idiot, but that is the way he chooses to present himself, so we have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunately when alliances are far away from me, as has been stated already, they are virtually invisible, yet POAD are amongst the most invisible there are, a few attacks with the Spartan Phalanx, but that is about it.

It would be easily rectified with a more active forum presence. I would hope, and assume, AX will choose a side in the ARISE/JFL conflict, that would be entertaining.
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You can talk all you want about me, the more you talk, the more famous I become :) Besides, it's not like I really care about a bunch of blasphemies.


"Infamous" you mean.

You obviously do care, since you told me you did in game.

Poor, poor butterflies.


Yeah, in a beginning I did because I thought you were are reasonable man, but then gave up trying to reason with you. Some things are just impossible :) There are just people who enjoy to hate in this world, and one of them are you. I won't stop anyway, I'm not your mom.


Umm sorry, you didn't get all upset when UV and I were bashing on PoAD -in game- ?

I mean who are you trying to convince now? GrepoGod Skally or yourself?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Skall leave him alone, he's just gonna keep up his Holier-Than-Thou attitude when we all know the only holy one among us would be GrepoGod Skally


I know this is a thread about alliances but I feel like this needs to be seen:
"I am Yokhen, no more, no less. A simple-minded philosopher. I am smart but not enough. I am attractive, funny, sometimes cocky, most of the time a gentleman, an when I'm drunk, an artist in different ways, a nerd when it comes to computers, a slacker when it comes to studying, but overall I am a dream-crushed dreamer.
I like [complex] origami, videogames (mostly RPGs), webgames, programming, movies, girls, women, hookah, music, food, bed, sex, and overall myself. And no, I'm not narcissist...
Anyway, hit me up, I am a pretty open minded person, you wouldn't believe how much. Except for if you are a woman that doesn't understand about sex appeal or if you are lesbian, that is."
That is taken word for word from yokhen's profile, now that alone is enough for me to hate an alliance

Not appropriate on the forums , Will be deleting this.

Umm sorry, you didn't get all upset when UV and I were bashing on PoAD -in game- ?

I mean who are you trying to convince now? GrepoGod Skally or yourself?

Just to let you know, you are not a "grepo god" - That possition currently lays with ; Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena and soon to be Hades.

Now get rid of the thought that you can turn this thread into a flame war, I am not having it.