Best & Worst Leaders/Founders Opinions


But who cares about those young whippersnappers? Them and their pop music and long hair and baggy jeans... No respect from them, I swear. They don't know how lucky they have it!

You're lucky you have milk! All we had was tea, without milk or sugar (or tea). We didn't even have cups, we had to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.

But we were happy back then, although we were poor... Sometimes I think it was because we were poor, I was happier then and I had nothing. We used to live in an old watertank on at a rubbish heap, and we got woken up by having a lot of rotten fish dumped on us. Houses? pff. I used to have to get up every morning and shovel the fish out, go to the mill and work fifteen hours a day week in week out for sixpence a week and when we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt.

By the by lefty, what do you drink?

J.n.c 1993

Good first post lol...

I don't hate Knights Empire, Nothing personal against them.

This is grepolis, it's a war game and KE are in neighbouring oceans which we wish to expand too and take over.


Good first post lol...

I don't hate Knights Empire, Nothing personal against them.

This is grepolis, it's a war game and KE are in neighbouring oceans which we wish to expand too and take over.

lol thanks also help me ask PrimeX too :) if you wouldn't mind.

KE is great! Except adamberr hates me lol:Angry:


Worst right now im an unkown quality in this forum
lol also KE is actually not bad in strenght as we are very strong in our oceans


PrimeX will get back to you, he's very busy at the moment in the graphics forum.

Don't worry, me and adamberr don't see eye to eye either haha :p

lol he says your imature just like a 16 year old lol:eek:

J.n.c 1993

like a 16 year old? I'm 17 years old.. That's 1 year difference and I'm not immature.

Just look at the recent threads, I've stopped arguing with Adamberr, Kevski, mimir etc... Isn't that a mature thing to do??


like a 16 year old? I'm 17 years old.. That's 1 year difference and I'm not immature.

Just look at the recent threads, I've stopped arguing with Adamberr, Kevski, mimir etc... Isn't that a mature thing to do??

lol VERY for me:p im 12 lol but very mature.


like a 16 year old? I'm 17 years old.. That's 1 year difference and I'm not immature.

Just look at the recent threads, I've stopped arguing with Adamberr, Kevski, mimir etc... Isn't that a mature thing to do??

Very mature. Sort of like taking your ball home with you because you were losing the game.


If you must know, I'm a quality control analyst for the Southwestern branch of North Poll Manufacturing Ltd. I'm currently an adjunct professor for 2025-Chocolate Coins and their Threat to Industry at NPT- not a lot of money, but it helps pay for my eggnog habit...


hi Chuckin Norris :)

Knights Empire rox, we got a good team and we take fun a lot with BA lol


improved leaders

Hey guys, I got bored so i just copied this idea from another World forum just to make things more interesting. Put your opinions here on who you think is the Best or worst Leaders of the top 12 alliances.

TommyKnight - Leader of Union of Warlords. They are rank 1. He's a great guy, awesome Leader and knows his stuff. I fight alongside with him on Lambda too. He is a good friend and also has a great rank in Eta, Keep it up Tommy. Your doing very well.

Leftytwoguns - Leader of BLACK A.R.M.A.D.A. L2G is very aggressive, rank 1 on the ABP and hes very inspirational for others in his alliance to follow in his footsteps to be very offensive in Battle points. He's in the top 12 ranking of players, great average and leads one of the best alliances in the world. Also very funny on here sometimes :p Best Leader in my opinion.

Hally - One of the leaders of Ultimate Force. I don't know much about him or is it a her? Well all I can say is shes got a lot of work to do on her personal ranking to get more cities but she has okay BP for her rank I guess. Her alliance dominates the North west of the world with a solid core but then I have heard there quite disorganised??

Rolgar - Leader of Dark Fleet Elite. Me and him are good friends in the game. He's good a very good personal rank, leads an alliance that has a great core and has awesome average points. Rolfgar is an honest man, he sets a good example for all of his alliance to follow him under his excellent Leadership. Best Leader in my opinion

J.n.c 93 - Leader of The Elite. Well I can't talk about myself because that's being Biased lol. But I have been told I am a good and competent Leader :) What do all of you guys think of my leadership? :pro:

Legion of Heroes - Leader of Legionnaires of Phoenix. I have never spoken to Legion of Heroes so I don't know much about him but I've spoken to his diplomat elusivenoir who is his Co-Leader I think. They lead a good alliance with a great core however they are boxed in... They are surrounded by big alliances all around them, there leaders need to sort that problem out and go to war...

Scullionus - Leader of Fate. Well he's the Co-Leader, I've hardly spoken to there main Leader. Scullionus is a good guy, very funny and helps lead an awesome alliance that has your FATE in there hands ;) He's personal rank is quite good along with his BP, he's a good ally.

Big Grim - Leader of The Hellenic Warriors. He's just one of there many leaders. I don't know much about him or his alliance unfortunately. But for his personal rank he has a poor amount of points and only has 12k Battle points! That's bad for being a leader of a top 12 alliance, he could do better to show a better example to his members...

Adamberr - Leader of Knights Empire. Well this guy is hated among the top alliances leaders, so is his alliance. But as for his personal rank, he is actually doing well being in the top 12 player rankings and has good BP also. He's managed to keep his alliance together even though they are enemies to the top alliances...

Abaddon the Despoiler - Leader of The Black Legion Army. I don't know much about this guy either but for his personal rank he is doing quite good and has good BP as well. Shame that his alliance has really poor Average points, he could do better to get his alliance together. Perhaps drop the dead weight?

xchris - Leader of Warriors of Ares. This guy is rude especially when you are enemies with him, he has had a bad attitude towards me in the past and towards to L2G as well. In my opinion, this guy is the worst leader in Eta. He leads such a disorganised and scattered alliance that everyone is for themselves and works solo not as an alliance. As for his personal ranking, he colonized his cities which is bad but then he has okay BP for his size, only because people attack him regularly haha! Worst Leader in my opinion.

Aristotle the Great - Leader of THE HOOPS. I don't know much about this guy as well but he leads a very poor MRA that has no chance on its survival in this world. As for his personal rank, not to bad... but then his BP is lacking for his size. He needs to get himself together to make his alliance better.

Give us your opinions everyone. I'm sorry if any of my thoughts have offended anyone but it's just an OPINION of mine!


:cool: xchris the leader of The Warriors of Ares has improved his organization. He is now appointing generals and diplomats for various oceans. Also he is patient and listens to suggestions and is quick to answer any and all messages or inquiries. This is my personal observation of him in Eta world.
In Alpha world I think that juliosathia formerly one of the captains of the TW-Shadow is one of the best commanders. He is now with the Hogs of Destiny since their leader disbanded the group which was No.1 at the time. He keeps in touch with all of his members and brings even the lowliest member up in city Conquesting and teaches them how to get BPS. He is extremely good at coordinating on-time attacks from hordes of members at once.


I think Lefty is the worst leader!!! Omg, lmao, whoa, lol, yay, , thx, bye.