What battle would you like to see?


Oh so now we're doin 1vs1 ?? lol

Well, just a FYI, Coggz was a great guy, and good attacker. I can't say anything bad about him. But I would win :D

I'd like to see valheru vs SirVlad, or cb627 vs bobytza.

On a personal note, myself vs Coggz would have been a good battle, with him gone... Murtius :D Never battled with him, too far away. But I think we have similar gameplay styles, and would make for a good fight.


Valheru vs SirVlad. SirVlad is a great player, but as an attacker Val has no match in this world.

cb627cb627 vs boby. This matchup has already happened during the Lynx vs BS war. I tried taking a city from him and failed, but perhaps one day........... ;)

Valhero vs Fordperfect.

Redfoxy vs Bloodred.


Val would destroy ford!!!! And r3d would win in my book.
I want to see this battle
Zoddgod vs Val we all know who'd win this one
And cb627cb627 vs Val
And bobytza33 vs Val


Zodd v Val - yup... val. Its pretty unfair to put val against anyone!

cb v val - val

boby val - val

SPARTAN GODS v SirVlad, cris kid, cb#s, Maywati, and bobytza


Def sirvladamir,etc.

val+sirvladamir+ rmoller+Bloodred+cb+boby+Jimmy the saint vs GS


This is insanely one-sided, top players is the obvious victors.

Omicrons New Revolution VS Red Dragon Reclaimers


since i know Red Dragon Reclaimers.. i would have to say Omicrons New Revolution.

DFW v/s AA


That's a tough one, but 1 vs 1 I'd have to go with DFW.

Sablanizon vs bodnapa


BS, TU, and GE vs the rest of the world................ oh, wait....I guess that's happening now.


Sorry bod, but one on one I would crush you. There is not other way to say it, lol. And the following would be a handicap match, the bigger opponent has to have the same amount of cities as the smaller opponent. So here we go let some analytical minds going off. Be sure to use all the tools available, i.e. grepostats, grepo-maps, etc..:

Sablanizon VS cb627cb627


Are we discussing city war or verbal content, cause I'm fairly certain bodnapa could give anyone a run for thier money on that one, lol (no offense)


it's funny how biased most players are being about Alpha, when most of you are from TU.


Are we discussing city war or verbal content, cause I'm fairly certain bodnapa could give anyone a run for thier money on that one, lol (no offense)

First off this is all hypothetical, and I personally haven't had the chance to attack or receive an attack from bod, so all my post are nothing more than opinions and all based on stats. The accuracy of said turn outs are all based entirely on opinions. Preferably one would not want to predict a result when one is part of the deliberation but being that no one has posted or possibly mere boredom I decided to go ahead and create somewhat of an informative post.

Going back on topic, Myself (sablanizon) VS CB#'s and remember it is a handicap match (see relevant post prior to all irrelevant post).


it's funny how biased most players are being about Alpha, when most of you are from TU.

Mate can I advise you to have a look around this forum before posting again, read a few threads and see what other alpha players have said. I think you'll find you are saying the same thing that every other Alpha player has posted on here which means your been boring and nobody likes the boring guy.


cb#'s v sablanizon, not sure what you mean by handicap match (I thought that was when 2 people ganged up on 1) but judging by BP, location and points, I'd say cb#'s would win but it wold be costly.

now do (my hero) ArcherOfOlympus vs the whole of omicron.


cb#'s v sablanizon, not sure what you mean by handicap match (I thought that was when 2 people ganged up on 1) but judging by BP, location and points, I'd say cb#'s would win but it wold be costly.

now do (my hero) ArcherOfOlympus vs the whole of omicron.

Archer vs the "whole" of omicron. (I assume you're referring to Redfox)

I'll have to go with Redfox on this one.

Boby vs SirVlad.....


I say Niels, Zodd is just full of talk but can't seem to take a city.